Akro Agate - British Cambridge - Duncan Elegant - Heisey Higgins - Orrefors Paden City - Seneca Shoes - Yellow |
20th Century Glass (Collector's Compass); Learn to locate and value authentic glass; how glass was cut, pressed, molded & gilded through the century; not a PG; Kuppig, 6x9, SB, 144 pp, color/b&w, 2000/NP .......... #GL-3442 .......... $12.95
50 Years of Collectible Glass 1920-1970, Vol. 1; Tableware, kitchenware, barware, water sets & more; Bredehoft, 8x11, SB, 246 pp, b&w, 1997/PG .......... #GL-579X .......... $26.95
50 Years of Collectible Glass 1920-1970, Vol. 2; Companion to above #GL-579X, covering all major types of 20th century glassware; Bredehoft, 8x11, SB, 282 pp, b&w, index, 2000/PG .......... #GL-0012 .......... $26.95
Akro Agate Co. (The Complete Line): Manufacturers of Marbles, Juvenile Glass Tea Sets, Glass Novelty; Hardy, 8x11, SB, 136 pp, 1992/WP ......... #AK-0181 ..........$24.95
Akro Agate Price Guide, Rev. 2nd Ed.; Companion to AK-0181; Marbles, general line, children's dishes; Hardy, 8x11, SB, 1998/PG .......... #AK-4712 .......... $10.00
Albany Glass: Model Flint Glass Company of Albany, Indiana; Operated 1893-1902 - all known patterns; Teal, 8x11, SB, 176 pp, color, 1998/PG .......... #AL-0324 .......... $34.95
American Art Glass (Collector's Ency. of); Updated prices, complete listings and descriptions, original catalogs & advertising; Shuman, 8x11, HB, 336 pp, 1996/WP .......... #AM-3555 .......... $29.95
American Pressed Glass & Bottles Price Guide, 2nd Ed.; 7000+ listings with accurate pricing & detailed descriptions - Lacy Pressed through elegant Fostoria, Imperial, Cambridge, Heisey; Husfloen, 6x9, SB, 324 pp, index, 2000/PG ........... #PR-8972 .......... $21.95
Antique Glass (Starting to Collect Series:);Ancient Egypt to 20th century and post-war design - Victorian to Art Nouveau to ordinary decanters and inexpensive novelties; Sandon, 6x9, HB, 190 pp, color, index, 1999/WP .......... #GL-2680 .......... $25.00
Applied Color Label Soda Bottles, Vol. 2 (Official Guide to Collecting); More soda bottles from 1930-1970s w/special color section; Marsh, 8x11, SB, 104 pp, 1995/PG ......... #AP-8214 .......... $24.95
Art Glass (American & European Decorative and), 2nd Ed.; Cut, opalescent, Steuben, Lalique & other choice glasswares of the 19th & 20th centuries; 3000+ listings; Husfloen, 6x9, SB, 202 pp, b&w/color 2000/PG .......... #AM-8964 .......... $19.95
Art of Glass (The): Art Nouveau to Art Deco; 1880s through 1930s - Galle, Daum, Tiffany, Loetz, opalescent, Lalique, Orrefors, English & Scottish glass & more; Arwas, 10x12, HB, 111 pp, color, 1996/NP .......... #GL-2003 .......... $35.00
Baskets (Glass & Ceramic), ID & Price Guide; Heisey, Cambridge, fenton, Duncan, Imperial, Westmoreland, Roseville, plus imported; 600 photos of old & new baskets; White, 8x11, HB, 224 pp, color, 2001/PG .......... #BA-2389 .......... $19.95
Bells (Glass); 480 photos showcase 850+ glass bells produced during 19th & 20th centuries; cut glass, engraved, blown & pressed, wedding bells; Trinidad, 8x11, HB, 176 pp, color/b&w, 2001/PG .......... #GL-2650 .......... $39.95
Bells (More Collectible): Classic to Contemporary; Metal, glass, ceramic, enamel & more; religious, anaimal, call bells, doorbells, rattles, toys, souvenir, etc.; Baker, 8x11, HB, 192 pp, color, 1999/PG .......... #BE-8653 .......... $39.95
Black Glass, Book 2 (The Collector's Guide to); Early 1900s to present - no repeats of BL-0478; animals, perfume bottles, tableware, kitchenware, jewelry, lamps, plates, etc.; Toohey, 8x11, SB, 128 pp, color, 1999/PG .......... #BL-0561 .......... $29.95
Blenko Glass: 1972-1983 Catalogs; Reprint of the 1972-1983 Blenk catalogs with price guide in back of book; Pina, 8x11, HB, 160 pp, color, 2001/PG .......... #BL-3835 .......... $35.00
Blenko: Cool '50s & '60s Glass: Stoppers, vases, handles, drinkware, tableware, lighting, figural & more - the designers & the glass; Pina, 8x11, HB, 208 pp, color, 2000/PG .......... #BL-1352 ......... $39.95
Bohemian Glass 1915-1945 (Collectible), Vol. 2;Engraved, Drahonovsky, Furnace decorated, pressed, figurines, painted, marks, signatures, monograms & more; Truitt, 8x11, HB, 136 pp, color, 1998/VG ..........#BO-7622 .......... $39.95
Bottle Pricing Guide, Revised 3rd Ed., Updated 2003 Values; 4000+ bottles - Avon, medicine, Jim Beam, bitters & many more; Cleveland, 5x8, SB, 251 pp, 2003/VG .......... #BO-1374.......... $7.95
Bottles & Pot Lids: Collector's Guide #21 (Miller's); Ginger beer bottles, fizzy pop bottles, eye baths, ointment pops, cosmetic preparations, water filters, glass & ceramic; Blakeman, 6x9, SB, 64 pp, color, 2002/PG .......... #MI-5394 .......... $9.95
Bottles (Antique Glass): 1500-1850 Their History & Evolution; Most comprehensive world-wide bibliography on glass bottles ever produced, listing 1150 titles; 773 bottles & seals photos; Van den Bossche, 8x11, HB, 350 pp, color/b&w, 2001/NP .......... #GL-3379 .......... $99.50
Bottles Price List, 12th Ed. (Kovel's; 12,000+ appraiser-approved prices for old & modern bottles - bitters, figurals, perfume, whiskey - 1700s-1900s; Kovel, 5x8, SB, 260 pp, color/b&w, 2002/PG .......... #KO-6238 .......... $16.00
Bottles, 4th Ed. (Antique Trader's Identification & Price Guide); Full range of old & new bottles - barber, beer, crocks, figurals, fruit jars, flasks, milk, ink, nursing, snuff, whiskey, etc.; Polak, 6x9, SB, 520 pp, color/b&w, 2002/PG .......... #BO-3710 .......... $17.95
Bryce, Higbee, & J. B. Higbee Glass; Alphabetical listing w/illus. of all patterns of Bryce bros. and Higbee; helps distinguish the difference between the two; Higby, 8x11, SB, 208 pp, color/b&w, 2003/PG .......... #BR-043X .......... $34.95
Cambridge Glass Co. 1930-1934 (The): Cambridge Trade Marks; CR of stemware, dinnerware, bathroom, smokers, decanters, candlesticks w/PG; 10x8, 253 pp, 1997/WP .......... #CA-0203 .......... $14.95
Cambridge Glass (Colors in); More Cambridge than any other book; history of company, complete descriptions; National Cambridge Coll.; 8x11, HB, 128 pp, color, 1999/PG.......... #CO-2702 .......... $19.95
