About Subtext
The Subtext reading series is a collaborative effort by Seattle-area
writers and readers interested in new writing. Earlier readings by
writers of "experimental" writing, under the name Subtext (in 1994 and
1995) were produced by Ezra Mark, editor of Vortext Press, and Nico
Vassilakis, co-editor of Sub Rosa Press. Several of the series
coordinators first got together through a reading group that began in
1992, focusing on "language poetry" and other "experimental" writing.
Since 1995, Subtext has co-ordinated a new writing reading series first at the Speakeasy cafe and now at the Richard Hugo House. The purpose of the series is to put established and emerging experimental writers in front of a Seattle audience.
The contact address for subtext is subtext@speakeasy.org
Advisory Board
Jeanne Heuving
Jeanne Heuving has recently completed a work of experimental prose,
SNOWBALL, a collage of assorted revelations. She has a chapbook,
Offering (bcc press), and has work published in several journals
including Common Knowledge, Clear-Cut, and Talisman. In
addition to her critical book on Marianne Moore, Omissions Are Not
Accidents (Wayne St U Press), she has published critical articles on
several innovative women poets. She teaches in the Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences program at the University of Washington, Bothell and
in the English Graduate program at the University of Washington,
Seattle. She is a member of the Subtext Collective.
Ezra Mark
Ezra Mark has cultivated certain typographical errors during his 11
years in Seattle. His work includes Narthex, Tenet, and untitled;
magazine publications include American Book Review,Point No Point,and
Bryant Mason
Bryant Mason is a long time member of the Subtext collective. His work
has been described variously as "lightheartedly paranormal" and "born of
an almost religious fervor."
Robert Mittenthal
Robert Mittenthal is a Seattle-based poet and critic. He is author of
Martyr Economy (Sprang Texts) and Ready Terms (Tsunami Editions). His
poems have appeared in a variety of publications including: Aerial; The
Kootenay School of Writing's Anthology: Writing Class; Mirage (a
periodical); Rhizome; Alterra; and Talisman. He is a curator of the
Subtext reading series at Hugo House.
C.E. Putnam
C.E. Putnam has recently returned to Seattle after years in the Nation's
Capitol. He is author of Go-Go Topless Mini-Poem Poetry and co-author of
the renga project Communal Bebop Canto. Recent work has appeared in
Situation, Skanky Possum, Bird Dog, Monkey Puzzle, Ixnay, Pavement Saw, and PomPom.
Nico Vassilakis
Nico Vassilakis is working on "Nothing". He collects shoehorns and enjoys colanders. His most recent book is Orange: A Manual. He is a member of the Subtext Collective.
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Contact Subtext
Web Page Contents Copyright © Subtext, unless otherwise noted.