the formalities
I think
"your light is... "
more of me
in the middle
what falls
tumble, yellow area
I'm never anywhere
chaos works
twenty pennies
the next morning
up and
an uptight net
inside scissor holes
a gigasecond
a radio
I am capable of
my head
1. the formalities of an / inbetween
2. how you receive
3. I think of the small
4. "your light is lit..........light"
5. (but) / never / through it
6. more of me disappears / and so on.
10. seven eight nine
11. in the middle of / duality
12. the magnets / of an inbetween
13. pictures / the sun / makes bone dry
14. it / snaps / the / despair / that accumulates
15. what falls outside / will become / undesirable
16. tumble, yellow area, tyranny / demosthenes / cajole
17. I'm never anywhere correctly
18. chaos works its way / in
19. the / conjunctive 'or'
20. twenty pennies
21. an island / threatened / by sharks
22. beer-food / friends / the next morning
23. invent
24. up / down
25. shuddering / to think
26. shuddering
27. beyond familiarity
28. get caught I get / in an uptight
29. in a coat / inside scissor holes
30. t / his / dis / array
31. OKAY
32. a billion seconds
33. a radio or / an instrument
34. I am capable of / grotesque self-involvement
35. nothing inbetween nothing / is more of a donut
36. walking between the cars
37. my head now / tilts
38. a suitable rock
39. the tongues emerge
40. or / every said / wrung / on the bus
j says it came to him first I explain to many
particular people / the formalities of an / inbetween
how you receive / becomes an issue
I think of large (autumnal) clouds I devise invisible schematics
"your light is lit / from another light"
a reenactment / brings you the door / (and) / (but) / never
/ through it
I got trouble in my rent now when I sleep / more of me
disappears / and so on...
I am located / in the ( x ) of / any given duality
j said / -you could live inside there- between
traffic signs / between the two suddenly / I was living in /
this slit
more than 5 thousand languages / have existed
I draw pictures / the sun / makes bone dry by
it / snaps / the smelly neck / ofthe mundane /that
accumulates umulates
I draw / a two to 4 hour / radius what falls outside / it /
will become / undesirable
pencil, tuna / carmichael pin cushion, streetlight light /
tumble, yellow area, tyranny / demosthenes / cajole I look
forward / to my friends
I am here / never anywhere correctly
chaos works its way / in time
the / conjunctive 'or' / conveys / or / I suffer indecision
20pennies / 15pennies & 1nickel / 1dime, 1nickel, & 5pennies
despair makes / an island / threatened / by sharks
our events / consist of / beer-food
re / invent
up agn / down again
shuddering / to think
shuddering / violent
lost / beyond familiarity
get caught I get / in an uptight net / that catches uptights /
like me
my arms / in a coat / my fingers / inside scissor
this / dis / may / con / tain / way / not / know / ing / say
a billion seconds old
makes / a radio / or / an instrument / behind the wall
I go to sleep / thinking / what the pages look like / what
sequence's best / what impact, if any, I'll have
nothing inbetween nothing / is more of a donut / than anything
I must, for a moment, / suspend myself
the way my head now /tilts
I find a suitable rock I'm nervous about settling in
the tongues rarely emerge I draw two horizontals
or / every said / is wrong / waiting on the bus
1. j says it came to him first / which is (in) itself / a
surprise / for ten years of thinking it / my own / it becomes
something other / not my own I referred (intuit)
to it (into it) / as dream information / or even / a secret of
high import / I called it my jungian, / my perceived, / my
worldly word thing {the image that employs a concept / can
become or is after time / indelible} I explain to many
particular people / the formalities of an / inbetween
(3 heads in a city) the museum's paperweight exhibit "flip
the lid and spill yr marbles"
2. reception. how you receive / becomes an issue I
fail utterly in describing / vastness / or / the bend in
airwave / or / even how breath repeatssssssssssssss
3. perhaps abundance / can define / by having more / detail
(to consider) / deciding I think of large (autumnal) clouds
/ I devise invisible schematics or / am attracted to the small
4. ~curtis leaves me a note~ / "your light is lit / from another
light" and indeed / I am an amalgam / of gestures my
light is lit / by your light / is lit by yet / another it's
somehow disturbing / like one lost / in a vat of whole numbers
this unrelated room has / pillows hanging from the ceiling
5. if a complete visual example / were obtainable /I'd have
no reason to / express (a thing et. al.) a reenactment
/ brings you to the door / and (but) never / through it
6. I got trouble in my rent a family needs healthy food /
and healthy food costs now when I sleep / more of me
disappears / and so on...