Candle Holders (20th Century Glass): Roaring 20s, Depression Era & Modern Collectible Candle Holders; 600 candle holders in full color - A&A Imports to Westmoreland; Riggs & Pendergrass, 8x11, SB, 159 pp, color, 1999/VG .......... #CA-7487 .......... $29.95
Candle Holders (Elegant): Brilliant Cut Era, Roaring 20s, Depression Era, Modern; Engravings, silver & gold overlays, etching, modern styles from U.S. and Europe from Hawkes, Hoare, Libbey, Pairpoint, Steuben; Riggs & Pendergrass, 8x11, SB, 176 pp, color, 2002/PG .......... #GL-6354 ........... $29.95
Candle Holders (Glass); Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Depression Era, Modern; 500 photos of single, double & triple candle holders listed alpha by mfg; Fenton, Duncan & Miller, Jeannette & more; Pendergrass & Riggs, 8x11, SB, 160 pp, color, 2001/PG .......... #GL-2103 .......... $29.95
Candle Holders (Glass): depression Era & Beyond; Broad range of styles, prices & eras from votive to candelabra; alphabetically by manufacturer; 520 photos; Riggs, 8x11, SB, 160 pp, color, 2001/PG .......... GL-3487 .......... $29.95
Candlestick Book, Vol. 1: Akro Agate to Fenton (The HLass), Identification & Value Guide; 33 different companies shown alpha from Akro to Fenton; 620 candlesticks in color plus catalog reprints; Felt & Stoer, 8x11, HB, 256 pp, color, 2003/PG .......... #GL-3008 .......... $24.95
Candlesticks of the Depression Era (Glass), Identification & Price Guide; Anchor Hocking, Cambridge, Canton, Colony, Fry, Heisey, Imperial, Indiana, Jeannette, dell, Libbey & more; Florence, 8x11, HB, 175 pp, color, 2000/PG .......... #GL-1366 .......... $24.95
Candlewick: Colored & Decorated Lines; Recognize & identify documented colors & treatments for Imperial's Candlewick; colored, slag, black, milk glass & more; Garrison, 8x11, SB, 160 pp, color/b&w, 2003/PG .......... #CA-7962 .......... $29.95
Candlewick: The Crystal Line; Place settings, serving pieces, sets & misc., plus ashtrays, candleholders, compotes & more; measurements for stems & tumblers; Garrison, 8x11, SB, 176 pp, color, 2003/PG .......... #CA-7563 .......... $29.95
Candlewick: The Jewel of Imperial Price Guide 1999 & More; Wetzel-Tomalka, 6x9, color/b&w, 1999/PG .......... #CA-1999 .......... $12.50
Candlewick Price Guide 2002 & More - The Jewel of Imperial; 1973 entries in PG plus additional info since last PG; new collectibles; Boyd, Dalzell-Viking, Mosser, more; Wetzel-Tomalka, 6x9, SB, 144 pp, color/b&w, 2002/PG .......... #CA-2002 .......... $18.00
Candlewick: The Jewel of Imperial, Book #2; Complete history,
reference & price guide; Wetzel-Tomalka, 6x9, SB,288 pp, 32 pp color,
1995/PG .......... #CA-2062.......... $26.95
Candy Containers - A Price Guide; 100's of glass containers and descriptions; 5x8, SB, 112 pp, color, 1996/PG .......... #CA-0455 .......... $14.95
Candy Containers for Collectors; 400 containers are shown with descriptions & pricing; includes containers in cardboard, plastic, fabric, celluloid & more; Braun, 8x11, SB, 144 pp, color, 2002/PG .......... #CA-4823 .......... $24.95
Candy Containers Handbook (Compleat American Glass); Revised by A. Bowders; 8x11, 1993/PG .......... #AM-7705 ..........$24.95
Candy Containers (Collector's Guide to); Aviation, buildings, bpats, holidays, musical, windmills, etc.; Dezso & Poirer, 8x11, 199 pp, 1998/PG ..........#CA-0092 ..........$19.95
Carnival Glass (A Century of); From Classic American to present day, including glass from England, Germany, Netherlands, Czech rep., Sweden, Mexico, China, more; Thistlewood, 8x11, HB, 256 pp, color, 2001/PG .......... #CA-209X .......... $39.95
Carnival Glass (A Field Guide to); Hundreds of photos for over 37,000 items; illustrates classic patterns from A to Z, w/known shapes and colors in each pattern; Doty, 6x9, SB, 374 pp, color/b&w, 1998/PG .......... #CA-0510 .......... $24.95
Carnival Glass (Collecting), 2nd Ed.; Covers UK, European & Scandinavian glass with brief histories of the companies plus catalog reprints; Quintin-Baxendale, 7x9, SB, 144 pp, color, 2002/PG .......... #CA-3200 .......... $21.95
Carnival Glass (Imperial), Identification & Value Guide; Imperial Glass Co. 1901-1985 - colors, patterns, marks & more; Burns, 8x11, SB, 183 pp, color, 1996/VG .......... #IM-697X ..........$18.95
Carnival Glass (Pocket Guide to); Learn to identify and value classic & contemporary Carnival glass; Clements, 6x9, SB, 126 pp, color, 2001/PG .......... #CA-1972 .......... $16.95
Carnival Glass Price Guide, 13th Ed. (Standard Encyclopedia of); Stand-alone PG - or can be used to update your prior edition of Carnival Glass; alpha by pattern name; 6500 pcs, sizes, color; Edwards & Carwile, 8x11, SB, 80 pp, 100s of photos, 2000/PG .......... #CA-2737 .......... $9.95
Carnival Glass, 8th Ed. (Standard Encyclopedia of); Dugan, Fenton, Imperial, Millersburg, Heisey, U. S. Glass, McKee & more; 300 new patterns, 500+ new photos; now info on hatpins; Edwards & Carwile, 8x11, HB, 496 pp, color, 2002/PG ..........#CA-2729 .......... $29.95
Carnival Glass: The Magic & Mystery; Production, manufacturers, pattern themes (flowers, fruits, birds, etc.), and influences from other countries; Thistlewood, 8x11, HB, 224 pp, color, 1998/VG ..........#CA-6847 .......... $39.95
Circa Fifties Glass from Europe & America; Scandinavian & Italian designer art glass; Barovier, Toso and Venini; Pina, 8x11, HB, 222 pp, color, 1997/VG .......... #FI-2299 .......... $49.95
Cobalt Blue Glass; Jewelry, cut glass, depression era, kitchenware, condiment pieces, decanters, candlesticks, vases, lamps, iridescent & more; Clements, 8x11, SB, 143 pp, color, 1998/VG .......... #CO-6855 .......... $24.95
Coudersport Glass 1900-1904; Early American pressed glass produced in Coudersport, PA; milk, custard, vaseline, art and opalescent & more; Majot, 8x11, SB, 128 pp, color, 1999/PG .......... #CO-0677 .......... $24.95
