20th Century - Buffalo California - Flow Blue Franciscan - Lu-Ray Majolica - Purinton Quimper - Shelley Souvenir - Yellow Ware |
20th Century Dinnerware (Collector's Compass); .......... #DI-3779 .......... $12.95
ABC Plates & Mugs, Identification & Value Guide; .......... #AB-0009 .......... $24.95
Abingdon Pottery Artware 1934-1950: Stepchild of the Great Depression; Identification, history mold numbers, colors, decorations & more; 8x11, HB, 197 pp, 1997/PG..........AB-0563..........$39.95
Adams Ceramics: Staffordshire Potters & Pots 1779-1998; Earthenware, bone china, jasper, stoneware, basalt & more; Furniss & Wagner, 8x12, HB, 336 pp, color, 1999/PG .......... #AD-8475 .......... $79.95
American Art Pottery (Miller's How to Compare & Value): Treasure or Not?; .......... #MI-3820 .......... $24.95
American Art Pottery PG Ohio Pottery: Roseville, Weller, Owens, Clewell & Cowan; .......... #AM-8084 .......... $39.95
American Art Pottery: A Collection of Pottery, Tiles, and Memorabilia 1880-1950; 48 companies including Boys Town, Fulper, Clewell, Kensington; Sigafoose, 8x11, HB, 227 pp, color/b&w, index, 2001/PG .......... #AM-0025 .......... $24.95
American Art Pottery: From the Collection of Everson Museum of Art; 100 of the finest examples of Rookwood, Fulper, Van briggle, Roseville, Weller, Grueby, Ohr & more; info on the potter & wares; Perry, 10x10, HB, 144 pp, color/b&w, 1997/NP .......... $AM-9710 .......... $39.95
American Bisque: A Collectors Guide; Figural pottery of the American Bisque Co. from 1919-1982; cookie jars, ashtrays, doorstops, banks, planters, lamps; Giacomini, 8x11, SB, 160 pp, 1994/WP .......... #BI-6238..........$29.95
American Dinnerware 1880s to 1920s (Turn of the Century; Identifies 16 companies - color photos, catalog reprints & ads; Jasper, 8x11, HB, 252 pp, 1996/PG..........#AM-6848..........$24.95
American Dinnerware (Collector's Ency. of) 100's of pieces illus. w/backstamps, advertising & values; Cunningham, 9x12, HB, 336 pp, 1998/WP ..........#AM-1994..........$24.95
American Painted Porcelain; 20,000 artists - vases, plates, pictures, bowls & more; Kamm, 8x11, SB, 143 pp, Kamm, 8x11, SB, 143 pp, color, 1999/VG .......... #AM-7569 ..........$19.95
American Painted Porcelain (Antique Trader's Comprehensive Guide to); The largest accumulation of American hand-painted porcelain from Victoria era; dining, tea time & more; Kamm, 8x11, SB, 189 pp, color/b&w, 1999/VG .......... #AM-008X .......... $28.95
American Pottery & Porcelain (Warman's), 2nd Ed.; .......... #WA-8220 .......... $24.95
American Stonewares: The Art & Craft of Utilitarian Potters, Revised 3rd Ed.; The classic is back and better than ever with updates prices; history, technology, methods, forms, meaning of marks & more; Greer, 9x11, HB, 286 pp, color/b&w, index, 1981/RP/1999/PG .......... #AM-8564 ..........$40.00
Art Pottery (Antique Trader Books American and European): 2000+ listings describe & price items by all major producers from 19th century to 1930s; 224 pp, 1995/PG..........#AR-5412..........$14.95
Art Pottery of America, Revised 3rd Ed.; Comprehensive study of American art pottery - marks, history, photos of each pottery's representative forms; Henzke, 9x11, HB, 368 pp, color/b&w, index, 1999/PG .......... #AR-8246 .......... $45.00
Bauer (Beautiful): A Pictorial Study with Prices; Range from brilliantly glazed dinnerware and garden pots to massive oil jars & hand-thrown vases; original advertising; Snyder, 8x11, HB, 192 pp, 450 color photos, index, 2000/PG .......... #BA-0372 .......... $39.95
