Deanna Ferguson

Deanna Ferguson

Middle Manage

     Altered commodious manicurist 
     nines to the date flung shirt arms up 
     really flattened from here. Nice part. Was what forgot 
     co-ordained stumble deadpan delay. That is, that is lactose. 
     Transient set of matching punks--not one vapor of decay--
     just decade. Once more 
     squeaky squeezed moment weaned in B erotics. 
     Mutual anonymity unnostalgic for hot 
     pre-hinged to familiarity you never know. 
     Linked to lack like that. Lichen 
     a sock upside down 
     and continue lapidary spun to crave. Some cold 
     some new carve. 
     One teen to another--I'll see yaw when I'm outer detox. 
     No one reason against it.
     Mouths elected land gang.
     Speak upon dangling. Unconditionally rapt 
     of the night--answers alright.
     Shame short as a nursery garden womb grows
     whiskey and condone--your misses. 
     Hysterick ride the K-mart lastics 
     building to debrief. A feeling of if and but only 
     what goes thin grows long. Born over & over 
     again under loin. Admit nothing. Not in things. 
     Teen recasts cop antic . See you later 'til no one reason to not. 
     Out of and into tox. Half pint of one six pack 
     of the other. It's a discount lady why do you loot me. Yet 
     rest your head upon our block 
     worst kind of slurring beats the best kind of talk. 
     Recorded live very live as cotton stockings. 
     Everyone whom radio must please  today
     no pleasing--turn up for shade
     chain to link a spiel. Shoelace politics every a.m.--unite me.
     Shrinking, practically, going better all over
     a little tight the logic. Peel up the spirit. Know how 
     what you have is . . . pinned. Lumpen no longer 
     put on the shadow--relax.
     Body in. Body out. Middle manage.
     Infection put the touch on us. Overcoat, nose, caught 
     without guard for how could we
     irrevocable and unmoved 
     abduction into system's 
     trickle down
     I don't believe is anything awry
     ringing raw dreams in door frames mass of rags 
     lie. Many come after a room above sis also sought out. 
     Shop Our Lady of Thrift. Ochre not good enough
     to pay for. Off sight ambulatory untoward.
     Carry all of everything within.
     Elsewhere, in the institute studies prove 
     grass different than shoe.

Copyright © Deanna Ferguson 1995

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