Crackle Glass (Collecting) with Values; Major manufacturers, kitchen & household, perfume & more; Alford, 8x11, SB, 144 pp, index, color, 1997/VG.......... #CR-2175..........$29.95
Crackle Glass in Color: Depression to the 1970s; Many companies in many styles - Bischoff, Blenko, Kanawha, pilgrim, Rainbow - drinkware, minis, handles, vases, decanters, etc.; Pina, 8x11, HB, 174 pp, color, 2000/PG .......... #CR-1360 .......... $29.95
Crackle Glass Too: 1950s-2000; 1000s of vases, pitchers, bowls, tumblers & dishes; company names; detailed captions; current prices; Pina, 8x11, HB, 160 pp, color, index, 2001/PG .......... #CR04041 .......... $39.95
Crackle Glass, Book 1, Identification and Value Guide; 1920-1950 manufacturers, history, how to ID & more; Weitman, 8x11, SB, 151 pp, 400 color, 2000/VG ..........#CR-6740 .......... $19.95
Crackle Glass, Book 2, Identification & Value Guide; Vases, pitchers, decanters, cruets, bowls, lamps & more; Weitman, 8x11, SB, 200 pp, color, 1998/VG..........#CR-0149..........$19.95
Cruets Cruets Cruets, Vol. #2, with Price Guide; Continues the alphabetical coverage Heisey to Paden City, including Jasperware, LG Wright, Libbey, lead crystal, Majolica, etc.; Ezell & Newhouse, 8x11, SB, 283 pp, 1995/PG .......... #CR-0494 .......... $32.95
Crystal (A Collection of American): A Stemware Identification Guide; Glastonbury/Lotus, Libbey/Rock Sharpe & Hawkes - stems by pattern & number, over 1000 patterns and 200 stems, company info; Page & Frederiksen, 8x11, HB, 124 pp, line drawings, 1995/NP .......... #CR-4462 .......... $24.95
Crystal Stemware - ID Guide from Replacement Ltd., China, Crystal & Flatware - Discontinued & Active; 4000 patterns illustrated alphabetically by manufacturer; Page & Frederiksen, 8x11, SB, 372 pp, b&w, 1997/NP .......... #CR-0319 ......... $18.95
Cut & Engraved Glass (American) - The Brilliant Period in Historical Perspective, Revised Ed.; Complete history (both U.S. & Canadian) for more than 650 items; the standard reference for cut glass, now updated; Swan, 7x10, HB, 348 pp, 1998/PG .......... #AM-7137.......... $45.00
Cut & Engraved Glass (Encyclopedia of American), Revised & Updated 9th Ed.; 150 photos & text describing the products of major & minor manufacturers from early days to 1920s & 1930s; Revi, 8x11, HB, 320 pp, color/b&w, 2000/PG .......... #GL-0054 .......... $69.95
Cut Glass (Handbook for American brilliant); 396 photos; standard, choice, premium & rare quality pieces are identified throughout; organized by patterns; Boggess, 8x11, SB, 159 pp, b&w/color, 2001/PG .......... #AM-2251 .......... $29.95
Cut Glass (Identifying American Brilliant), Revised & Enlarged 4th Ed.; Catalog names for various shapes, 280 patterns of American & Canadian glass; 130 pcs known by signature, patent or mag ads; Boggess, 6x9, SB, 284 pp, 2001/PG .......... #ID-2596 .......... $19.95
Cut Glass (Reflections on American Brilliant); Patterns, colored patterns & variations, common & unusual shapes, signature marks, rare pieces addressed; Boggess, 8x11, HB, 256 pp, 950 photos, 1995/VG .......... #AM-7226 .......... $59.95
Cut Glass Industry (The American): T.G. Hawkes & His Competitors; Late 19th -early 20th century cut glass in Corning, NY; Spillman, 8x11, 320 pp, color, 1996/NP .......... #CU-250X ........ $69.50
Cut Glass Value Guide (Evers' Standard); Company name, pattern, shapes & sizes with illus. & pricing of 2000 pieces; Evers, 160 pp, 2000/PG .......... #CU-6538 .......... $12.95
Czechoslovakia (Made in), Book #2, 1918-1938; 672 pieces of pottery, porcelain, 343 glass perfume bottles; Forsythe, 8x11, SB, 96 pp, color, 1997/PG .......... #MA-0982 .......... $29.95
Czechoslovakia (Made in): An Addenda of Pottery, Porcelain, & Semi-Porcelain; Art glass, candy baskets, perfume bottles, lamps, jewelry; Forsythe, 8x11, SB, 72 pp, color, 2000/PG .......... #MA-1111 ..........$21.95
Czechoslovakian Glass & Collectibles, Book #2, Identification & Value Guide; Glass plus pottery, porcelain, china, eggs, perfume & more; Barta & Rose, 7x11, 159 pp, color, 1997/VG .......... #CZ-7216 .......... $16.95
Depression Era Dime Store Glass; Moonstone tableware, fancy glassware, fruit & dessert sets, ruby, ivory, Waterford, Fire-King, tumblers & glasses, & more; Miller, 5x8, SB, 125 pp, b&w, 1999/PG .......... #DE-6650 .......... $12.95
Depression Era Glassware, 3rd Ed., Identification & Value Guide; Carl Luckey, 8x11, SB, 213 pp, index, line drawings, 1994/VG ..........#DE-1046 ..........$22.95
Depression Glass & American Dinnerware Price List (Kovel's), 7th Ed., 2001 - ID & PG covers 1920-1980; Now includes dinnerware made in other countries sold in U. S.; info on makers & marks; plastic dinnerware included; Kovel, 5x8, SB, 244 pp, color/b&w, 2001/PG ..........#KO-6408 .......... $16.00
Depression Glass & More 1920-1960s, 12th Ed., Identification & Value Guide; Shown by pattern, Adam to Windsor; companies include Jeannette Glass, Liberty Works, MacBeth-Evans, U.S. Glass, Imperial & more; Florence, 6x9 SB, color, 191 pp, 2000/PG .......... #DE-2028 .......... $9.95
Depression Glass (Mauzy's): A Photographic Reference w/Prices, 2nd Ed.; Thousands of examples of 140 patterns of collectible glassware - 1000 photos; exacting measurements, history & more; Mauzy, 8x11, HB, 256 pp, color, index, 2001/PG .......... #DE-3711 .......... $24.95
Depression Glass (Warman's), 2nd Ed.; 155 Depression glass patterns - Adam, Christmas Candy, Daisy, English Hobnail, Fire-King, Jubilee, Orchid & lots more; Schroy, 8x11, SB, 255 pp, color/b&w, 2000/PG .......... #DE-8697 .......... $25.95
Depression Glass Collections & Reflections; definition, giveaway premiums, cobalt blue, amethyst, black, pink, green, amber, yellow, ultra-marine, iridescent, crystal; Yeske, 5x8, SB, 175 pp, color, 1999/PG .......... #DE-8386 .......... $12.95
Depression Glass Prices, 3rd Ed. (Mauzy's Comprehensive Handbook
of); Now includes Royal Ruby & Forest Green; 140+ patterns of
Depression, Fire-King & more; listing of all pieces in all colors; Mauzy,
4x9, SB, 224 pp, 140+ color photos, 2001/PG ..........