7. when I visit / I go through my old desk -a mini
bowie knife / -lincoln pennies through 1974 / -a few music
posters / -an unfinished model battleship / -an eighth grader's
book of phone #'s / -a picture of willis reed / -seeds in the
creases of my double albums
8. I am involved in
simultaneous / conversation to the (my) left / is
something heavily coded / or / to the (my) right / are
facts pertaining to anything / available I've had them
in the mirror / speaking out both sides of my mouth
9. during / at nightowl's / under stars / on a walk / the block /
I trigger devices / those motion detectors / they light up
1017 Pleasant Drive / 1019 Pleasant Drive / 1021 Pleasant Drive /
1023 Pleasant Drive / 1025 Pleasant Drive
I walk along the front yards / and they / light up this is
where / I spent my 2ndeleven years
10. tenacious tendon tenor tents of tungsten / might / help
multiply your middle initial / by how many times a day /
your eyes blur
11. I am located / in the middle of / any given
duality I navigate / the equator / resilient to the lure
of / the poles
12. it began near the hallucination) j said / look at
that (space) / inside there / between the stop / and the
do not enter signs / -you could live there- they were
mounted on the same post / facing opposite directions / with no
more than 3 inches / between the two suddenly / I was
living in / this very slit I explain to many particular
people / the magnets / of an inbetween
13. more than 5000 languages / existed on the planet
words extinct / in less than a hundred years it can happen
faster I draw pictures / the sun / makes bone dry by noon
14. love making making / snaps the snaps / the smelly neck /
the neck ofthe mundane / mounting mundane despair /
disrepair despair / that accumulates accumulates
15. I'm asked to draw / a 2 to 4 hour / radius around / where I
live this will contain / everyone I know
everything I need / will be in / this circle what falls
outside / it / will become /undesirable
16. reprints, double prints / double exposures, posters /
pamphlets, xeroxing & saddle stitch / bookstores, library
science / the archiving #2 pencil, tuna / carmichael, pin cushion,
traffic light / tumble, yellow area, tyranny / demosthenes /
cajole I look forward / to my friends /
under the large limb of a tree
17. I am here / because of some failure or / I am delighting
I believe, / then I derive I'm never anywhere correctly
(is) withdrawn or unsettled / uneasy or weakened by
transit / immobile from lack of declaration, / paranoid / or
generally alienated
18. in time / chaos works its way /into any fortress verging
/ on catharsis / or total disinterest
19. using the / conjunctive 'or' / shows one root / the dilemma
by conveying / optimism / or / I suffer indecision / and
20. twenty pennies / four nickels / two dimes / two nickels & one
dime / three nickels & five pennies / one dime & ten pennies /
fifteen pennies & one nickel / one dime, one nickel, & five
pennies / two nickels & ten pennies
21. despair works its way in it makes / what I'm standing
on / an island / threatened / by sharks
22. our neighborhood / is in a form of flux / our social events /
consist of / beer-food / for friends / that / are either /
arriving or / departing / the next morning / on some / airline or
/ other
23. reinvent / window
24. up again / down agn
25. shuddering / (in order) / to think
26. shuddering / violently
27. I become irretrievable / I stop communicating /..... silent /
lost / beyond familiarity
28. get caught I get / in an uptight net / that catches uptights /
like me / so when I'm snagged / I'm strung (fastened) /
on the sun / and made to heal through the day
29. places / hide faces my arms / in a coat / my
fingers / inside scissor holes
30. this / dis / array / may / con / tain / way /
of / not / know / ing / say
32. I am over a billion seconds old
33. my head / in pillow makes / a radio / distant or / an
instrument / behind the wall
34. imagined projects / fill my head I go to sleep / thinking
/ what the pages look like / what sequence is best / what impact,
if any, I'll have I am capable of / grotesque self-
35. nothing inbetween nothing / is more of a donut / than
anything / can cease to predict / like
36. to get anywhere / on a train I must, for a moment, /
suspend myself / walking between the cars
37. the way my head now / tilts / at the end of a day
38. I find a suitable rock I'm nervous about settling in I
hope these few rocks / will reach the page
39. the mirror is an arrangement the tongues rarely
emerge I draw two horizontals / and live between
them / waveless
40. or / every said / is wrung / wrong / waiting on the
we aspire to live
or unconsciously do it
to climb the funicular
to breathe the what
what is a point?
