We do not inherit the world from our parents,
borrow it from our children.
-Native American Wisdom
"All must participate in the creation of an ecologically sustainable
future for the planet, but the 'integrating professions' - architects and
engineers, planners and designers - are particularly critical, because we
are responsible for the shape of the world we construct." - World Congress
of Architects
If future generations are to remember us with gratitude rather than contempt, we must leave them more than the miracles of technology. We must leave them a glimpse of the world as it was in the beginning, not just after we got through with it. -Lyndon B. Johnson
People who care conserve;
people who don't know don't care.
What is the extinction of the condor
to a child who has never known a
-Robert Michael Pyle
The Thunder Tree, 1993
My spelling is wobbly. It's good spelling but it wobbles, and letters get
in the wrong places. Winnie the Pooh - A. A. Milne
I used to clinb mountains to get to the top.
I used to do it to test my courage,
or tell people I climbed mountains.
Then one day I fell thirty-five feet and landed on my head.
Now I climb to enjoy the rock, snow, the flowers and the other
- Steve Taylor.
You have to look at sources with a skeptical eye. I read The Wall
Street Journal , governmnet documents, The New York Times,
and so on, as well as sources from what is called the left, but always
with a critical distance. When people ask me what they should rely on, my
answer is always, "Your own intelligence," and that includes when your
reading what I say. If you rely on what I say, your're in trouble because
your're starting with the assumption that somebody's got the truth, and
thats not the case.
-Noam Chomsky, Lihguist and political dissenter,
Speak (March/April 1999).
little common sence, goodwill, and a tiny dose
of unselfishness
could make this goodly Earth an Earthly Paradise.
-Richard Aldington
Education is an
admirable thing,
but it is well to remember from time
to time that
nothing that is worth
knowing can be taught.
Happiness may well consist primarly
of an attitude
toward time.
- Robert Grudin
come and look,
What you see is what you
bring with you.
-Thomas Gleb
If you don't know where
you want to go,
then any road will do.
the white rabbit said to
Alice in Wonderland.
comparative materials, it seems quite clear
that the utopias men live
by are of vital importance in such
mundane matters as wheather they
will struggle to preserve the identity
of their society, their class,
their religion, or their vocation;
wheather they will plant trees
which take two lifetimes to mature; whether they will take thought to stop
the forests from being depleted,
the good soil being washed into the
sea, or the gene pool from
becoming exposed to too much radiation.
- Margaret Mead, 1971
The world we
are told, was made espically for man
- a presumption not supported by
all the facts.
-John Muir
Thousand Mile Walk to the Gulf (Page
Because there haven't been any
advances, Malcom said.
Not really. Thirty thousand years ago, when
men were
doing cave paintings at Lascaux,
they worked 20 hours a
week to provide themselves with food
and shelter and clothing. The
rest of the time they could play,
or sleep, or do whatever they
wanted. And they lived in a
natural world, with clean air, clean
water, beautiful trees and
sunsets. Think about it. Twenty hours a
Thirty thousand years ago.
- Michael Crichton
A man who keeps company
with glaciers
comes to feel tolerably insignificant
by and by.
The mountains and glaciers
together are able to take every bit of
conceit out of a man and reduce his
self-importance to zero if
he will
only remain within the influence of
their sublime
presence long enough to
give it a fair and reasonable chance to do
its work.
-Mark Twain, A Tramp Abroad
The whole country is very Rough
and the weather in July will
freeze a kyote
so I am sure you would call it grand.
- Fred
Stephens, letter to Walter Wilcox.
- William Henry Channing
Bob Aegerterellingham WA
E-Mail Bob Aegerter
Copyright © 1997-1998-1999, Bob Aegerter, Revised November 19,