Bauer Pottery (Collector's Ency. of), Identification & values; Vintage catalogs, stoneware, tableware, artware & more; Chipman, 8x11, HB, 221 pp, color, 2001/PG ..........#BA-0041 .......... $24.95
Beswick Pottery (Charlton Standard Catalogue of), 2nd Ed.; Ashtrays, baskets, bowls, candleholders, decorative dishes, jugs, tableware, vases & more; callow, 7x9, SB, 457 pp, b&w/some color, index, 1999/PG .......... #BE-2194 .......... $24.95
Beswick Price Guide, 4th Ed.; Arranged by category - birds, dogs, fish, Toby & more; May, 6x8, SB, 128 pp, color/b&w, 1997/WP .......... #BE-3731 .......... $19.95
Blue & White Pottery (Miller's): A Collector's Guide): For the new collector; Willow, Asiatic Pheasants, animal subjects, sporting, romantic & stylized subjects, geometric & more; Neale, 6x9, SB, 64 pp, color, 2000/WP .......... #MI-2875 .......... $9.95
Blue & White China (Christie's Collectibles); Ming to Spode, mythological beasts to willow; Tippett, 4x7, HB, 80 pp, color, 1997/VG .......... #BL-4603 .......... $12.95
Blue & White Stoneware, An ID & Value Guide; 100's of pitchers, crocks, canisters & more; McNerney, 5x8, 150 pp, full color, 1996/VG..........#BL-179X..........$9.95
Blue Ridge China Today; Thousands of pieces w/captions & values - of wares produced by Southern Potteries from 1938-1957; Ruffin, 9x12, SB, 224 pp, color, 1997/PG ..........#BL-206X..........$34.95
Blue Ridge Dinnerware (Best of), ID & VG; Cup and gravy shapes, vegetable bowl shapes, figurines, salad & dessert plates, holidays, children's ware, artist-signed, etc.; Newbound, 8x11, SB, 255 pp, color, 2003/PG .......... #BL-294X .......... $24.95
Blue Ridge Traditions; Clinchfield china, floral and foliage, fruit and vegetable, designer series, feathered friends, artist-signed, character jugs; Ruffin, 9x12, SB, 240 pp, color, index, 1999/VG .......... #BL-822X .......... $34.95
Blue Willow, Revised 2nd Ed. (An Identification & Value Guide); Plates, pitchers, pendants, oil & vinegar, pepper mills, perfume bottles, lamps, ladles, jardiniere, humidor, gravy boat, etc.; Gaston, 8x11, SB, 191 pp, 2000/VG .......... #BL-3962 ..........$14.95
Bohemian Decorated Porcelain; First book in English on these decorative objects, household wares & tableware; includes items decorated in America; Henderson, 8x11, HB, 192 pp, color , 1999/VG .......... #BO-7460 .......... $39.95
British Pottery & Porcelain (The Concise Guide to); Basic facts on main British pottery & porcelain manufacturers; Godden, 4x7, SB, 224 pp, color/b&w, 1990/NP ..........#BR-6005..........$22.95
British Pottery & Porcelain Understanding Miniature); Covers 1730-1980s teaware, dinnerware, children's plates, plus cradles, jugs, ewers & basins, dispensers, creamware, pottery; Milbourn, 5x9, HB, 183 pp, b&w/color, 1983/RP/1995/NP .......... #MI-2372 .......... $29.50
Brush-McCoy Pottery (Collector's Ency. of), Updated Values;History, trademarks, manufacturer lines, cookie jars, CR; Huxford, 8x11, HB, 191 pp, color, 1996/PG..........#BR-0785..........$24.95
Buffalo Pottery (The Book of), Revised Ed.; Altman & Altman, 8x11, HB, 192 pp, index, 1987/PG..........#BU-0884..........$27.50
California Modernism (Classic): Barbara Willis; Same as #CL-3006, except softbound; there is a section that covers1996 to present also; Chipman, 11x8, SB, 85 pp, color/b&w, 2003/PG .......... #CL-3014 .......... $19.95
