Windows 2000 Administration
ITP 9986 --Lenny Bailes (Wednesdays, 11/6-11/20; - 10am-5pm)

Day 1 Agenda

1.   Student & teacher intros (10 min)

2.   Discuss available resources for learning about Windows 2000: (20 min)

SFSU W2K Admin Class Homepage

Microsoft Pages

Windows 2000 Server home page

What's New in Windows 2000

Windows 2000 Documentation Overview (includes suggested best practices for admin)

Microsoft MCSE Exam Preparation Guide

MCMCSE Windows 2000 Server Study Guide

Lycos Windows 2000 Tutorials

Installing Windows 2000,,9+50+26807,00.html

Windows 2000 Server Administration,,26123,00.html

Network tutorials,,9+50+26124,00.html

Free Books Online

DeAnza College Windows NT Distance Learning Course
Learn about Windows NT on TV!
This class is televised on KCSM (ch. 60 or ch. 17 on cable), currently, on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 1AM. Windows NT4 is currently Fridays and Saturdays at 1AM). For full schedule information,


Zone Alarm: a good, free, software firewall:

Print Resources (recommended):

Fill out and hand-in skills survey

3.  Review logging into Windows 2000 Server (5 minutes)
Why press Ctrl+Alt+Del? Changing passwords, Using Task Manager
create power user account

4.  Strategic overview of W2K administration (45 minutes)

Why Windows 2000 Server?
Exercise 1, See labs handout

5. Quick W2K Installation Review (45 min)
         Exercise 2


Windows 2000 Server Installation Simulation

[lunch break]

6.  Review of Administrative Tools Group (30 min)
     See class notes document & W2K Pro resource kit

7.    Working with Local Users and Groups Snap-In (30 min)
        Exercise 3 

 8.   Windows 2000 Groups: Local, Global, Domain Local (and Organizational Units) (45 minutes)
See class handout & Windows Help.

  9.   Shared Folders Review (10 min)
(See Win2K Help, search for Shared Folders->Creating Shared Folders)

10.   Account Management Exercise (45 min)    

Try using the account information from Exercise 4 in the labs handout and implement this company's accounts on a stand-alone Windows 2000 Server. (After we install ADS, we'll set up a user database for the McDuck company at the domain level.)

Accounts need to be create for the following personnel at McDuck Industries. For now, the company will be placing both its Accounts and Inventory databases on a stand-alone W2K Server.






Gyro Gearloose

Network Administrator


Donald Duck



Scrooge McDuck



Huey Duck

Sales Manager


Dewey Duck

Accounts Manager


Louie Duck

Sales representative


Minnie Mouse

Account representative



Huey and Dewey should not be full administrators, but Gyro would like them to be able to back up the server.

The administrator, all the executives, and managers need to be able to access both the Accounts and Inventory folders. However, when new representatives are hired (such as Louie and Minnie), they should only be given access to the folder that contains the database for their own department.

Donald is not to be trusted with any system maintenance tasks and Scrooge doesn't want to be bothered. How can the account structure for this domain be set up?

11. Workgroups vs. Domains, Trees, and Forests (45 minutes)
     See  class notes and,,26123+24896+405,00.html
     DNS Video
     Directory Services Video 

12. Creating a Windows 2000 Domain (upgrading a member server to a Domain Controller) (45 minutes)    


Study Exercise 4 and 5 in Labs handout. Review information on Groups, User Accounts, Domains, Trees, Forests, and Active Directory Services in class handout. Look over Best Practices on the Microsoft Windows 2000 Documentation site for Licensing.

If at all possible, review the Information on How to Use column on the Microsoft What's New in Windows 2000 Server page under the Networking section for TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, and WINS. (You don't have to read it all, but try to get some background on these topics for next class.) Read the online Microsoft Documentation for working with NTFS File Permissions.

Also read Lycos How-Tos   Introducing Active Directory , Designing an AD Tree, and Using AD Users and Computers. (Review other Lycos tutorial sections under Windows 2000 Server Administration, as needed.)