PC Technology
SF State Information Technology Program -- Instructor: Lenny Bailes
Day 3 Agenda
1. Finish Lab 4: Exploring the PC BIOS [45 min]
See also: PC Mech Bios Reference http://www.pcmech.com/bios.htm
Lycos BIOS troubleshooter http://howto.lycos.com/lycos/step/1,,139+24491+6247,00.html
2. Install and format new hard disk [45 min]
See http://www.pcguide.com/proc/setup/hdd-c.html3. Review of PC vocabulary
see http://www.karbosguide.com/hardware/module5a1a.htm ,
http://www.karbosguide.com/hardware/module6a1.htm (15 minutes)4. Discuss/review hexadecimal notation for Lab 3 exercise [30 to 45 minutes]
Explanation for why we learn binary and hex code
Each byte in memory (or on a disk) is the equivalent of one alphanumeric character (ABCabc1234$^&, etc.).
A byte has eight binary bits examples: 00000001 (decimal value 1) or 00001111 (decimal value 15).
There are 256 possible ways (2 to the 8th power) that you can arrange a string of eight "ones" and "zeros"
to form a byte of information. If you go to a website with a PC character map chart, for instance,
you'll see that each binary/decimal value between 0 and 127 has a different command or alphanumeric character
associated with it. (For instance, a capital letter "A" has a value of 65 (or 01000001). The values between 128 and 255
are reserved for special language alphabet characters and drawing boxes, as you can see in the Extended
Character chart at
http://www.ecsu.ctstateu.edu/personal/faculty/whiter/Csc100/ASCII-code/ascii.htmSo knowing a little bit about the relation between decimal numbering and binary numbering can make it easier
to understand how the computer turns strings of ones and zeros into executable commands and text that
you see on the screen.5. Discussion of PC boot process (15 minutes)
see main handout, page 147. Video hardware (45 min)
See http://www.karbosguide.com/hardware/module7a1.htm
Change display settings in Windows 9.x/20008. PC Troubleshooting (60 min)
See http://www.pcguide.com/ts/gen/mental.htm
Third-party diagnostic tools, see
Device Manager IRQs9. Final Quiz (75 minutes)