Deanna Ferguson

Deanna Ferguson

It's Bad For You

     Had I seen square when 
     eyeball suture teethed with 
     cankorous proclivity I
     could of died to prod behind
     my high-heeled professional the 
     way spat hangs off
     edge of a chin. Zuzu petals 
     herself as pucker in putative 
     puts off yet imported pastrami 
     sends. Build to bang, bend.
     Soaking redresses life's 
     expectancy, puffing 
     a major cause of smart disease. Picks 
     include co-ed doggy push-face, call me live 
     at home. Soap Ken's moan. Down 
     Antigone's hospice, earthward
     a shift outright. Alone, a looney, what birds 
     of killing worth raddled in the twilight sequel.
     Age as ass rode the knight divina cleat Oh 
     stupid Love, ain't I astonished.
     Crude cleave garbled that cadenza
     look it up. Goon gone as deed. Double
     digit bum-out. Like so much cake 
     and having to eat it, the girls 
     are hungry the ladies 
     weak the dames 
     dead and same please
     should beasts be freer than we? Please 
     I'm a thinking thing, a public stew
     (pussy melt hearts thru the kidneys)
     a tall blonde dumbell with a vegetarian nugget
     (Goodness Goddess Idleness)
     elles like chicken le cheap like fish. I've 
     had it to my neck, imaginary bowel, soured 
     tummy, hit the lights
     hampers chompers coast 
     wreck cut this deck various 
     logics capture thee. Drunk 
     having sex with mom 
     in the lavatory. Assume to say 
     and lack good company of confession
     paralytic revelation parasitic 
     empty ephiphinied the rhime. Fear 
     of fine, nor better to booze up and riot 
     than diet against ache of ennui and hang 
     of wasted time. Nor
     better to smell out of fear 
     than smell fearfully. Law and 
     odour for coop and keeper. This my blood 
     given to you. Take it, and know 
     that you owe me. Next stop
     rest thought 
     under the musky musky sky
     by a scintilating sea I went to see
     and saw it, and something else
     forgot it. Squeeze the moment, train 
     the package, equipe the underknit that
     dreams drive. Hertz arrives as 
     just my way of getting on line
     from the dip of my chip, ticklish at
     the t, to touch littoral lamp post.
     Dim city squirt, how was drifting then, when? 
     Crane hi low bed other. We take our mind off 
     your load. Straight Express, star right
     defunct, like so many bell bottoms
     caught in the chain, gallery white
     original loci is it really like this? who's 
     my little whatsit? Ask about method now
     and I imagine I hear the vacuum I see
     "the sense comes back, not I"
     But. Baloney
     don't have holes
     you mean
     mock loaf
     with it's bits of bones
     but no, those are 
     plugs not holes. So badged 
     myself Complete & Me
     gnostic suction revealed thyself and if 
     the glue seeps smear it. Much like this
     springs must have shag, a better Will
     the slick slope built
     a hot-house pulse. I mean 
     go kindly as I think lest the 
     'pholstery kibosh 
     rings 'round the sink. So much 
     shot over powder, expansionism a louder 
     atopic. Got you under my skin 
     (over the ocean) Swim! and get the landscape 
     right and the characters will follow
     getta a braless gimmick if ya get agenda
     glib lib common from ungrateful dust.
     Extruflux. My timer 
     has only one tempo. Top to 
     bond rapid wrong response.

Copyright © Deanna Ferguson 1995

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