The Potawot Health Village
for the United Indian Health
Service in Arcata,
California by Mulvanny Architects
has the appearance of a traditional
Indian Village of Northern California . It is designed to emit the
feeling of "wellness" rather than "illness".
Humbolt Water Resources the environmental consultant based in Arcata, California was presented with The Ecological Society of America's 1999 Corporate Special Recognition Award for their work on environmental restoration of the site.
This facility will serve nine tribes and more than 13,000 American Indians, including members of the Yuork, Weeot, and Tolowa Tribes.
"Tribes are taking care back into their hands in California because the government is just not providing it," says Jerry Simone, director.
Views of the reconstruction of a Northern Californa First Nation
Green Lake Path
Photo of existing path.
Computer graphic simulation by MacLeod - Reckord, Landscape
Architects Seattle, WA.
Copyright © 1997 - 2000, 2001 Bob Aegerter, Revised - April 17, 2003