#DE-3177 .......... $9.95
Depression Glass, 15th Ed. (Collector's Ency. of); Glass produced from late 1920s through 1940 in amber, blue, black, crystal, green, pink, red, yellow & white; many new pieces; Florence, 8x11, HB, 253 pp, color, 2002/WP ..........#DE-246X ..........$19.95
Depression Glass, 6th Ed.: A Collector's Guide; Berry bowls, sherbets, candlesticks, creamers & sugars, console sets, plates; trademarks; sources & more; Yeske, 5x9, SB, 160 pp, color, 2003 ......... #DE-7199 .......... $9.95
Dugan & Diamond Carnival Glass 1909-1931; All known patterns, colors, and shapes - nearly 300 pcs shown; covers production, reproductions, rarities & more; Burns, 8x11, SB, 175 pp, color, 1999/PG .......... #CA-0823 .......... $19.95
Dugan/Diamond: The Story of Indiana, Pennsylvania Glass; Heacock, Measell & Wiggins; 8x11, SB, 205 pp, index, color photos, 1999/VG ..........#DU-0915..........$34.95
Duncan (Depression Era Glass by); American sandwich, Hobnail, Teardrop, Canterbury; stemware & drinking, tableware, decorative bowls, vases, boxes, jars, swans; Pina, 11x8, Hb, 176 pp, color, 1999/PG .......... #DE-9285 .......... $29.95
Duncan Glass (The Encyclopedia of); Patterns, cuttings, special pieces, Rock crystal, Lead Blown, stemware; Krause, 6x9, HB, 223 pp, 1975/NP .......... #DU-1145 .......... $25.00
Duncan Miller and Geo. Duncan & Sons Price Guide (Revised); Complements Ency. of Duncan Glass; Krause, 5x8, SB, 77 pp, 1992/PG .......... #DU-1146 .......... $5.50
Durand: The Man and His Glass; Art glass produced from 1924-1931 in Vineland, NJ; jars, bowls, vases, perfumes, powder boxes, lamps, goblets, whimsies, etc.; Meschi, 8x11, HB, 192 pp, 80 pp color, index, 1998/PG .......... #DU-0529 .......... $39.95
Elegant Glass: Early, Depression & beyond; Hundreds of elegant American glass forms; many colors, shapes & 98 etchings of different patterns; from 1915 to the 1990s; Coe, 8x11, HB, 256 pp, color, 2001/PG .......... #EL-4092 .......... $29.95
Elegant Glassware of the Depression
Era, 9th Ed., Identification & Value Guide; Cambridge, central Glass
Works, Consolidated Lamp & Glass, Duncan & Miller, Fostoria, Heisey,
Imperial, McKee, Morgantown, etc.; Florence, 8x11, HB, 239 pp, 2001/PG
.......... #EL-1951 .......... $19.95
Encyclopedia of Glass (The); 3000+ definitions of glassware, colors, processes, materials, etc.; alphabetized format; croff-references between related subjects; Pickvet, 8x11, SB, 232 pp, b&w, 2001/NP .......... #EN-1999 .......... $19.95
Fenton Art Glass 1939-1980, Identification & 2002 Value Guide; 130 different patterns of Carnival alone; Whitmyer, 8x11, HB, 336 pp, color, 2002/PG .......... #FE-1056 .......... $29.95
Fenton Glass 1940-1970 (Big Book of), 4th Ed. Various colors, decorative treatments & forms; baskets, bowls, sandwich trays, vases & more in 800+ photos; Walk, 8x11, SB, 205 pp, color, 2002/PG .......... #FE-7296 .......... $19.95
Fenton Glass 1940-1970 Compendium; Vases, pitchers, trays, candleholders, teacups, console bowls & more; Walk, 8x11, SB, 222 pp, 900+ color photos, 2001/PG .......... #FE-4084 .......... $29.95
Fenton Glass 1970-1985 Compendium; 1160+ color photos ranging from animal figures to vases; every color, form & glass decorating motif used during this period; Walk, 8x11, SB, 254 pp, color, 2001/PG .......... #FE-3444 .......... $29.95
Fenton Glass Cats & Dogs PG; Features 500+ cats & dogs by Fenton Art Glass Co.; from 1933 to present; items sold in gift shops, special orders & more; Coe-McRitchie; 8x11, SB, 112 pp, color, 2002/PG .......... #FE-4890 .......... $19.95
Fenton Glass: The 1980s Decade; Continuation of the Fenton family & products produced from the 1980s; Measell, 8x11, 175 pp, 1997/PG ..........#FE-0197..........$34.95
Fenton Glass: The 1980s Decade - Comprehensive Price Guide 2000; Complete pricing for every item shown in FE-0197; Eaton, 8x11, SB, 47 pp, 2000/PG..........#FE-1980..........$12.95
Fenton Glass: The 1990s Decade; All key collections - Historical, Connoisseur, Family Signature, Easter & Christmas Limited Ed., QVC & more; Measell, 8x11, SB, 224 pp, color/b&w, 2000/PG .......... #FE-0782 .......... $34.95
Fenton Glass: The First 25 Years; Early production of the Fenton Art Glass Co. 1907-1932; Heacock, 8x11, SB, 144 pp, color, 1996/PG .......... #FE-1003 ..........$29.95
Fenton Glass: The First 25 Years - Comprehensive 1998 Price Guide; Values for for all Fenton pieces shown in #FE-1003, no pictures; Eaton, 8x11, SB, 64 pp, 1998/PG..........#FE-0243 ..........$12.95
Fenton Glass: The Second 25 Years; A history of the productions from 1930-1955, Hobnail, Crest, etc.; Heacock, 8x11, SB, 155 pp, 1996/PG..........#FE-1104..........$29.95
Fenton Glass: The Second 25 Years - Comprehensive 1998 Price Guide; Values for all pieces in #FE-1104, no pictures; Eaton, 8x11, SB, 118 pp, 1998/PG..........#FE-0251.........$12.95
Fenton Glass: The Third 25 Years; Productions from 1956-1980; Heacock, 8x11, SB, 160 pp, 1998/VG..........#FE-0362..........$29.95
Fenton Glass: The Third 25 Years - Comprehensive 1998 Price Guide; Description, pattern, ware # & value for all items in FE-0362, including cover & CR, 42 pp, 1998/PG.......... #FE-1995..........$12.95
Fenton Story of Glass Making (The); Story of the Fenton Glass Co., 200 pieces from 1907-1995; Linn, 8x11, 40 pp, color/b&w, 1995/NP ..........#FE-6122 .......... $9.95
Fifties Glass, 2nd Ed.; Special emphasis on Italian (Murano) & Scandinavian, with expanded section on American 50s glass; signatures, labels & more; Pina, 9x12, HB, 208 pp, color, glossary, labels, 2000/PG .......... #FI-9862 .......... $49.95
Fire-King & More (Anchor Hocking's), 2nd Ed., Including Early American Prescut & Wexford, 2002 Values; Dinnerware & patterns, advertising, ashtrays, children's dishes, reamers, measuring cups, mugs, bowls, candy dishes, ovenware; Florence, 8x11, HB, 240 pp, color, 2002/PG .......... #FI-1641 .......... $24.95
Fire-King Glassware, 2nd Ed. (A Collector's Guide to Anchor Hocking's); Sizes, dates, patterns, descriptions, value & more - 1942 through 1970s; Kilgo & Wilkins, 8x11, HB, 202 pp, color, 1997/PG .......... #FI-1912 .......... $29.95
Fire-King Glasswares, 2nd Ed. (An Unauthorized Guide to); Dinnerware, mugs, kitchenware, ovenware; copper lustre, jade-ite, sapphire blue, turquoise blue; Clements, 6x9, SB, 144 pp, color, index, 2002/PG .......... #FI-5765 .......... $12.95
Forest Green Glass; Anchor Hocking's dark forest green styles from late 1950s through mid 1960s; 17 established patterns, many boxed sets & more; Hopper, 8x11, SB, 112 pp, color, index, 2000/PG .......... #FO-0585 .......... $19.95
