Michael Magoolaghan
A Map
Afours, forementioned, periphery.
Accountable to doom, mention bliss,
graze after. Graze belly graze thigh
awash adrift or aimless
down tall roads. Accountable suffering
transposed, a pure music, "A" minus A.
The sun over rooftops, a purity
in pigeon-coo or prayer. Relax
to pause painless, in the grip of acupuncture
or release. Wave, painless duo
(accompany), failsafe release, a floor.
No problem for the painless (haze),
"a pure exclusive music" like a saint.
Theresa, Godiva, compadre
& fast raids, at the border of
failsafe or release (exclusive).
Moments rebound or renounce, the dog's
happiness which elicits
Loretta. Accompanied alone as in
a capella, false note, too much salt
for the soup. Active, engender, meet eyes
over haze, the doing or object, fat chance.
What we gaze on we believe
unless it's perilous to repress.
A working metaphor, fields to mend.
Or: dark gypsies in the folds, Lorca's
aerial concern, this no discipline
of reeds & hence heavy.
Peter's (Simon's) Russian crosses,
the mount they cross to to get alone.
Can't see the cove for the woods, etc.,
leave me to etch glass (broken), Shelley slash
Don, virtual Armenian symphonies (sourma
or -mough), grape leaves stuffed with rain.
Afield in the feeling out
of other language, tears tied
to the same bed, a reversal.
The unmentionable word in public
or tender arches, regions where the heart
hails. When everything's said (erase),
she pushed his panic button (belly)
stretched & white (sheets). Or, upward
thrust, "nice ceiling" sticks in the mind
as time sleeping, she wanted the clock to ride
but does it? An interesting question,
considering the depth of any canyon
hiked jointly or alone. Knowing it is good, alas,
to engender nothing: music, gesture, blotto, X.
Copyright © 1996 Michael Magoolaghan