Regional assembly resolution in support of the Monkey Point community

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Photo: Resolution by regional assembly


Watson and her neighbors at Monkey Point are working with Benigno Cristian of the government's land reform agency to secure a communal land title. The national government has set up a commission to resolve native land claims, and the regional assembly has passed a resolution calling for land titles at Monkey Point to be legalized.

Benigno Cristian

And the idea that they have is to establish the port here, right on the point. And then the people they have the community land. This is part of the community land. So what we suggest is that this project don't try to buy from the community, because by law the constitution says that these community lands can't be sold.

So what we suggest to the community is that they rent it. And the money that comes from the rent, they can develop them schools, build up social projects.

We want the project to develop here in Nicaragua, we need it. But what we saying is that we need it but we wanted to be part of it from the beginning until the ending. If we involve the community into the project, the project is guaranteed.

Narration and interview by Peter Costantini

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