Creating a Dialing Profile

Now that you've installed the Dial-Up Networking feature,
follow the directions below to create an Internet
dialing profile

1.   Open the My Computer desktop icon and click on Dial-Up
     Networking Folder. Or select it from the Programs\Accessories
     group of the Start Menu.
2.   Double-click on the Make New Connection icon.
3.   Select the appropriate modem, type a name for the connection
     and click on the Next button. (If no modem is currently
     installed, Windows 95's Modem Installation Wizard will start
     automatically and allow you to configure one.)
4.   On the next screen, enter the area code and the telephone
     number of your Internet service provider. Click the Next
     button after you've entered this information.
5.   Click on the Finish button. A new Connection Profile icon
     will appear in the Dial-Up Networking folder.
6.   Click on the Connection Profile icon with the right mouse
     button and select Properties.

7.   Click on the Server Type button.  In the Server 
     Types setup screen, choose either PPP or SLIP.
     (SLIP is an older Internet connection type 
     that may not appear on the menu.  If your ISP
     uses it, you'll have to install SLIP support 
     before going to the next step.
     At the bottom of the dialog box, under Allowed 
     Network Protocols, make sure that TCP/IP is checked.
10.  Click on the TCP/IP Settings button at the bottom 
     of the Server Types Dialog box. This will open the 
     TCP/IP Settings screen.
     Fill in the appropriate boxes on this screen with
     the information supplied by your Internet service provider.
     Typically, you'll want to select "Server assigned IP
     address" and "Specify name server address." In the
     "Specify name server address" section, enter at least one IP
     address for the name server supplied by your Internet
11.  Click on OK twice to close the two dialog boxes.
12.  To use your new connection profile, double-click it
     in the Dial-Up Networking folder.
       Enter your user name and password, then click
       the 'Connect' button.
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  Installing SLIP Support

     Windows 95 SLIP account users may need to install Windows
     95's SLIP UNIX support before setting up their Internet dialing.
     profiles.  To install SLIP UNIX support, follow
     these steps:
     1.   Open Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel.
     2.   Select the Windows Setup tab.
     3.   Click on the Have Disk button
     4.   Click on Browse and look through the \ADMIN\APPTOOLS\DSCRIPT
          directory on your Windows 95 CD for a file called
          RNAPLUS.INF. (If you have the floppy version of Windows 95,
          you'll need to download this file from the Microsoft
          Bulletin Board.)
     4.   Click on OK twice.
     5.   Select the SLIP and Scripting item.
     6.   Click on the Install button.

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