California Modernism (CLassic): Barbara Willis; Colorful pottery made by Barbara Willis in the 40s & 50s; 100s of photos - bowls, ashtrays, vases, canisters & more; Chipman, 88x8, HB, 85 pp, color/b&w, 2003/PG .......... #CL-3006 .......... $24.95
California Potteries: The Complete Book; Figural pottery 1930-1960s - Brayton-Laguna, Kay Finch, Hedi Schoop, more; 8x11, HB, 239 pp, 1995/PG..........#CA-877X..........$49.95
California Pottery (Collector's Ency. of), Updated 2nd Ed.; Over 30 artists & companies represented - Batchelder, Finch, Brastoff, Vernon, Metlox, Catalina, Kay Finch, Gladding-McBean; Chipman, 8x11, HB, 328 pp, 900+ color photos, 2002/PG ......... #CA-0378 .......... $24.95
Camark Pottery, Book 1 (Collector's Guide to) - Identification & Values; Arkansas pottery made 1926-1935; marks, catalog reprints & more; Gifford, 8x11, SB, 167 pp, 1997/PG .......... #CA-7658..........$18.95
Camark Pottery, Book 2 (Collector's Guide to), Identification & Values; Companion to #CA-7658, all new material; marks section documented w/photos & dates; vintage catalogs; advertisements; history; Gifford, 8x11, SB, 239 pp, color, 1999/PG .......... #CA-103X .......... $19.95
Camark Pottery, Vol. 1 - An Identification & Value Reference; Catalog reprints & b&w photos of pottery produced in Camden, Arkansas, from 1927-1960s; 280 pp, 1994/VG.......... #CA-1701..........$24.95
Camark Pottery, Vol. 2 - An Identification & Value reference; Complements Vol. 1 - only a few pieces repeated; Landers, 8x11, SB, 116 pp, b&w, 1996/PG..........#CA-1702..........#24.95
Carlton Ware (Collecting); 1890-1998 Carlton Ware story, building a collection, identification, dating, color selection & more; Serpeil, 7x9, SB, 138 pp, 1999/PG ..........#CA-343X ..........$19.95
Catalina Island Pottery & Tile: Island Treasures; Both pottery & tile made on Catalina island, includes decorative & functional pieces & many rarities; Coates, 12x9, HB, 176 pp, color, 2001/PG .......... #CA-4017 .......... $39.95
Ceramic Arts Studio, Identification & Value Guide; Started in Madison, WI, in late 1930s to early 1940s; Schneider, 8x11, HB, 109 pp, 1994/PG..........#CE-6041..........$24.95
Ceramics (Miller's 20th century): Collector's Guide to British & North American Factory Produced Ceramics; 200+ factories identified, w/key shapes, patterns & principal designers; 550 wares in full color; typical ceramic marks; Atterbury, 7x10, HB, 256 pp, color, 1999/PG .......... #MI-0341 .......... $24.00
Ceramics (The World of); Kreiss, "Dear God," "Human Beans," aquarium pieces, ashtrays, banks, figures, S&P, dresser caddies, animals, monsters, mugs, etc.; Aikins, 8x11, SB, 192 pp, color, 2000/PG .......... #CE-1087 .......... $29.95
Ceramics Buyer's Guide (Miller's); Animals, baskets, biscuit barrels, candlesticks, cow creamers, cups & saucers, egg cups, figures, inkwells, jars, jugs & more; Spencer, 6x10, Hb, 385 pp, b&w/color, 2000/PG .......... #MI-2670 .......... $29.95
Ceramics Price Guide (Antique Trader's Pottery & Porcelain), 3rd Ed.; All major categories of ceramics -- American, English, European & Oriental wares; major maufacturers from 18th to 20th century; Husfloen, 6x9, SB, 390 pp, b&w/some color, 2000/PG .......... #CE-8883 .......... $18.95
China & Glass in America 1880-1980: Tabletop to TV Tray; Comprehensive look at modern tableware used in American homes; American & imported glass and china; dates, sizes, makers, etc.; Dallas Museum of Art, 10x13, HB, 496 pp, color/b&w, 2000/NP .......... #CH-6921 .......... $49.50