" that which has no part"
(as one is read, the previous is freed)
1. catalonians are hot heads
2. many retail items are deceptively cheap to make
3. overtones excite the listener
4. the combination of red and green make your eyes wiggle
5. children are active. and since they are small lose their heat
6. collaborative multicultural projects receive government funding
7. the back of the human body is a vast relatively unused region
8. when leaves of grass are cut, the very first compound that
suffers from the change is chlorophyll
9. the inventor of the ball point pen is dead
10. forms are interchangeable
several seasons pass and the exterior alters markedly
to be possible
we aspire or raise our possibility heads
the perimeter as potential is caked over
with chance variables seeking one another
11. the divining rod makes its way toward moisture
12. laundry takes roughly an hour and a half
13. gravity causes planets to contract
14. his color was the result of several coats of white paint and
enamel applied to what was originally a very ordinary elephant.
15. migration paths became skewed creating thousands of some
creature or other to come in contact with human beings
15a. tarot is for the flaky, easily crumbled, mica or shale type the solarium flies land on the widest available leaf.
the female mosquito flaps her wings 500 times a second.
there is almost always anxiety about what awaits you there.
the curvature of the structure magnifies that sound.
this inclination also allows for moist glass ring music.
the armonium was an instrument invented by benjamin franklin.
music was composed specifically for the armonium.
lose of hearing and shattered nerves made it a short-lived
a recent moratorium includes water. the pacific. also beeswax.
included. i love her for that.
the shaky clarification brought
found imperfection
what becomes of the vowelvariable, subjectvariable, &
plankton covers that manufactured surface.
technique is fabrizio, buttalent
is the amount of weight a person can carry
on their backs
i lose that one
slipping away
a kind of too thick awareness
my boy gives a bomb
he drops it on my head
and it splatters on his mother as well
then fly
some intended corruption
a drinking friend of 300 pints
the writing appears
primarily unrehearsed
the so many revisionisms
a walk I would walk-a-walk forever
the weight of it restricts such a thing
quixote on my knee
the windmill of his eyes dilating
dust is about destruction
and the good thing lasts longer than we know
within the line, is the life of breath, TO BE an immediacy
it is the buckling
and the line breaks...
releasing light
the line contains light
so the line will stretch
it is adventure
or the light is encased in the hollow of a figurine
or it is dark enjambment
the line is history
it can shroud
this line is a rock capturing my locution
i am inside the rock
the line has many histories
form is a house that holds light
the line is a place to land
is the life of breath, TO BE
and the line again will break in two
the drama of the rocks is of the skin doubly by its wonderments
and flexibility.
to bend to coerce to subjugate the body to movement, our plight of
notice! the skin! that sensible
glove plying our head with information. a universe,
containing our
systemic workings. the skin, a membrane, sustaining our vessel.
now, if you were to swallow light, would it act as antenna.
i have no idea, but i do know
what an itch is and the pleasure of scratching. i know
temperature. i know the
intentions of some sounds. i know the tongue is used for both
texture and taste.
what dream has the drumskin speaking in shudders of colliding
light. what
surface can be engineered to inform our histories.
notice! the skin!
a contoured map of the amalgam of human endeavor. it means
fucking. it means
babies. it means skin propagating more skin. it's a thought
inextricably linked to skin.
that is - an idea wrapped in an epidermis we call home.
epi being upon, at, or
close to
derm being layers of
tissue forming true skin
of the animal
of the us
of the animal of us
as it is
touch, contact, contract, apply derm onto one another
the sperm the egg the zygote
firm in finding the birth church of silent blooming
out-stretched because we can stretch
elastic as to accommodate a variety of shapes
we are creatures, hairless creatures donning the death ray. a
death ray that
is eye of greed not true yawn of blackhole.
