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Lion Kimbro : Projects

I work on a million projects at a time. Projects never finish, and it's hard to say where they begin and end, both temporally and causally. It is inefficient to work on a single project at a time.

Coding Projects

A collection of nethack style rogue-like games.
Infinity 2
Infinity 2 is a Python rogue-like game with an infinite world. Infinity 1 randomly created worlds willy-nilly; Infinity 2, which I am developing right now, uses procedural world generation and patches. It also features a well defined plot. Design is finished (~40-50 pages now), I've programmed a third of it, but have spent just about all of my motivation-emotional money on it. (sigh)
Light Racer (or "Light Rain")
A new type of game, sort of a cross between Tron, mazes, and various racing games.
Problem Sets Database Driven Web Application (for lack of a better name)
This is a set of python scripts that I use to help teach the Fledging Unix Programmers classes. My intention is that the class materials that I create will be useful to and used by people all over the world who want to learn C (or other programming things), and that people will use the python scripts to build their own problem sets, to teach others. The problem sets scripts can run using python shelves which come with every python distribution, or that they can be used with PostGreSQL.
Python RPG
I worked a liiittle bit on the Python RPG module, and may devote some more work to it.
The Python GTK+ Discovery Project
(That thar's an anime reference...) This is a collection of notes that I keep while working with Python and GTK+.
The LibXML2 Discovery Project
Some notes I've taken on libxml2, the Gnome XML library.
Animation Editor
This is a story about a code sculpture that I worked on, an animation editor. This is not a serious project, merely a fun coding experiment in order to learn more about GTK+, and to learn more about UI construction in general. I put this on the web because I think that people working on the GTK+ libraries (in particular, the GnomeCanvas) may find the feedback useful, and someone who is teaching themself how to use GTK+ or evaluating GTK+ may find reading my experience with teaching myself the library useful as well.

Writing Projects

I have several writing projects online; Here are a few of many things I've written.

Why Seattle
Why I moved to Seattle.
Dear Friend
A letter I wrote to myself when I was rather sad, some time in 2000. Light and Sound inspired.
The "G" Word
Ruminitions on the meaning of a Word.


The following licensing applies to everything in proj subdirectories:

Source code is implicitly GPL'ed. Images are implicitly under the following basicly worded license: You may use the image in any way, provided that you allow others to use the image in any way. I'll tighten the bolts on this some day. Mail me,, for details.