China & Silver (Bullfinch Anatomy of Antique); Ultimate visual glossary of 275+ selected pieces of china, cutlery, candlesticks, coffee pots & more; Forrest, 10x12, HB, 160 pp, color, 1998/NP .......... #BU-5057 .......... $2=34.00
China (Lyle Price Guide to); Broadly represents each factory's output w/current auction prices; Curtis, 5x8, SB, 511 pp, 1997/PG .......... #LY-3103 .......... $15.95
China Identification Guide, Vol. 1: Heinrich, Hutschenreuther, rosenthal; Top 300 patterns from each manufacturer -- shown in full color with pattern name and trim color; replacements Ltd., 6x8, SB, 199 pp, color, 1998/NP .......... #CH-1315 .......... $49.95
China Identification Guide, Vol. 2: Knowles, Salem, and Taylor, Smith & Taylor; manufacturer patterns listed in visual order from rim to coupe shapes, simple to intricate designs; Replacements Ltd., 6x8, SB, 146 pp, color, 1999/NP .......... #CH-7063 .......... $49.95
China Identification Kit, Vol. 1: Denby, Easterling, Flintridge, Gorham, Johann Haviland, Longchamp; Roytal Jackson, Royal Tefau, Syracuse; patterns listed by manufacturer in visual order -- by rim to coupe shapes; Replacements Ltd., 8x9, loose-leaf notebook, color, 1996/NP .......... #CH-7046 .......... $59.95
China Identification Kit, Vol. 2:Adams, Arabia, Crown Ducal, Franconia, Gold Castle, Midwinter; Pfaltzgraff, Winfield; color photos w/pattern numbers of china patterns from listed companies; Replacements Ltd., 8x9, loose-leaf notebook, color, 1996/NP .......... #CH-7047 .......... $59.95
China Identification Kit, Vol. 3: Corning, Dansk, Independence, Iroquois, Lefton, Nikko; Patterns listed by manufacturer in visual order by rim to coupe shape, simple to intricate design; colors and pattern numbers for ID; Replacements Ltd., 8x9, loose-leaf notebook, color, 1997/NP .......... #CH-7048 .......... $59.95
Chintz (The Charlton Standard Catalogue of), 3rd Ed.; vintage chintz -- Barker Bros., Brexton, Elijah, Grimwades, etc.; new chintz -- Clemetine, Francis Joseph, more; 7x9, SB, 285 pp, color, index, 1999/PG .......... #CH-2283 .......... $29.95
Chintz Ceramics, 3rd Ed.; 100+ patterns shown -- Royal Winton, Lord Nelson, Shelley, Crown Ducal, Empire & other English, ER Phila & Japan; Welsh, 11x9, HB, 160 pp color, index, 2000/PG .......... #CH-982X ..........$39.95
Chintz Collectors Handbook & PG; Barker Bros., Booths, Regency, Burgess, Chapmans, Deans, Grimwades, Paragon, Shelley, Soho, WadeHeath, Wedgwood & more; Menchine, 7x9, SB, 128 pp, color, 1999/PG .......... #CH-3030 .......... $19.95
Coalport Collectibles, 1st Ed. (The Charlton Standard Reference for); Focuses on porcelain cottages, includes designer, modeller, size, color, issue dates; Willis, 7x9, SB, 256 pp, color/b&w, 2000/PG .......... #CO2437 .......... $19.95
Coalport Figurines (The Charlton Standard Reference for); Figures from 1890 to present, backstamps, series; Power, 7x9, SB, 424 pp, b&w/color, 2000/PG .......... #CO-2275 .......... $24.95
Cobalt-Decorated Stoneware (America's), Special Edition, Book 3 - A Pictorial Reference & PG; Complements NE-5458 and UN-5458 - more crocks, pitchers, planters, jugs, spittoons produced in NY, PA, VA, OH, JY & more; Guappone, 8x11, SB, 100 pp, b&w, 1992/WP .......... #CO-3034 .......... $27.95
