"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
- Arthur C. Clarke
High Performance Computing Conferences
SC 2000: High Performance Networking and Computing Conference
High Performance Computing Facilities
Cornell Theory Center Home Page
Drexel University's Beowulf Supercomputer
Joint Institute for Computational Science
Laboratory for Computational Astrophysics
Maui High Performance Computing Center
NASA/GSFC Space Data and Computing Division
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
National Scalable Cluster Project
NOAA/FSL/AD Advanced Computing Branch
NPACI: National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center (NPAC)
Numerical Aerospace Simulation Facility at NASA Ames
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
San Diego Supercomputing Center
Scientific Computing Division at NCAR
High Performance Computing Sites
Links to High Performance Computing Links
NASA HPCC Computational Aerosciences Project
Weldon Working Group Home Page
High Performance Computing Projects
ASCI, the Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative - at LANL
ASCI, the Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative - at LLNL
ASCI, the Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative - at Sandia
HPCC Earth and Space Science Applications Project
JPL High Performance Computing and Communications Home Page
NASA/GSFC Space Data and Computing Division
High Performance Computing Software
OpenMP: Simple, Portable, Scalable SMP Programming
Web Resources