Windows NT 4 Administration
ITP 9986 --Lenny Bailes (M,W,F 4/23-5/2; 6-9:30pm)


Day 1 Agenda

Student & teacher intros

Special Edition -- Using Windows NT Server 4.0 (online version of printed self-help book)

Microsoft Windows NT Product Homepage -- contains more detailed information for MIS &
Executives Executive Overview -- Feature List and Marketing Arguments

Microsoft Windows NT Technical Support Homepage links to Newsgroups and Knowledge Base

DeAnza College Windows NT Distance Learning Course
Learn about Windows NT on TV!
This class is televised on KCSM (ch. 60 or ch. 17 on cable, currently, on Wednesdays and Thursdays
at 1AM. Windows 2000 Pro is currently Fridays and Saturdays at 1AM). For full schedule information,

Print Resource (recommended):

Windows NT Administration Kit and Windows NT Technical Support Kit
Microsoft Press (includes tutorials, videos, + 120-day version of Windows NT Server)
Administration: ISBN # 1-57231-439-7 Tech Support: ISBN # 1-57231-373-0

Zone Alarm: a good, free, software firewall:

Fill out and hand-in skills survey

Why Windows NT?

Installation Review (45 minutes-optional)

Training simulation
How to download and install NT Service Pack 6.0a. (


Domains vs. Workgroups (Microsoft Video) (15 minutes)


Read about Sharing Files and Printers and User Manager (p. 5- 10 in handout). Also see



Day 2 Agenda

More online resources: (10 min)
free online Windows NT self-help book)

Review Questions on Microsoft Video (training guide, p. 11) (10 min)
see also

Review of Administrative Tools Group (30 min)

Overview of Network Architecture (30 minutes)
Configuration: Client, Adapter, Protocol


Basic NT Skills (30 min)
How to share a folder
Installing and Sharing a printer

[Survey of Control Panel apps (30-45 minutes)

Domain accounts vs. local accounts (10 minutes)

Quick look at User Manager (30 minutes)
How to create a user account ]

review p. 6-13 in class handout, study p. 14-16
(For additional background, read Using Windows NT Server, chapters 12 and 13 online.)

Day 3 Agenda

Review Questions: (MS Guide p.31) (10 min)

What is the primary difference between Windows NT Server and Workstation?
What is the difference between between a domain and a workgroup?
What is the difference between a domain controller and a member server?

Installing and Sharing a printer (review)(30 min)

[[Survey of Control Panel apps (15 minutes)
Display, System, Add/Remove Programs, Server, Network [Internet, SCSI Adapters, Modems, and others] ]]

Intro to User Manager (1 hr)
How to create a user account, planning considerations
naming conventions, password requirements, basic account options (handout, p. 6-9)


Intro to Windows Groups and MS Video (40 min)
Global and Local Groups
Domain accounts vs. local accounts

Exercise 1 (handout, p. 12, MS Guide, p. 87) (20 min)

Exercise 1a: partner up, create a Domain User account for your partner. (30 min)
Boot Windows 98 and configure it to log into your partner's domain
Connect to shared printer on partner's Domain.

Built-in Windows NT Groups (handout, p. 12-13)

Homework: study handout, p. 14-22
.(For additional background, read Using Windows NT Server, chapters 12 and 13 online.)


Day 4 Agenda

Review Homework assignment (10 min)

Review of User Manager options (20-30 min)
account templates, Users into Global groups into Local Groups attached to Your resources

Built-in Windows NT Groups (handout, p. 12-13) (45 min)


Day 5 Agenda

Review Built-in Windows NT Groups (handout, p. 12-13) (15 min)

Sharing Files and Folders (MS Training guide p. 174-175) (30 min)


Shared folders give network users centralized access to network files. When a folder is shared, all users by default can connect to the shared folder and gain access to the folder's content.

You can assign share permissions to user and group accounts to control what users can do with the content of a shared folder.

Share permissions

Full control: modify permissions, take ownership of files (on NTFS volume), Perform all tasks permitted by Change and Read Permissions. (Assigned by default to Everyone group when a folder is first shared)

Change: Create folders and add files

Change data in files
Append data to files
Change file attributes
Delete folders and files
Perform all tasks permitted by Read Permission.

Read:     Display folder names and file names

Display the data and attributes of files
Run program files
*Access other folders within that folder

Share permissions are effective only when a user connects to the folder over a network. (They do not restrict folder access when a user logs on locally to the machine where the files reside.)

If the volume where the folder resides is formatted with NTFS, you can secure local resources with NTFS permissions.

When permissions are assigned to a user and also to a group that the user belongs to, the user's permissions are the least restrictive permissions that result from the combination of user and group permissions. [Read + Change=Change]

The No Access permission overrides all other permissions (See Using Windows NT Server, Chapter 13 for more information.

Creating a sample account database (1 hr)



Day 6 Agenda

Logging into a domain from Windows 98 (& Windows NT 4 Workstation) (30 min)
map network drive
best practices, review p.205-206, MS Training guide

Joining a domain (30 min) Demo
Server Manager Exercise

Share Permissions and NTFS Permissions (1hr)

NTFS permissions protect resources for users who: a) access a resource by connecting to a server over a network, b) access resources by logging onto the local computer where they reside.

NTFS permissions have greater granularity (permit more control by the administrator) than Share Permissions.

There are six levels of NTFS file and folder permissions:

Read (R) Display folder and file names, permissions, attribute, owner (open data files)
Write (W) Add files and folders, change a folder's attributes, display owner and permissions, create and append data in existing files. (Cannot create new files? Test.)
Execute (X) All R and W permissions, plus ability to change folders, and run programs.
Delete (D) Delete a folder (or file)
Change Permissions (P) Change permissions on folder (or file).
Take Ownership (O) Take ownership of a folder or file

Microsoft Video: Permissions
Review questions (MS Admin Training Guide, p. 219

What do shared folders provide access to?
What can share permissions be assigned to?
What can NTFS permissiions be assigned to?
When you combine a share permission with an NTFS permission, what becomes the effective permission?


NTFS Sharing exercise (30 min)

Final Quiz (45 min)
