Peter Gizzi
Rewriting the Other and the Others
for D. S.
I wanted to model the morning light
Too difficult to impasto the sky
You are Alcestis with a kite
The years whip by and tears cover answers
I would fashion my own wagon
Rolling home, this might never come again,
above a flat swatch of tradition
Please recline your smooth abdomen
my way
And the hollow of a tin oak pings
Empty of death like truth
An atmosphere becomes indelible ink
Removed from a single black negative
Singularity may be achieved also: the scar
so narrow
To leave you then
On earth, empty in vague happiness
A solitary column of loss added here
A blunt pulled in water
You forever
Leave me, as a husk leaves a seed
Then reverse the Tyrants' ideology, an original
of an original!
And a noisy sphere, a bird strafes air
Copyright © 1996 Peter Gizzi