Coors Rosebud Pottery, 1st Ed. - Updated Price Guide; Rosebud, Rock-Mount, Mello-Tone, Hotel Ware, more; Schneider, 5x8, SB, 150 pp, color & b/w, 1996/PG..........#CO-1011.......... OUT OF PRINT
Crown Devon Collector's Handbook (The); English pottery figurines, Art deco wares, plates, patterns & more; Barker, 6x8, SB, 120 pp, 1997/PG..........#CR-3227..........$19.95
Cups & Saucers, Book 1 (Collectible), Identification & 2001 Values; Six categories, 1700s through 20th century, English bone china, miniatures, figurals; Harran, 8x11, SB, 183 pp, color, 2001/VG..........#CU-7631..........$18.95
Cups & Saucers, Book 2 (Collectible), Identification & Values; Twice as many as in Book 1 - no repeats; dates, sizes, marks, history & more; Harran, 8x11, SB, 360 pp, color/b&w, 2000/PG .......... #CU-1552 .......... $19.95
Czechoslovakian Pottery: "Czeching Out America"; History, marks, patterns, descriptions - wide range of patterns, colors & values; S&P, mugs, planters, vases, pitchers & more; Bowers & Closser, 8x11, SB, 224 pp, color, index, 1999/PG .......... #CZ-0618 .......... $34.95
Delee Art: The Pictorial Story of a California Artist and Her Company 1937-1958; Head vases, wall pockets, banks, cookie jars, lamps & more; Schaefer, 8x11, HB, 144 pp, color, 1997/VG .......... #DE-2203 ..........$29.95
Delftware (Discovering Dutch): Modern Delft & Makkum Pottery; .......... #DE-0903 .......... $24.95
Delftware (Irish): An Illustrated History; .......... #IR-1228 .......... $95.00
Depression Pottery; Bauer, catalina Clay, Fulper, Gladding McBean, Hall, Homer Laughlin, Pacific Clay, Rookwood, Roseville, Russel Wright & more; Snyder, 11x8, HB, 192 pp, color, index, 1999/PG .......... #DE-9498 ..........$29.95
Dinnerware of the 20th Century: The Top 500 Patterns; Alpha by manufacturer, then pattern - each known piece dated; Rinker, 8x11, SB, 301 pp, color, 1997/PG .......... #DI-0859 .......... $29.95
Dinnerware (The Best of Collectible), 2nd Ed.; The best companies and their most popular lines; blue & white, California potteries, children's, designer & more; Cunningham, 8x11, HB, 190 pp, color, 1999/PG .......... #DI-8173 .......... $29.95
English and Continental Pottery & Porcelain (Warman's), 3rd Ed.; More than 200 categories; Chintz, Rhead, jugs, etc.; Bagdade, 8x11, SB, 312 pp, 1998/PG .......... #EN-6414 .......... $27.95
English Dry-Bodied Stoneware, Wedgwood & Contemporary Manufacturers 1774-1830; ..........#EN-2887 .......... $89.50
English Pottery (A Collector's History of), 5th Ed.; .......... #EN-2917 .......... $89.50
Feather Edge Ware (Collector's Guide to), Identification & Values; .......... #FE-1935 .......... $19.95
Fiesta (Post 86); Focus on the "new" Fiesta - post 1986; photo comparison of old & new, candleholders, plates, vases, tumblers, teapots & more; Racheter, 8x11, SB, 176 pp, color, 2001/PG .......... #FI-2036 .......... $19.95
Fiesta plus Harlequin, Riviera, & Kitchen Kraft (Collectop's Ency. of), Revised 9th Ed.; Dinnerware, ironstone, animals, Laughlin art china, other colored dinnerware lines, Mexican decaled lines, go-alongs & more; Huxford, 8x11, HB, 240 pp, color, 2001/PG .......... #FI-2125 .......... $24.95
Fiesta Ware: Homer Laughlin China Company's Color Dinnerware, 3rd Ed.;d100s of color photos chronicle both the many forms and wide spectrum of glaze colors; Snyder, 8x11, SB, 144 pp, color, 2000/VG .......... #FI-0879 .......... $24.95