the sun, foe of skin, will be merciless. both horus and sekhmet
will peck
and tear our body. hawk sun and war lioness will fill themselves
the human meal. they will devour the negative skins, make pure
what is sullied, and
finally, nurse us back to our most potent fetal state.
sing skin
sing your skin
sing the thing
that makes your skin
come alive
absorbing yellow sun
absorbing light information
equating that nature
with your nature
with this
nature before you
be outpost
be lighthouse
be spontaneous receptor of curlicue energy sprites
be all this
but notice! the skin!
how it proposes a line of
a marriage of inner and outer
how it is a sponge
that absorbs then
and then notice how social skin can be
how death and skin and sex and gender understand pain
and what little gain has come
what little gain has come
the book of skin shows frailty and how we bleed deep red.
the book of skin
has pages that heal, directing us to construct one new body.
one giant flesh.
kin kin a family of skin that's been within the fin that breaks
the plane
infinite waves
dear kin mammal
dear kin mama
do me in and keep me there
where light is as it was and is again
a blessing of true skin
that photosynthetic layer
we name
child of informed tissue
sax 20fox 21
fruit 1030 gnu 425
afraid 1242 decor 1237
moist 1456
voice from the diaphragm or it lets no semen in.
two trees grow, literally, in the same spot.
tracing utensils & triangular shadow, the conifer & the deciduous,
a camel & paper airplanes.
what root there is
is shown
as the one will always fall to inevitable mitosis
and the two seek each other, magnetized toward one another.
more often than not, aspects of relations
get lost in the
several cracked eggs of routine
it can hurt that way
a clarinet too dissolves into the letters of its name,
it makes music or a voice of element.
in a house nearest the amplifier is another house
where things happen and distinctions are made between
accumulates and a cumulus cloud
she is deep gold moist sarcophagus
this may be how long i last
the mounted sentinel thrashing in the cotton
the thing falling into fractions
i am somewhere else writing this
the narrow nature approaches a wider nature
the ease of travel between houses of air
it's unparalleled yet it exceeds nothing
freely through the dark of the body
16. chile's geography makes transportation difficult and costly.
17. the top bulb was filled with sand which trickled down into the
bottom bulb.
18. what begins will soon be consumed by its own thunderous
momentum resulting in any number of possibilities - mostly
19. the law of camp fire girls: worship god, seek beauty, give
service, pursue knowledge, be trustworthy, hold on to health,
glorify work, & be happy.
20. "y're only as good as you can dance after the song is done"
21. a dancer said that same thing, but different than how my
friend did.
22. when we touch a lump of sugar to the coffee in a cup, the
liquid at once rises and spreads throughout the sugar.
23. twelve o'clock noon at night
maple syrup
may I trouble you for...
and look
my deflated guitar
when my head's in your horn
I hop to your music
like hot stone
I begin staring
I can't help it
I begin expanding
then I burst
shards of me
form into the crow
I spread my wings up there where other birds
extend up there and there is a circle up there
of wings around the earth there up there
24. edge hill was the first battle of the war.
25. madame curie always hoped that radium would have a beautiful
26. no two brains are quite the same.
27. the sun loses about four million tons of heat every second.
28. "the exercise of singing is delightful to nature and good to
preserve the health of man."
29. the sounds involved in near ventriloquism are produced almost
entirely in front of the mouth just behind the teeth and up a
little way in the nasal passage.
30. now life begins again! thought the tree.
information can be that
reconnoitered fleck
introduced again, which is to say
left out
with its clear kirlian
in tact
it is these atrocities
finite in contrast
to their ebullient counterpart
it is these systemic gliches
these slants of focus
brought downward
lush in potential
and despair
no names2ablutionQ is a marker
six times it became
that summer or now askance
in this birth tube but apnea
be dense electrically
a kind of gasping
can you hear mefog horn
coming to the child
a six pack of X'sno frills
a doubled bathing of light
and Q is naturally a marker
there havent been many changes
It's all design
and the ability to consume
The bough is still wet with black
early morning mist
My I is small as an indistinguishable
might be
The back stairs will pose a problem
the larger he gets
He is a reference
If you leave now the tug-of-war
will lose balance
The marchers line the street,
they proceed from the opening gate
It is a weekend event
The thoroughfare, otherwise desolate,
will thrive
The animals sense activity, though a parade
is, I'm sure, not on their mind
31. the very reason scratching stops an itch is because you're
hurting yourself.
