bde BioPharmaceutical Resources

New Venture Support

Services for start-up & virtual companies who want to concentrate internal efforts on their core research technologies. Early planning for development activities can streamline the time to filing of an IND and maximize the value of preclinical studies.

Technology assessment & due diligence reports

Laboratory space planning & equipment sourcing

Strategic planning for development & manufacturing programs – in-house vs. outsource decisions

Develop & refine budgets & timelines for development projects

Identify appropriate analytical laboratories, formulation development contractors & clinical manufacturing facilities

Ensure consistency & quality of drug supply for preclinical & toxicology studies

Technology transfer troubleshooting

Project management

Technical & progress report preparation & review

Establish documentation control systems

Additional Resources: - used equipment buy/sell, analytical labs, equipment vendors
LabTrader - used equipment buy/sell, analytical labs, equipment vendors
Going,Going...Sold! - Online auction for used scientific equipment
Network Science Resources, biotech & combinatorial chemistry yellow pages
Patent server

P.O. Box 1707  Tel:  425-235-7087
Issaquah, Washington 98027 Fax:  425-235-1141
welcome development/mfg outsourcing new ventures design/const.
business/dev. peptide BIA exp/qualific.

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