Fiesta, Lu-Ray & Other Colorware (Collecting); Profiles makers such as Homer Laughlin; Taylor, Smith & Taylor; Mt. Clemens; Zephyr; Georgette, Sevilla & more; Gonzalez, 8x11, HB, 182 pp, color, 2000/PG .......... $39.95
Florence Collectibles: An Era of Elegance; Figurines made in
Pasadena, CA from 1939-1960s; Foland, 8x11, SB, 144 pp, color,
1995/PG.......... #FL-8702..........$29.95
Flow Blue (A Pocket Guide to), 2nd Ed.; Concise guide to the dining services & housewares; 100s of color photos; Snyder, 6x9, SB, 160 pp, 250 color photos, 2000/PG .......... #FL-0968 .......... $19.95
Flow Blue (Fascinating); Focus on English potteries; tea pots, children's pitchers, etc.; Snyder, 8x11, SB, 165 pp, color, 1997/VG .......... #FL-335X .......... $29.95
Flow Blue China & Mulberry Ware Similarity & Value Guide, Rev. Ed.; P. Williams, 6x9, HB, 209 pp, b&w/color, 1975/RP/1993/VG .......... #FL-036X..........$20.00
Flow Blue China (Collector's Ency. of), 1st Series; 436 color photos w/168 different marks plus background section; Gaston, 8x11, HB, 160 pp, 2001/WP .......... #FL-2362..........$19.95
Flow Blue China (Collector's Ency. of), 2nd Series, Identification & Values; 475+ new items in full color, described in detail w/current values; Gaston, 8x11, HB, 184 pp, 2000/VG.......... #FL-5809..........$24.95
Flow Blue China, Book 1, An Aid to Identification, Rev. Ed.; Oriental, scenic, floral, art nouveau, misc.; P. Williams, 6x9, HB, 224 pp, index, color, 1981/NP .......... #FL-6078..........$20.00
Flow Blue China, Book 2, An Aid to Identification, Revised Ed.; Companion to #FL-6078; more ways to identify pre-1910 wares; Williams, 5x8, HB, 190 pp, 1986/NP .......... #FL-6086 .......... $20.00
Flow Blue: A Closer Look w/PG; Dinnerware, tea sets, dessert & more from Cashmere, Chapoo, LaBelle & Touraine; teapots, syrup pitchers, egg cups, etc.; Snyder, 8x11, HB, 191 pp, color, index,2000/PG .......... #FL-1182 .......... $39,95
Flow Blue: A Collector's Guide to Pattern, History & Values, 4th Ed.; Documents the changes in Flow blue patterns and forms throughout the 19th century; everyday as well as rare artifacts; Snyder, 8x11, SB, 158 pp, color, 2003/PG .......... #FL-7202 .......... $29.95
Franciscan Dining Services - A Comprehensive Guide with Values; Individual patterns, 5 pc table settings, advertising & more; Snyder, 8x11, HB, 160 pp, index, 1996/PG.......... #FR-1586..........$29.95
Frankoma and Other Oklahoma Potteries, 4th Ed.; New, updated edition; Tamac, Cherokee, Winart, Sequoyah & more - sculptures to dinnerware; Bess, 8x11, SB, 144 pp, 1996/PG .......... #FR-0849..........$24.95
Frankoma Pottery 1933 to 1990 (Collector's Guide to): Ientifying Your Collection Including Gracetone; Catalogs, history, vases, bookends, wall pockets & more; Schaum, 8x11, HB, 200 pp, color, 1998/PG .......... #FR-0919 .......... $29.95
Garden City Pottery: A Hidden Treasure of Northern California (Sanfords Guide to); Founded in 1902 in San Jose, CA. History, kitchen and dinnerware, decorative items, garden and floral; Bauer look-alike?; Pasquali, 6x9, HB, 96 pp, color, 1999/PG .......... #GA-3152 .......... $25.00
Gaudy Dutch & Welsh (The Collector's Ency. of), Values Updated; Hand-decorated English china 1800-1820, Welsh 1820-1860; Schuman, 8x11, SB, 175 pp, color, 1998/PG .......... #GA-4225 .......... $16.95
Haeger Potteries: Through the Years 1914-1970s; Royal Haeger, Flowerware & more; Dilley, 8x11, HB, 376 pp, 1997/PG.......... #HA-0838..........$39.95