32. in some countries, the phrase is not 'blind as a bat' but
'blind as a bat in sunlight'.
33. early in the 20th century, the u.s. weather bureau termed the
highest and wispiest form of cloud, cloud nine. nowadays,
meteorologists call the highest clouds noctilucents.
34. the fourth finger of the left hand was selected as the ring
finger in the third century b.c., it was thought that a nerve ran
directly from this finger to the heart.
35. if the throat is properly aligned with the stomach, the sword
swallower can take a blade two feet long.
36. the longest word in the english language is
'pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis', which describes a
lung disease caused by breathing in particles of volcanic matter
or a similar fine dust.
37. if a highway is odd-numbered, then it will take you north or
south. if it's even-numbered - like route 66 - you can travel east
and west.
if you if
then what
stick your hand in
make sure it's deep and soily
confine nothing
consider what's needed for permanence
the value of your weight
then let control fall down
let that tether go
grab the clavicle like you would a handlebar. obscure what
ornamental aspects may be visible. begin with computer generated
gyrations. say a precipice can deceive by its very nature.
denounce what is pronounceable. adhere the curve to a forward of
purpose. calamity was to be conveyed in color. britain. a sigh of
recognition followed by longevity of geometric shape. that
erstwhile path through the forest claims its place. as now a
furnace or the possibility of one. no harm comes to the one who
follows the crevice. a spotted elbow lunge festival.languid as a
middle name. the tentacles very loosely at your side. there are no
tracing paper tablets. i catch myself waiting for lights more. a
word whispered in earnest. colander flatulent transition webs. or
slow commotion.
did it digit
or did it not
so that it couldn't go through the hole
for instance
can be hurled
just the right distance to activate alarms
it is
a simple diagram
and simpler yet execution
the flags snap suddenly
when the breeze comes over the lake
38. moisture surrounds smoke particles.the word smog is a
combination of smoke and fog.
39. his family car was a green and yellow packard. they kissed and
slept together on the bleachers. his sister bent his trombone.
40. no glue or other binding agency is added, as the hoof itself
contains a large amount of natural glue. the mixture is poured
into dies. the dies are heated and then chilled. when the buttons
are removed from the dies, they are filed, drilled and polished.
from the core of the thing flares shoot up 50 ft. and then
extinguish. the bridge unfolds releasing the seven needed
elements. the great dissolving disk with plugs. a face squeezed,
pinched, and twisted to suit a concentric fashion. find me
approaching or find me at all. the geese, hovering evenly in "v"
formation, ride the planet's arc. leaning toward the faucet the
cupped hands hold water like information. the plugs look for an
electrical source, an outlet from which to relay the complete
message. the yellow-white stain of light is food.
from our hair laughter true will come and so soon and so sun
that light
in my far off head
decidingthese things
pieces of each other
the visibility of
the possibility
I change it
I ="it" ="ti"
c = i
changwith no e
if plasma
a location
in constant
the orig(in)
this hand waving
toward you
no other business comes near or is as central a theme as this
inbetween. parenthetical, as in caught inside ( ). between two
stations anything can happen. turbulence. vibration ex nihilo.
coincidence. thermodynamic phenomenon. sporadic mysticism. mental
right now the form of her remains. she walks in this room. reaches
over to turn the dial. there are no birds gathering about her head
and shoulders. there is no sand, just vast rolls of carpet. the
radio broadcasts her favorite program. bowls of half eaten miso
soup fill the room. her fingerprint is nearly audible as she
passes it over a nail sticking out the wall. hooray! we yell. lets
yank the curtains down, lets let the sun in! the spiders and
termites are caught unawares. there is sudden exodus. life runs
for shade. last call, he says, last call. the telephone, the
lights, the bar rag moving closer. cleaning. her far away look.
there on the floor surrounded by scissors, glue, and a thousand
cut outs. it is summer now. a new season. when we learn to forget.
she will be home soon. i can stop talking to this window.