Fostoria American Line 2056, 2nd Ed.; Features American line #2056; 100s of items & 400+ photos & b&w illustrations with detailed captions; Pina, 8x11, HB, 160 pp, color/diagrams, 2002/PG .......... #FO-5323 .......... $29.95
Fostoria Fine Crystal & Colored Glasware: Cut, Etched & Plain - 1925 to 1930; Tableware, clocks, vanity sets, tea ware, pitchers, jug vases, tumblers & more from supplementary catalogs of 1925 & 1930; L-W Books, 11x8, SB, 135 pp, b&w, catalog reprint, 2000/PG .......... #FO-1133 .......... $19.95
Fostoria Glassware 1887-1982: 95 Years of Glassmaking; Bowls, candlesticks, brocades, candy boxes, carvings, clocks, dinnerware, stems & tumblers - cut, etched; pressed dinnerware; Bones, 8x11, HB, 446 pp, b&w, 1999/PG .......... #FO-1080 .......... $24.95
Fostoria Stemware - "The Crystal for America," Identification & Value Guide; Features all shapes, etching, cuttings, decorations & pattern names; 8x11, HB, 268 pp, 1998/VG..........#FO-5868..........$24.95
Fostoria Tableware, 1924-1943: The Crystal for America, Identification & Value Guide; Pressed patterns, etchings, cuttings and decorations; 100 original catalog pages; American pattern covered extensively; Long & Seate, 8x11, HB, 336 pp, color/b&w, 1999/PG .......... #FO-1099 .......... $24.95
Fostoria Tableware, 1944-1986: The Crystal for America;Continues the series - includes pressed patterns, cuttings, etchings & decorations including Coin, Colony & Century patterns; Long & Seate, 8x11, HB, 312 pp, color/b&w, 2000/PG .......... #FO-1439 ..........$24.95
Fostoria Useful & Ornamental: The Crystal for America, Identification & Value Guide; bells, bookends, boudoir, candlesticks, carvings, Christmas, clock sets, figurals, finger bowls, lamp & vase catalog, smoking; Long & Seate, 8x11, HB, 254 pp, color/b&w, 2000/PG .......... #FO-1668 .......... $29.95
Fostoria, Vol. #2: Etched, Carved & Cut Designs (Identification & Value Guide); Shape, color & design summary; stem shape & etching; patterns; Kerr, 8x11, HB, 357 pp, 1997/VG ..........#FO-7267..........$24.95
Fostoria: Serving the American Table 1887-1986; Ranges from rare Victorian pattern glass to American and Coin patterns; Pina, 8x11, HB, 192 pp, 1995/PG..........#FO-7269..........$29.95
Frederick Carder (The Glass of): A Schiffer Classic Reference Book; Reprint of the classic 1971 volume of the definitive story of the co-founder of Steuben Glass Works; Gardner, 9x12, HB, 373 pp, color/b&w, 1971/RP/NP .......... #FR-3185 .......... $75.00
Fruit Jars (1000), 5th Ed., Updated Prices; Bill Schroeder, 5x8, SB, 73 pp, 1994/WP.......... #ON-3474..........$5.95
Fruit Jars: Red Book #9: The Collector's Guide to Old); Alpha listing of jars with illustrations; 10,000+ prices; Ball, Beaver, Kerr, Mason, Red, Premium, The Gem, Globe & more; Leybourne, 8x11, SB, 406 pp, b&w, 2001/PG.......... #FR-5860 .......... $35.00
Fry Glassware (The Collector's Ency. of); Cut glass, oven ware, art glass & kitchenware; HC Fry Glass Society, 8x11, HB, 207 pp, color, 1998/VG..........#FR-3954..........$24.95
Glass (Sotheby's Concise Encyclopedia of); Pre-Roman through 20th century developments; fakes & forgeries & more; Battie & Cottle, 9x11, SB, 208 pp, color, index, 1991/NP .......... #SO-6545 .......... $29.95
Glass Antiques Checklist (Miller's) Pocket Guide; Q&A approach to ID & date, guidelines to values; West, 4x8, HB, 191 pp, color, 1994/VG..........#MI-2711..........$15.95
Glass Marks Encyclopedia 1600-1945 Europe & North America (Glasmarken Lexikon); German language book w/11,000 marks subdivided by appearance; info on when used and in what form applied; info on artists; Hartmann, 9x12, HB, 1006 pp, b&w, 1997/NP .......... #GL-9376 .......... $295.00
Glass of the 20s & 30s (Miller's), A Collector's Guide; Blown, studio, iridescent, major European cased, enameled, British cut & much more; Liebe, 6x8, SB, 64 pp, color, 1999/VG (pounds) .......... #GL-1631 .......... $11.95
Glassware (Official PG to), 2nd Ed. - Carnival & Depression Glass; American art, foreign, pressed, period, cut, modern & more; Pickvet 5x8, SB, 776 pp, b&w, 1998/PG ..........#OF-1375 ..........$17.00
Glassware from the 40s, 50s and 60s (Collectible), 5th Ed., An Illustrated Value Guide; Fire-King dinnerware & ovenware, Anniversary, Buttercup, Cascade, English Hobnail, King's Crown, Paneled Grape, Plantation; Florence, 8x11, HB, 238 pp, color/b&w, CR, 2000/VG .......... #GL-1390 .......... $19.95
Glassware Pattern Identification Guide (Florence's); Pattern name, dates & all colors available - 400 full color photos; Florence, 8x11, SB, 175 pp, 1998/NP .......... #GL-0459 .......... $18.95
Great American Glass of the Roaring Twenties & Ddepression Era;. Over 30 glassmaking firms covered; Measell & Wiggins, 8x11, SB, 208 pp, color, 1999/PG .......... #GL-0499 .......... $34.95
Harry Northwood: The Early Years 1881-1900; Heacock, Measell & Wiggins; 8x11, Sb, 152 pp, 1994/PG..........#HA-0397..........$29.95
Harry Northwood: The Wheeling Years 1901-1925; Heacock, Measell & Wiggins; 9x12, Sb, 207 pp, 1993/PG..........#HA-0745..........$34.95
Heisey Glass 1925-1938 (Collector's Encyclopedia of); Reprints of sales catalogs #14B, 212, 109, plus 32 pp of color photos; largest most informative book on Heisey glass; Bredehoft, 8x11, HB, 463 pp, color/b&w, 1999/WP.......... #HE-3075.......... $24.95
Higgins: Adventures in Glass; Fused studio & production glass in full color w/CR & ads; Johnson & Pina, 8x11, HB, 261 pp, 1997/VG.......... #HI-0210..........$59.95
Hobbs Brockunier & Co. Glass; Lists of all documented pieces, dates, colors, decor, patents; Bredehoft, 8x11, SB, 173 pp, color, 1997/WP.......... #HO-7801..........$19.95
Imperial Glass Co., 1904-1938 Catalog Reprints, Updated Values; Imperial Glass Company, 8x11, SB, 226 pp, b&w reprint, 1998/WP.......... #IM-0742..........$14.95
Imperial Glass Encyclopedia, Vol. #1, A-Cane; Alpha listing of patterns w/photos and catalog reprints; measell, 8x11, SB, 226 pp, color/b&w, 1995/VG..........#IM-0073..........$34.95
Imperial Glass Encyclopedia, Vol. #2, Cape Cod-L; Caramel slag, Carnival, Free hand, Ice & more; Measell, 8x11, SB, 494 pp, color/b&w, CR pgs, 1998/PG ..........#IM-0219 ..........$34.95
Imperial Glass Encyclopedia, Vol. #3, M-Z; 1236 pieces in color; milk glass, mint green satin, Monticello, Peachblow, Pink Satin & more; sweet serves, toothpicks, more; Measell, 8x11, SB, 272 pp, color, index for 3 vols., 1999/PG .........$34.95
Imperial's Boudoir, Etcetera; Comprehensive look at Imperial's dresser accessories; Garrison, 7x11, HB, 136 pp,, color/b&w, 1996/WP ..........#IM-4375..........$26.95
Imperial Cape Cod: "Tradition to Treasure," revised 2nd ed.; History, numbering system, illus., dates, colors, descriptions; Garrison, 5x8, SB, 136 pp, 1991/WP..........#IM-6013..........$14.95 SPECIAL ORDER