Hall China, 2nd Ed., (Collector's Ency. of); Revised & updated; features the popular lines of Hall china & dinnerware; Whitmyer, 8x11, HB, 272 pp, color, 1997/WP..........#HA-5817..........$24.95
Head Vases (Lady): A Collector's Guide w/Prices; Full descriptions, color photos, w/manufacturer & date; Zavada, 8x5, SB, 109 pp, 1995/RP/WP.......... #LA-880X..........$16.95
Head Vases (The Encyclopedia of), w/Price Guide; All sizes included, plus wall pockets & more; Cole, 8x11, HB, 208 pp, 976 color photos, 1996/PG .......... #HE-9288 .......... $29.95
Head Vases Etc.: Artistry of Betty Lou Nichols; 600 photos; head vases from 40s & 50s, plus figurines, Christmas accessories, portraits, still-lifes & landscape paintings; Gordon, 8x11, SB, 160 pp, colorm 2002/PG .......... #HE-4904 .......... $29.95
Head Vases, Identification & Values; Ladies, famous people, oriental, religious, clowns, animals & more; Cole, 8x11, SB, 141 pp, 2000/WP .......... #HE-3784 .......... $14.95
Homer Laughlin China (Collector's Ency. of), Reference & Value Guide; Primary emphasis is popular dinnerware from 1900-1950; Jasper, 8x11, HB, 208 pp, color, 1997/HB.......... #HO-5353..........$24.95
Homer Laughlin's Virginia Rose (Collector's Guide to), Identification & Values; Floral prints made from 1932-1965 by Homer Laughlin; Racheter, 8x11, SB, 198 pp, color, 1997/PG.......... #VI-7720..........$18.95
Howard Pierce Porcelain (Collector's Ency. of), Identification & Values; California artist, 1930s-1980s, animals, birds, figures; Dommel, 8x11, HB, 132 pp, color, index, 1998/PG .......... #HO-019X .......... $24.95
Hull Pottery (The Collector's Ency. of) - Updated Prices; Complete descriptions of 116 lines; 100s of pieces in full color; Roberts, 8x11, HB, 207 pp, 2005/WP..........#HU-1498..........$19.95
Hull "The Heavenly Pottery," 7th Ed.; Alphabetical, numerical, pictorial price guide, dinnerware patterns; Hull, 5x8, SB, 128 pp, color & b&w, 2001/PG .......... #HU-9024 .......... $22.00
Jewel Tea Company (The): Its History & Products, with Price Guide; Autumn Leaf china, plus cookware, premium products & more; Miller, 8x11, HB, 268 pp, color, 1994/PG.......... #JE-6343..........$39.95
Jewel Tea: Sales & Houseware Collectibles; Dining services, kitchen wares, cookbooks, toys, premiums; Miller, 8x11, HB, 256 pp, color, 1995/VG..........#JE-8982..........$49.95
Johnson Brothers Dinnerware: Pattern Directory & Price Guide; 200 patterns in full color, the only book available on this much sought after dinnerware; Finegan, 5x8, SB, 119 pp, color, 2000/PG .......... #JO-8918 .......... $21.95
Josef Originals - Charming Figurines with Price Guide; California ceramics of Muriel Josef George from 1945-1980s; Harris & Whitaker, 8x11, 128 pp, 1994/PG..........#JO-6475..........$24.95
Josef Originals: A Second Look; 650+ figurines w/model & series name, sizes, colors & PG; Whitaker, 8x11, SB, 152 pp, color, 1996/PG..........#JO-1616..........$29.95
Kay Finch Art Pottery: Her Enchanted World; Figurines, vases, banks & planters made in Corona del Mar, CA, 1939-1963; 8x11, HB, 176 pp, 1996/PG..........#KA-0083..........$29.95
Keramik-Marken Lexikon 1885-1935 (Porcelain & Ceramic Report); 50 years of ceramic & porcelain history in Europe; German text; Zuhlsddorff, 8x11, 756 pp, 1994/NP .......... #KE-9406 .......... $225.00
Lefton China with Price Guide; Animals, banks, balls, Christmas, vases, teapots, figurines; McCarthy, 8x11, SB, 178 pp, color, 1998/PG .......... #LE-4151 .......... $29.95
