The bad news is it could be too late.
By Patricia Beaulieu in the Spring 1997 Alternatives Journal 23:2
Much of the climate change debate so far has rested on the comfortable
assumption that with increased concentrations of greenhouse gases, global
average temperatures will rise slowly over decades, perhaps even over a
The expected eventual effects are nasty - more frequent and severe storms,
sea-level rise, additional precipitation in some regions and drought in
others, species and habitat loss, increase in forest fires, disease and
insect infestation and so on. Along the way there will also be more
extreme weather events with very damaging effects. But at least the
warming will be gradual.
Or maybe not.
There is another, more troublesome possibility. Scientists examining the
historical record in Greenland ice cores say some past climate shifs seem
to have happened quickly. If so, we may be facing a rapid flip from the
current climate regime to a much different warmer regime.
The underlying theory is that regional and global climate systems are like
other complex systems - they can adjust only so far to accommodate new
factors such as increased atmospheric carbon dioxide and the associated
greenhouse effect. When such a system approaches the threshold at the
outside edge of its adjustment capabilities, it may fluctate wildly.
Then it fragments and reorganizes into a new stable regime.
While the flip re-establishes a state of decreased fluctations, the new
regime may be very different from its predecessor.
The fear in climate change circles is that the increasingly frequent
extreme weather events we are seeing now may be a sign that our climate
system is already nearing its threshold and a rapid climate flip may be
just ahead.
Historical evidence supporting such a possibility comes from ice core
research. Like tree rings, ice cores provide yearly evidence of some
environmnetal conditions. Snow and therefore ice accumulation is lower in
cold periods in Greenland.
Ice core data from Greenland suggest that the climate of the North
Atlantic during the last warm, interglacial period fluctuated more than
that of the present (perhaps because of an enhanced hydrological cycle
associated with the warmer mean climate) and there were rapid transitions
between warm and cold periods occuring over just a few decades. (1)
The warming at the end of the last glaciation was characterized by a
series of abrupt returns to glacial climate, of whichthe best known is the
Younger Dryas event, which endedapproximately 10,000 years ago.
Apparently it ended very quickly. Results from the Greenland ice core
GISP2 indicate that the transition from the cold Younger Dryas period to
the subsequent Preboral period occured in one to three years during which
snow accumulation doubled. (2)
Alley and his colleagues calculate that the two-fold accumulation increase
indicates a warming of approximately seven degrees Celsius in the North
American climate system. (3)
If they are right, in only a few years Greenland's climate flipped into a
new state that was on average about seven degrees warmer and twice as
It does not follow that the same quick, regional warming and similarly
severe other changes happened globally at the same time. Perhaps the
effects of more gradual global changes led to an unusually rapid shift in
the North Atlantic regional climate.
The concept of system flips is increasingly accepted in ecology. When
natural and human-caused stresses drive an ecosystembeyond the bounds of
its normal state, the system may flip into another phase with
significantly different characteristics. (4)
This has happened, for example, in parts of the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence
River Basin where nutrient loadings from untreated sewage and agricultural
runoff, combined with other stresses, triggered euthophication with alge
blooms and murky water. This favoured pelagic fish that live and feed
near the surface.
When remediation reduced these stresses, the pelagic fish system survived
for a while. But when the waters cleared enough to allow light to reach
further down, the system "flipped" or re-organized itself into a state
favoring benthic (bottom-feeding) fish.
The resulting aquatic ecosystem is again stable, but very different from
the two that preceded it, i.e., the pristine oligotrophic and the modifies
eutrophic states.
In the case of the global climatic system the danger is that stresses from
greenhouse gas effects are pushing the present syastem over the threshold
where it must flip into a new warmer system that will be stable, but
different from the climate on which our agriculture, economy, settlements
and lives depend.
Patrica Beaulieu is a student in Environmnetal and Resource Studies at
the University of Waterloo, Ontario.
(1) A.J. Weaver and T>M>C> Hughes, "Rapid Interglacial Climate
Fluctuations Driven by North Atlantic Ocean Circulation," Nature, 367
(1997), p. 447.
(2) R.B. Alley et all, "Abrupt Increase in Greenland Snow Accumulation at
the End of the Younger Dryas Event," Nature, 362 (1993), pp. 527-529.
(3) Ibid.
(4) H.A. Regier and J.J. Kay, "An Heuristic Model of Transformations of
the Aquatic Ecosystems of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin,"
Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health (in press).
For William
material on related topics.
Bob Aegerter
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Bob Aegerter, Revised - November 2, 1998