Imperial's Vintage Milkglass, 1st ed.; History, story of milk glass, illustration of styles & shapes; Garrison, 5x8, SB, 152 pp, b&w, 1992/PG..........#IM-3816..........$16.95 SPECIAL ORDER
Insulators (The Definitive Guide to Colorful); American & Canadian threaded and threadless glass, porcelain, foreign, plus commemoratives, private issues, catalog excerpts; Bruner, 9x11, HB, 223 pp, color, 2000/PG .......... #IN-0453 .......... $59.95
Insulators Price Guide 1999: A History & Guide to North American Glass Pintype Insulators; Complements 2 volume set listed below or can be used alone; McDougald, 6x9, spiral, 234 pp, b&w, 1999/PG ..........#IN-1000 ..........$29.95
Insulators: A History & Guide to North American Glass Pintype Insulators, Vols. #1 & 2; History, colors, pictorial guide; McDougald, 8x11, spiral, 500+ pp b&w, 1995/NP..........#IN-1509..........$49.50
Jadeite: An Identification & Price Guide, 2nd Ed.; 20% more photos, 100s of previously unpublished pieces; kitchenware, lamps & more from McKee, Jeannette & Anchor Hocking; Keller & Ross, 8x11, HB, 168 pp, color, 2000/PG .......... #JA-0917 .......... $24.95
Kemple Glass 1945-1970; Tableware, decorative plates, animal dishes, figurines - milk glass, slag & more; SB, 160 pp, 1998/VG .......... #KE-009X .......... $34.95
Kitchen Glassware of the Depression Years, 6th Ed., Identification & Values; 5000+ pieces of kitchenware in full color - mugs, reamers, shakers, rolling pins, canisters, measuring cups & more; Florence, HB, 304 pp, 2002/VG .......... #KI-2206 ..........$24.95
L. G. Wright Glass Company (The); 1800 pcs of cranberry, vaseline ruby, peach blow & more; Measell & Roetteis, 8x11, 186 pp, SB, 1998/PG .......... #LG-0308 .......... $34.95
Lalique Glass - The Complete Illustrated Catalogue of 1932; 1500+ objects - vases, cups, boxes, mirrors, flacons, toilet sets, clocks, jewelry & more; Catalog Reprint, 1981/CR/NP .......... #LA222x .......... $18.95
Lalique Perfume Bottles & Glass (Collecting); A sample of lalique's commercial glass, the more common types; what to look for in terms of condition & aesthetics; Prescott-Walker, 7x9, SB, 118 pp, color, 2001/PG .......... #LA-3146 .......... $24.95
Milk Glass (Collector's Encyclopedia of), Identification & Values; Bottles, jars, bowls, boxes, candlesticks, children's pieces, epergne, cake stands, covered dishes, tumblers, lamps & more; Newbound, 8x11, HB, 253 pp, color/b&w, 2000/PG.......... #MI-6260 .......... $24.95
Milk Glass Book (The) with Price Guide; Mid-19th century to present - American, French, English & more. Majority of pieces never before shown; some very rare colors; Chiarenza & Slater, 8x11, HB, 228 pp, color, 24 pp CR, index, 1998/VG .......... #MI-6618 .......... $49.95
Milk Glass: Imperial Glass Corporation Plus Opaque, Slag & More; Comprehensive look at milk glass from 1930s through 1984 by Imperial Glass Co.; patterns & categories; includes b&w catalog pages; Garrison, 8x11, SB, 160 pp, color/b&w, index, 2001/PG .......... #MI-2626 .......... $29.95
Millersburg Glass: As I Know It; Carnival glass produced by Millersburg, Ohio glass factories 1909-1913; McGee, 8x11, 160 pp, 1995/VG..........#MI-0057..........$29.95
Moon & Star (Mysteries of the), 2nd Ed.: Collectors Guide to Moon & Star Pattern Glass; Info from 1950s to 2001; history of pattern, identifying manufacturers, recent discoveries; Breeze, 8x11, SB, 112 pp, color/b&w, 2002/PG .......... MO-261X .......... $29.95
Morgantown Glass: From Depression Glass through the 1960s; Glass produced in Morgantown, WV, from early 20th century through 1960s; Snyder, 8x11, HB, 224 pp, 1998/PG .......... #MO-5052 .......... $29.95
Moser Artistic Glass 1857-1938, Revised 2nd Ed.; Almost all new photos & greatly expanded text, baldwin, 8x11, SB, 192 pp, color, CR pgs, 1998/PG ..........#MO-0375..........$34.95
New Martinsville Glass, 1900-1944; Enlarged revised edition of two earlier books; Includes "Peachblow," pattern glass & many more colors & items from 1920-1930s; Measell, 1995/PG..........#NE-0850..........$34.95
Opalescent Glass (Standard Ency. of) 2nd ed., Identification & Updated Values; 1880-1930, heavily revised edition w/125 more patterns; Edwards, 8x11, HB, 224 pp, color, 1997/VG.......... #OP-7879..........$19.95
Open Salts (5000) Rarity & Price Guide; Companion to #OP-3433, 5000 Open Salts..........#OP-1996..........$9.95
Open Salts (5000) - A Collector's Guide; The salt collector's "bible"; pattern names & illus.; Heacock & Johnson, 8x11, SB, 300 pp, 1982/RP/NP..........#OP-3433..........$49.95 OUT OF PRINT
Orrefors Glass; Scandinavian flass from Orrefors factory in Sweden; Duncan, 8x11, HB, 231 pp, b&w/color, 1995/NP.......... #OR-2240..........$89.50
Paden City Glassware; History of Paden City Glass Co. with over 40 patterns; etched decorations are described; glossary of terms; 650 photos with prices; Torsiello & Stillman, 8x11, SB, 160 pp, color, 2002/PG .......... #PA-4939 .......... $29.95
Paperweights (Advertising): Figural, Glass, Metal; All shapes & sizes of paperweights in glass & metal; Samuel Ward Co.,Abrams paper Weight Co., Metropolitan Glass Co. & more; Holiner & Kammerman, 8x11, SB, 197 pp, color, 2002/VG .......... #PA-2559 .......... $24.95
Paperweights of the 19th & 20th Centuries (Miller's): A Collector's Guide; Comprehensive intro to glass paperweights from mid-1800s to today, from origins in Venice to factories of Baccarat & St. Louis; Metcalfe, 6x9, SB, 64 pp, color, 2000/PG .......... #MI-309X .......... $9.99
Paperweights of the World 1840s to 1980s, Revised 3rd Ed.; History, development, production techniques & more; Flemming & Pommerencke, 8x11, HB, 168 pp, 2000/VG .......... #PA-0798 .......... $35.00
Pattern Glass (Early American), Identification & Price Guide; Nearly 400 glass patterns illustrated with detailed descriptions of each piece - size, inscriptions, color, dates & pricing; Reilly & Jenks, 8x11, SB, 552 pp, b&w/color, 2002/PG .......... EA-4385 .......... $24.95
Pattern Glass (Field Guide to); Designed for easy identification of early American glass, patterns presented by molded characteristics; 100s of illustrations; McCain, 6x9, SB, 544 pp, b&w, 2000/NP .......... #PA-1765 .......... $17.95
Pattern Glass (Much More Early American), Revised - An Important American Heritage; Almost 900 b&w photos and approximately 1500 patterns from Ashburton to Zippered Block; revision of 1950-1960s edition; metz, 8x9, SB, 240 pp, b&w, 2000/WP .......... #EA-1633 .......... $17.95
Pattern Glass (The Collector's Encyclopedia of), Updated Prices; 100s of patterns illustrated plus complete pricing; McCain, 5x8, SB, 541 pp, 1996/WP..........#PA-2117..........$12.95
