Files and Info for SFSU Classes


SFSU PC Technology Class

Lenny Bailes, Instructor

Agenda for Day 1  (9/30/02), Agenda for Day 2 (10/7/02), Agenda for Day 3  (10/14/02)

Here are the class outline, main class handout, and the lab exercises.

If you want to install and view a good hardware tutorial that we use
in class, download the file I've placed here, WEBSITE.EXE

Copy the file to a folder on your hard disk and double-click
WEBSITE.EXE in Windows Explorer to unpack the files.
Then enter C:\Foldername\Index.htm in the Internet Explorer URL window.

DOS Help Files

Versions of DOS previous to Windows 95 contained an online HELP utility that would permit the user to get detailed information about all of the operating system commands. If you're interested in studying this as a reference tutorial, then download DOSHELP.EXE Doubleclick the file in Windows Explorer to unpack the files, then run the HELP.COM file to access the command reference.

Hardware Reference Document

This PC Reference document contains more detailed information on motherboards, hard disk and video standards.


SFSU Windows 2000 Pro Networking & Support Class

Lenny Bailes, Instructor

Day 1 Agenda,   Day 2 Agenda , Day 3 Agenda

Here are updated versions of the class outline, notes handout, and lab exercises in MS Word format..

SFSU Windows 2000 Administration Class

Lenny Bailes, Instructor

Current class handouts in MS Word format.

Day 1 Agenda, Day 2 Agenda , Day 3 Agenda

SFSU Windows 2000 Technical Support Class

Lenny Bailes, Instructor

Current class handouts in MS Word format.

Day 1 Agenda, Day 2 Agenda, Day 3 Agenda


Internet Information Server Class

Day 4 Agenda

Course Outline
MS Index Server
MS Transaction Server
IIS Security
IIS Troubleshooting

SFSU Windows NT4 Administration Class

Lenny Bailes, Instructor

Tutorial files for Windows NT 4 Server.

Current class handouts in MS Word format.

Day 1 Agenda, Day 2 Agenda; Day 3 Agenda, Day 4 Agenda, Day 5 Agenda , Day 6 Agenda


SFSU Windows NT Class -- Web Track

Lenny Bailes, Instructor

Current class handouts in MS Word format.

Intro to Internet Information Server PowerPoint Presentation

Class agenda for day 2. Class agenda for Day 3.

Microsoft IIS Help material.

SFSU Windows NT4 Tech Support Class Track

Lenny Bailes, Instructor

Tutorial files for Windows NT 4 Server.

Current class handouts in MS Word format.

Day 1 Agenda, Day 2 Agenda; Day 3 Agenda; Day 4 Agenda; Day 5 Agenda .

The following are useful links to information about Windows 2000.

Unofficial Guide to Windows 2000 (dummy's quick tour)
Windows 2000 Server Features
Windows 2000 Professional Features
Microsoft's Windows 2000 Pages

Lenny's articles:
on the web
(within these, you'll find links to a wide variety of Microsoft technical documents and pages):
Windows 2000 Enterprise Strategy (upgrade issues)
Windows 2000 New Network Features

Active Directory from A to Z (Download: MS Word Format | Zip archive with pictures



SFSU PC Maintenance Class

Lenny Bailes, Instructor

For a comparison between the Norton System Works, McAfee Office Suite and Mijenix Fix-It "kitchen sink" utility suites, see this TSG_Utilities spreadsheet, which compares the features of all three products.

For more information about Windows 98 Backup, download PCMNotes.


SFSU Windows 95/98 Support Class

Lenny Bailes, Instructor

Day 1 Agenda , Day 2 Agenda, Day 3 Agenda, Day 4 Agenda, Day 5 Agenda.

Here's an updated version of the class outline, class handout, and lab exercises. You should also find this networking tutorial useful.

You'll find an exploration of the Windows 98 file association properties and system registry in more depth than we have time for in class, here, in REGINTRO.DOC.

Information on working with MS-DOS and configuring DOS to recognize a CD-ROM drive is in DOSINTRO.DOC.