Jen ColemanThe doctrine of eh oh
a translation of Lao Tsu
Tellytubby kind forgets not that which is to be forgotten forgetting that which is not to be forgotten. That is forgetfulness indeed! The giggly tellytubby cultivates a friendly sun How firm is Po's again again! How firm is Po in Po's again again! Po does not change from what Po was. And thus Po sets Po's scooter free, for Po has no use for baby-shaped things; Po has no hat, and has no need for the hat haaat hat song. Because Po has no eh-oh the questions of real and fantasy do not touch Po. Infinitesimal indeed is a day in Tellytubby land; infinitely great is the tellytubby superdome. Dipsy said to Laa Laa, "Does Po indeed have no eh-oh?" "Certainly" replied Laa Laa. "But if a tellytubby has no eh-oh," argued Dipsy, "what is it that makes Po a tellytubby?" "Real and fantasy," answered Laa Laa, "are what I mean by eh-oh. By a tellytubby without eh-oh I mean one who does not permit belief and doubt to disturb Po, but falls in line with baby shaped things and does not try to improve on dancing." "But how is a tellytubby to dance this song they made up," asked Dipsy, "Po does not try to improve Po's dancing?" "The windmill gives Po magic," said Laa Laa, "and tubbytronic superdome gives Po custard. Lean against a tree and sing Ônice' or bounce a ball growing bigger and smaller. Tubbytronic superdome has made you a big hug." Copyright © 2003 Jen Coleman |