Pattern Glass (Warman's) - Price Key Book; Schroy, 6x9, SB, 171 pp, 1993/WP.......... #PA-6734..........$15.95
Pattern Glass Mugs; 100s of patterns shown, some art glass mugs & contemporary; 8x11, 160 pp, color/b&w, 1995/WP..........#PA-0103..........$34.95
Peanut Butter Glasses w/Values; 900+ photos of glasses from '50s - painted flowers, birds, dogs & more; Mauzy, 5x8, SB, 128 pp, 1997/WP..........#PE-1071..........$19.95
Pink Depression Era Glass (Pocket Guide to); Info on companies; arranged by pattern w/ photos & prices; Adam, American Sweetheart, Cloverleaf, Jubilee, New Century & more; Clements, 6x9, SB, 140 pp, color, 2000/PG .......... #PI-0089 .......... $16.95
Popular '50s and '60s Glass: Color Along the River; Blenko, Pilgrim, Rainbow, Viking, Kanawaha, Bischiff & more; Pina, 8x11, HB, 178 pp, color, 1995/PG .......... $29.95
Popular Glass of the 19th & 20th Centuries (Miller's): A Collector's Guide; Highly informative guide for the new collector - candlesticks, bowls, vases, figures, tableware, lighting, slag glass & more; Notley, 6x9, SB, 64 pp, color, 2000/PG .......... #MI-2867 .......... $9.95
Pressed Glass 1825-1915 (Collector's Guide to American); Lacy, flint, carnival, novelties & more; Husfloen, 7x9, SB, 198 pp, color & b&w, 1992/VG..........#AM-6122..........$18.95
Pressed Glass 1860-1930 (Standard Encyclopedia of), 2nd Ed.; 300 new patterns in this edition; 60 years of crystal and sparkling colors; 100s of patterns, dozens of shapes; edwards & Carwile, 8x11, HB, 336 pp, 1400 color photos, 2000/PG .......... #PR-179X .......... $29.95
Price Survey, 4th Ed.; Depression Era glassware from Adam to Windsor, plus Cambridge, Fostoria, Heisey & Imperial, also Fiesta, Cat Tail, Autumn Leaf, Red Riding Hood china; Washburn, 8x11, SB, 152 pp, b&w photos, 1994/PG..........#PR-004K..........$15.95
Pyrex by Corning (A Collector's Guide); Clear ovenware, Flameware, colored kitchenware; Rogove & Steinhauer, 8x11, SB, 134 pp, color, 1994/PG..........#PY-094X..........$24.95
Pyrex by Corning: A Supplement and 1997-98 Price Guide; Ashtrays, fruit jars, irons, child sets, dinnerware, pitchers & more; Rogove, 8x11, SB, 322 pp, 1998/PG..........#PY-0294..........$9.95
Pyrex: The Unauthorized Collector's Guide; 1000s of pieces of Pyrex plus catalog pages and advertisements; Ovenware, Flameware, colorful later styles, lab glass, more; Mauzy, 8x11, SB, 158 pp, color/b&w, 2000/PG .......... #PY-0690 .......... $29.95
Rose Bowls (Collectible Glass): A History & identification Guide; 450 examples of Victorian glass, including Opalescent, Peachblow & Mother of Pearl satin; early 20th century rose bowls, too; Billings, 8x11, SB, 200 pp, color, 1999/PG .......... #RO-0098 .......... $26.95
Royal Ruby (More): Bottles, apothecary, candy jars, ash trays, pitchers, glasses, lazy susans, novelty, vases, Avon, lamps, factory sheets/ads; Hopper, 8x11, SB, 128 pp, color, index, 1999/PG .......... #RO-879X .......... $24.95
Royal Ruby - Anchor Hocking's Red Glassware; High Point, Whirly Twirly, Fairfield, Classic, Berwick & more; Hopper, 8x11, SB, 128 pp, color, index, 1998/PG .......... #RO-6677 .......... $24.95
Ruby Glass of the 20th Century, Book 1; 650 pieces of red-colored glassware priced for color, condition & collectibility; Over, 8x11, SB, 128 pp, color/b&w, 1997/PG .......... #RU-0680..........$21.95
Ruby Glass of the 20th Century, Book 2; 1280 pieces in color - almost no duplications from Book 1; tableware, novelties, bottles, lamps, candleholders, Fenton & Viking; Over, 8x11, SB, 128 pp, color, 1999/PG .......... #RU-0545 .......... $29.95
Russian Glass of the 17th-20th Centuries; 17-18th century glassmaking, Russian glass 19-20th century; Corning Museum of Glass, 191 pp, 1990/NP..........#RU-1238..........$24.95
Sandwich (The Glass Industry in), Vol. #1; 504 color shots of tableware used by working class; Kaiser & Barlow, 9x12, HB, 328 pp, 1993/NP..........#GL-5517..........$120.00
Sandwich (The Glass Industry in), Vol. #2 -Lighting Devices; Well-documented text plus 468 color photos; Barlow & Kaiser, 9x12, HB, 300 pp, index, 1989/NP..........#GL-1708..........$95.00
Sandwich (The Glass Industry in), Vol. #3; Vases & flower containers, cologne bottles, witch balls, toys & more; Barlow & Kaiser, 9x12, 280 pp, 1987/NP..........#GL-0817..........$79.95
Sandwich (The Glass Industry in), Vol. #4; Candlesticks, insulators, frosted ware, late blown ware, threaded & epergne; 9x12, 381 pp, 1983/NP..........#GL-6604..........$95.00
Sandwich (The Glass Industry in), Vol. #5; Variety includes very fine cut and engraved ware to household, commercial and scientific necessities; roster of 1500 employees; Kaiser & Barlow, 9x12, 219 pp, HB, color, index, 1999/NP .......... #GL-6995 .......... $79.95
Sandwich Glass Price Guide - For Pieces in perfect Condition, 5th ed.; Current prices for all five volumes of The Glass Industry in Sandwich; Barlow & Kaiser, 8x11, SB, 48 pp. no photos, 1999/PG .......... #SA-7606 .......... $15.00
Sandwich Glass: Blown Tableware, Pressed Cup Plates, & Salts from Vol. #1 (A Guide to); Values given for each piece in clear glass, as well as colors; Barlow & Kaiser, 9x12, SB, 1993/PG..........#SA-5533..........$29.95
Sandwich Glass: Pressed Tableware from Vol. #1 (A Guide to); A comprehensive guide enhanced by 252 color photos; Barlow & Kaiser, 9x12, SB, 96 pp, 1993/NP..........#SA-5525..........$29.95
Sandwich Glass: Cut Ware, A General Assortment, and Bottles (A Guide to); Cut, engraved and etched glass; household and commercial ware; bottles - all the glass photos from Vol. #5 (GL-6995); Barlow & Kaiser, 9x12, SB, 150 pp, color, 1999/PG .......... #SA-7088 .......... $39.95
Sandwich Glass: Witchballs, Containers & Toys (A Guide to); Half the photos from Vol. #3 w/PG; Barlow/Kaiser, 9x12, SB, 100 pp, 1987/PG..........#SA-0833..........$23.50
Seneca Glass (Elegant): Victorian - depression - Modern; Terms, manufacturing and decorating techniques, history; ashtrays, bells, bottles, bowls, candlesticks, compotes, cruets, S&P, Slim Jims; Lindbeck & Snyder, 8x11, HB, 184 pp, color, index, 2000/PG .......... #SE-1417 .......... $29.95
Seneca Glass Company 1891-1983, Stemware Identification Guide; Comprehensive guide w/line drawings with factory numbers, cutting or etching numbers, and color; some unknown patterns are shown; Page & Frederiksen, 8x11, HB, 104 pp, line drawings, 1995/NP .......... #SE-4462 .......... $24.95
Seneca Glass: A Guide to Catalogs & Prices - Stems, Etchings, Cuts & Patterns; Identifies & documents 100s of patterns, cuts, stems & etchings designed by Seneca over its 92 years; company advertisements; Lindbeck, 8x11, SB, 256 pp, b&w, index, 2000/PG .......... #SE-1409 .......... $24.95
