Myung Mi Kim
from Dura
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Who even came this way, bellow or saw
Thirty and five books
Paper script document
Vowels unwritten
Kinglists proverbs praise phrases
They say it is the ocean
Indistinguishable water horizon net of worth
False vocalization of the consonantal text
Rose thorn and reported ocean
The beginnings of things
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What most visible staged above treeline
Plural stellar famish
Viaducts to carry away and bring back
Sewer and thread restitutive
Recast deliberate meterorite
What kind of listening is it
Doubtful wagon wheel
Exostetal complete with spongy matter
Catch sieve salve
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No chance at the thing drying
Making one hand then the other in plaster
Parchment bark skin
Stone copper other enduring materials
Rank flutter(as) I see. . . and look about
Grains torpor carve a dome
Up until contact a meadow resembles a smooth surface
More than dialogue spent on a cloud
Transcription barely permeable
: :
Prime of it tender tendril
Another copier scribe to sound
Affectionate taking and undertaking
Swift the rushes, thrushes
Bora barium buffer
If the cucumber surpasses its ideal growth overnight
If thrown off the house or horse
And the. You must designate the article
Lop off the top where the milliner's wooden box doesn't reach
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Pilferage orphanage raise
Progress in learning
The cow and her calf
First flute cut from bamboo
First fabric dye from snails
Five tone and seven tone scales
_________ - a short lyric poem
or, the founder of a family
_________ - an ancestral tablet
_________ - a new world
_________ - a dried radish leaves
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Air water none gentle aligned
Supplicant and mendicant
Of the opening spaces of the opening itself
Aptitude round across
If one thing is seen and seen clearly and the effort to see it
Hummingbird in floxglove whir
Ocean reveals one boat
Chance to see it ocean and hummingbird
Speed and duration
Copyright © 1997 Myung Mi Kim