41. every state in the union produces corn.
42. a certain amount of study of human beings seems to suggest
that different colors differ in their effect on the nervous
43. oceans are constantly evaporating and the oyster, which
becomes adult in three years, is said to be capable of laying 60
million eggs a year.
44. a personal foul is called when there is illegal contact with
one's opponent.
45. deep down in the flower is another tiny structure, which we
may call the female germ of life.
the number of years some animals live
the number of years some birds live
is a season of death
as adventuredizzyingis upon you
calling the outline never the name
so independent of anythingit gives small incomplete death
for the fitting of piecesshort of formulating
just enough to live alongsidelicking the pronounced ear
saying things close to dyingit is a season as a chair we sit on
panels of rain
a panel of rains
my first turkey
into the relics
quickly among the upanishad
the book spells it - the very eye stem changes
your visions are here now
a life is salt or short
so as the skin quickens
is chased by many angles
and air offers no destination
no as destination
no as a way of elaborating
at what range is it first audible?
i hold a word
like flower isotope
and pin it to the sky
or the possibility of disproving light
the new system is an overheard one
quietly absorbing its meaning
the lattice work melts
and adrenalin erupts everywhere
to find anew the blue of circles forming above the head
raiL Bonding
supposinG Formation
damageD Sluice
farM Willow
Quark Cooling
formeR Kitchen
ajaX Housing
i slide it through to find
a certain adventure
ten suns squeezed into a dot
traveling in water
and utopian divisions of power and labor
the silent blue construction
a dome made thinner from the inside
sitting by the window
you open the latch and
fly away toward dissolution
bulb dread
doubled projector
the brain of a peach
rudiments of an alphabet
the great dissolving disk and the completed message
her lovers, she said, are all around her everywhere
electromagnetics alters you forever
ingisingisingis ing
i n gi n gi n g
i n gi n gi n g
i n gi n gi n g
46. no advantage is gained by the sea it approaches cautiously as
unrelated minutia become a predictable nuisance
47. in 1940, U.S. railroads carried 62% of the total freight
between cities. in 1940 motor trucks carried about 8% of intercity
freight. in 1940 air lines carried only 2% of passenger business
48. she lived and wrote at home until her death, and in her later
years saw very few people
49. this is how algae surround their intended or suffocate their
intentions. the force of one-celled organisms. their miasmic and
amorphous house. to unite and conquer without mercy. it was a
story told many hundreds of centuries ago
50. a predictable nuisance becomes a charm.
a) cheetahs can run up to 75 mph
b) a chameleons tongue is longer than its whole body
c) a black panther is a type of leopard
d) there are 71 rings in a complimentary slinky from ivars
e) different spots mean different things
f) the difference between alligators and crocodiles is that when
the mouth closes only an alligator's teeth show
g) the red spot is a storm
h) which animals have to be oiled? mice, because they squeak
i) when is a car like a frog? when it's being towed
j) a steel nail is made of iron and carbon
k) one-two cha-cha-cha means one-two cha-cha-cha
l) the first letter of the book is 'h'
m) there is a way to record what people are saying by measuring
the vibrations of their voice on a window pane
n) the sphinx has no nose, has had its nose eaten by time
o) prel, the shampoo, is denser than vegetable oil
p) on batman, victor buono upon hearing the gong of a bell
transformed into king tut
q) one-two cha cha cha means three-four cha cha cha
r) fool's gold
s) water has been found in meteors
t) when you've finished eating, put your knife and fork close
together with handles pointing directly toward you or toward your
right arm
u) thousands of years ago humans could move their outer ear
forward to catch sounds more easily
v) to improve his voice and lungs, demosthenes shouted against the
roar of the waves and orated while running uphill
w) the white zone is for loading and unloading
x) you can rearrange the letters in spiro agnew's name to spell
'grow a penis'
y) the whipping top that can be made to "snore" is a great prize
z) ice is a faint blue
Copyright © Nico Vassilakis 1995