isolate a word. break it down to increments. a muse and duende difference, dissolves deep in the
body. the answer is a satisfaction. one air moves to fill another. the influence of x. any
attempt to encapsulate meaning attracts new meaning. there is no one present tense only a history
of present tenses. direction is a means of exhausting the urge to move. or probably it won't
escape this page. there is a difference in language that makes a situation impossible. a
detonation of syllables is more apt to expose music as the core of speech. you choose one
significant detail and the picture unfolds. architecture must accentuate its surroundings. the
more of an image or product of that image you show, the more into your life it will be absorbed.
the language is moving. the written language is shifting MAKING its way up, then falling,
collapsing suddenly. today is a continuous literature of movement. the world is reduced to a
polar science, is a deliberate invention. the power words have to create equivalents of real
experience. there is a process of conversion from the printed page to the spoken word to thought.
this is how to sift through what little soil there is. think of poetry as staring. the byproduct
destroys the process which produced it. ecstatic crickets. I attempt to document the occurrence
of distance between things. they say vision is half of everything. one whole system requires
other whole systems. what I say is heard, what you say I hear.
Copyright © Nico Vassilakis 1994