Windows 2000 Professional Networking & Tech Support

SF State Information Technology Program -- Instructor: Lenny Bailes

Day 2 Agenda


    1.   Loose ends from last session [20 min]

    a.) The downloadable Microsoft Compatibility Checker is being upgraded to rate systems for Windows XP readiness. To check Windows 2000 compatibility, users much search Microsoft databases manually. (The APCOMPAT.EXE file I demo'd in class is used for resolving compatibility problems with older software applications _after_ W2K Pro has already been installed.

    b) Clarification of Last Known Good Configuration and ERD backups

    Last Known Good Configuration restores registry values from SYSTEM.ALT file in Winnt\System32\Config file. This includes most OS configuration values saved during the last successful boot. This option *does not* take values from the original registry saved in the \Winnt\Repair Folder

    Emergency Repair Disk: Contains two options when invoked from Setup menu, Manual Repair and Fast Repair

    Fast Repair replaces registry values from the copy of the original Registry stored in the \Winnt\Repair folder *even if you have created an Emergency Repair Disk.

    Manual Repair checks other system files but does not replace any registry values.
    *To restore values backed up to the \Winnt\Repair\Regback folder created by the Emergency Repair disk, you must copy the files manually from the command line in the Recovery Console as below:

    C:\WINNT\REPAIR\REGBACK\>Copy *.* c:\winnt\system32\Config


    For a practical example of how the registry works, try this exercise:

    a) Open Regedit and go this key:[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\desktop. Notice the     current setting for Wallpaper, then go to the Registry pulldown menu and export the desktop key to a     file called DESKTOP.REG.

        Doubleclick on the Wallpaper setting within the Desktop key and enter the filepath to a Bitmap file,     such as: C:\WINNT\Clouds.bmp

        Now log off and log back onto your computer and observe the wallpaper setting has been     incorporated. To restore the system to the previous wallpaper setting, go to the folder that has the     DESKTOP.REG file, right-click on the file and choose "Merge."

    b) Regedit *DOES* run from the command line in the Recovery Console If you've exported the     Registry to a text file called BACKUP.REG, through REGEDIT's Export feature (as we did in class),     you can restore the system registry in the Recovery Console:

       To restore the registry in an emergency, you can open the Recovery Console to a command prompt,,    go to the directory that contains the BACKUP.REG file and issue the command:

       C:\WINNT\> Regedit /s BACKUP.REG

    For more information, see And click on the fifth item down "What switches are available for Running Regedit at a CMD prompt.

    2.   Finish  installing Windows 2000 Professional (Ex. 6). [30-45 min]
           See class notes handout, p. 6-7 and this
          Techweb article ( as well as

    3.    Windows Control Panel Overview
           See,aid,104690,pg,5,00.asp   [15 min]
    Display applet, Add/Remove Programs, Add/Remove Hardware, Folder Options, Fonts, Users and Passwords, System

    4.    Discussion of work-related W2K Problems (optional) [30 min]

    [Lunch Break]

    5.     Intro to Network Topology [45 min]
    Useful functions of a network -- why use one?
            Peer-to-peer vs. Client-Server topologies
            Workgroups vs. Domains
            Setting up Windows 2000 Professional for Printer and File Sharing on Microsoft Networks
     See class notes handout and

    6.    Sharing Files, Folders, and Printers [90 min]
    Exercise 7 in Labs document
     Share Permissions vs. NTFS File Permissions  

    7.    Setting up a W2K Pro Peer-to-Peer network  [1hr]
    See Lycos Improving Your Network
    Basic hardware requirements: Network Interface Card, Cables (for 10/100BaseT),        Hub/Switch/Router
    Basic software requirements:  NIC Drivers, protocols, network client for operating system
    LAN vs. WAN,,9+50+26124+24906+236,00.html

           Installing a Network Card, Adding Protocols

           Implementing a TCP/IP network
           Creating a subnet, entering IP addresses, Gateways, DHCP and DNS Servers, Renewing        DHCP address, Using Ping, Tracert, NSLookup

    Review troubleshooting information in class handout.
    and on Lycos

    Read this tutorial on setting up Windows 2000 Internet Connection Sharing
    Study for Final Quiz
    Check out the Windows 2000 Professional tutorials at various locations & prepare list of questions (if any?)
    Review material on upcoming Windows 2000 Server Class, if you're interested in learning more detailed procedures for configuring a Windows 2000 Server.