Shoes of Glass, 2 - Revised & greatly expanded edition; 900+ shoes - milk glass, pattern, opaque, carnival, Murano; catalog reprints; Yalom, 8x11, SB, 216 pp, color/b&w, 1998/PG .......... #SH-0340 .......... $34.95
Shot Glasses (The Encyclopedia of); References 4000+ shot glasses w/line drawings of 1400+; combines 2 previous volumes; Pickvet, 8x11, SB, 336 pp, b&w, 1998/PG .......... #SH-0421 .......... $29.95
Silhouette Collectibles on Glass (Encyclopedia of), with separate 1997 Price Guide; Mace, 8x11, HB, 159 pp, full color, 1997/PG..........#SI-7455..........$29.95
Silhouettes on Glass & Reverse Paintings (Vintage);Convex glass, flat glass & miscellaneous, companies benton through West Coast; includes cards, china, lamp, paper & more; Mace, 8x11, HB, 176 pp, color, 2000/PG .......... #SI-7463 .......... $40.00
Slag Glass (American), Identification & Values; Numeric by company pattern - Imperial, fenton, Westmoreland, more; descriptions, colors, original retail, current values; Grizel, 5x8, SB, 158 pp, color, 1998/PG .......... #SL-0033 .......... $17.95
Stemware Identification 1920s-1960s - Featuring Cordials with Values; Tiffin, Cambridge, Heisey - 800 patterns - 1920s to 1960s; Florence, 8x11, SB, 160 pp, color, 1997/PG..........#ST-7380 ..........$24.95
Stemware of the 20th Century: The Top 200 Patterns; Selecting, using, caring for & replacing stemware; Rinker, 8x11, SB, 195 pp, b&w/color, 1997/PG ..........#ST-0840 ..........$24.95
Stretch Glass (American Iridescent): Fenton, Northwood, U.S. Glass, Imperial, Diamond, Vineland; Lancaster, Central, Jeannette; Candleholders, candy dishes, bowls, covered dishes & more; line names and colors; Madeley & Shetlar, 8x11, SB, 189 pp, color, 1998/PG .......... #ST-0327 .......... $19.95
Tiffin (40s, 50s & 60s Stemware by); Nearly 700 color photos, plus original b&w promotional photos, history, index; Goshe, Hemminger, Pina; 11x8, HB, 160 pp, color/b&w, 1999/PG .......... #TI-8696 .......... $29.95
Tiffin (Depression Era Stems & Tableware:) with Prices;Color photos, catalog pages, advertisements, drawings; most of the glass presented is from 1920s & 1930s; Goshe, Hemminger, Pina, 11x8, HB, 176 pp, color, 1998/PG .......... #DE-6529 .......... $29.95
Tiffin (Modern): Mid-Century Art Glass; Valuable info on this wide range of art glass; Hemminger, Goshe & Pina, 8x11, 216 pp, color, 1997/VG.......... #TI-3201..........$39.95
Tiffin Glass, 1914-1940; 100s of Tiffin products in full color - vases, bowls, candlesticks; large section on pressed satin glass, lamps and baskets; Pina & Gallagher, 8x1, HB, 160 pp, color, index, 1996/WP .......... #TI-1020 .......... $29.95
Tiffin is Forever: A Stemware Identification Guide; Line drawings of each piece - many stems depicted that have never been shown before; Page & Frederiksen, 8x11, HB, 169 pp, line drawings, 1994/NP .......... #TI-4462 .......... $29.95
Trademarks on Glass (400) with Alphabetical Index "Consolidated Lamp & Glass Co.; Replicas of original trademarks from patent office & more; Peterson, 5x8, SB, 54 pp, 1968/RP/NP.......... #GL-6414..........$9.95
Udderly Beautiful; Pictorial guide to pyroglazed or painted milk bottles; Tutton, 8x11, SB, 176 pp, color, 1997/WP..........#UD-7058 ..........$34.95
Udderly Delightful - Milkbottles & Other Related Items, 2nd ed.; Tutton, 5x8, SB, 210 pp, 1994/PG..........#UD-2655..........$18.00
Vaseline Glass (The Picture Book of); 675+ pieces showing 60+ patterns - vases, perfume, punch sets, fruit bowls, pitchers, plates, candy dishes & more; Davis, 8x11, 160 pp, color, glossary, index, 1999/PG .......... #VA-8300 .......... $29.95
Very Rare Glassware of the Depression Years, 3rd Series, Updated Values; Companion volume w/Depression items, as well as elegant & kitchen; Florence, 8x11, HB, 143 pp, 1995/PG.......... #VE-5108.......... $24.95
Very Rare Glassware of the Depression years, 5th Series; Complements books 1-4, no repeats; includes kitchen & elegant; Florence, 8x11, HB., 191 pp, 1997/VG.......... #VE-7399..........$24.95
Very Rare Glassware of the Depression Years, 6th Series; Includes depression, Elegant & kitchenware not found in previous editions; Florence, 8x11, HB, 175 pp, 1999/PG .......... #VE-0955 .......... $24.95
Warman's Glass, 3rd Ed.; Fully illustrated PG to over 200 types of European & American glass - ABC to Zanesville; Schroy, 8x11, SB, 383 pp, b&w, 1999/PG ..........#GL-6120 ..........$21.95
Wave Crest - "C.F. Monroe Co. Catalog 1902-1903"; Original catalog of this manufacturer of rich cut glass - Wave Crest gems - wedding & holiday novelties & more; Catalog reprint, 8x11, SB, 176 pp, b&w, 1999/NP .......... #MO-0715 .......... $24.95
Westmoreland Glass 1888-1940, Vol. #3; Depression glass, tableware, cream & sugar, glass measures, reamers; Kovar, 272 pp, SB, color, 1998/PG ..........#WE-0170 ..........$34.95
Westmoreland Glass 1950-1984, Comprehensive Price Guide for Vol. #1; Prices all items in book, including catalog reprint pages; Kovar, 1998/PG..........#WE-0789..........$9.95
Westmoreland Glass 1950-1984, Vol. #1; Full coverage of tableware patterns & colors made 1950-1984; Kovar, 8x11, SB, 200 pp, 1998/PG ..........#WE-0788..........$29.95
Westmoreland Glass 1950-1984, Vol. #2; Covers decorated wares from Almond Rose to Strawberry; Kovar, 9x11, SB, 120 pp, w/28 pp PG, 1994/PG ..........#WE-080X..........$29.95
Westmoreland Glass, Identification & Value Guide; Cut crystal, etched, opaque, black, cased, Carnegie & more; Wilson, HB, 335 pp, color/b&w, 1996/PG..........#WE-7070..........$24.95
Westmoreland's Paneled Grape pattern in Milk Glass (Pocket Guide to); Newly discovered milk glass pieces shown in alpha order; Kovar, 5x8, 32 pp, stapled, b&w, 1997/PG ......... #WE-0707 .......... $9.95
Wheeling Glass 1829-1939 Collection of the Oglebay Institute of Glass Museum; Includes Ritchie, Northwood, Central, Hobbs & Sweeney; 8x11, SB, 177 pp, 1995/PG.........#WH-0022..........$34.95
Whiskey Bottles and Liquor Containers from the State of Oregon; Extensive info on all the antique bottles and pottery jugs that contained spirits of Oregon; plus shot glasses, bar signs, etc.; Thomas, 8x11, SB, 59 pp, b&w drawings, index, 1998/VG .......... #WH-431X .......... $24.95
Whiskey Bottles and Liquor Containers from the State of Washington; Characteristics, distribution, pricing, rarity, color & history of all antique bottles & pottery jugs known to exist; Thomas, 8x11, SB, 83 pp, b&w, index, 1998/VG .......... #WH-4301 .......... $24.95
Yellow-Green Vaseline! A Guide to the Magic Glass, Revised Ed.; 150 additional items included in revised edition; Glickman & Fedosky, 8x11, SB, 144 pp, color, 1998/PG..........#YE-0456 ..........$29.95
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