Lefton China (More); Companion to LE-4151; Figurines, planters, vases & other decorative items; descriptions, marks & more; McCarthy, 8x11, SB, 175 pp, 743 color photos, 2000/PG .......... #LE-0283 .......... $29.95
Lefton China Price Guide; Covers virtually every piece of Lefton china made; supplements her other two books; DeLozier, 6x9, SB, 94 pp, b&w only, 1999/PG .......... #LE-1137 .......... $9.95
Lefton China, Book 1 (Collector's Ency. of), ID & Values; Over 500 color photos of Lefton giftware with history, marks & more; DeLozier, HB, 144 pp, 1998/PG ..........#LE-6406..........$19.95
Lefton China, Book 2 (Collector's Ency. of); 100s of items not in book #1 - angels, birds, cookie jars & more; DeLozier, 8x11, HB, 181 pp, 1999/PG ..........#LE-7674 ..........$19.95
Lefton China, Book 3 (Collector's Encyclopedia of), ID & Values; Companion to books 1 and 2; history, marks, angels, banks, bookends, Christmas, figurines, jam jars, night lights, teapots; DeLozier, 8x11, HB, 135 pp, color, 2000/PG .......... #LE-1455 .......... $24.95
Lefton China: Old & New; Complete guide w/descriptions, amrkings & current prices; expanded list of patterns not found in any other book; figurines too; McCarthy, 8x11, SB, 176 pp, color, 2001/PG .......... #LE-1921 .......... $29.95
Limoges (American), Identification & Value & Guide; American Limoges China Co. - wares, shapes, decor, marks & more; Limoges, 8x11, HB, 206 pp, color, 1996/VG .......... #LI-6856 ..........$24.95
Limoges Boxes: A Complete Guide; Classic boxes, fine art, sports, fashion, travel, animals, garden & more - 400+ full color photos, production info & more; Strumpf, 8x11, SB, 176 pp, color, 2000/PG .......... #LI-8379 ..........$29.95
Limoges Porcelain & Boxes (The Decorative Art of); 100 years of Limoges - cups & saucers, creamers, tea caddy, S&P, tea sets, plates, jardiniers, figurines, candlesticks, trays; Waterbrook-Clyde, 8x11, HB, 222 pp, 1100 color photos, 1999/PG .......... #LI-8025 .......... $39.95
Limoges Porcelain (Atelier Le Tallec Hand Painted; 2003/PG ..........LI-7083 .......... $59.95
Limoges Porcelain (Collector's Encyclopedia of), 3rd Ed.;
Ahrenfeldt, Guerin, Haviland, Vogt, Redon, pastaud, Lehman companies &
more; plates, vases, bowls, boxes & miniatures; Gaston, 8x11, HB, 304 pp,
color, 2000/WP .......... #LI-1714 .......... $29.95
Limoges Porcelain (Distinctive): Objets d'Art, Boxes and Dinnerware; Cake plates, teacups, vases, contemporary boxes & more; handpainted by famous decorating firms to unadorned; haviland & more; Waterbrook-Clyde, 8x11, HB, 224 pp, 1320 color photos, 2001/PG .......... #LI-260X .......... $39.95
Lu-Ray Pastels U.S.A. (Collector's Guide to), ID & Values (aka Taylor
Smith & Taylor Pottery); History, guide to colors & shapes, vintage
ads, catalog reprints; Meehan, 8x11, SB, 160 pp,
1998/PG .......... #LU-6082 .......... $18.95
NEW! Majolica Figures; Animals, Toby jugs, tobacco jars, strikers, advertising & more; Cunningham, 8x11, HB, 169 pp, 1997/VG.......... #MA-2140..........$34.95
Majolica with Revised Price Guide; Pitchers, platters, syrups, cigarette holders, humidors & more; Schneider, 6x9, SB, 136 pp, 1995/WP..........#MA-7692..........$14.95
Majolica (Price Guide to); Baskets, bowls, compotes, lamps, pitchers, jugs, candlesticks; L-W Books, SB, 143 pp, color, 1997/WP.......... #MA-0803..........$24.95
Majolica (The Collector's Ency. of), Identification & Value Guide; 500+ color photos w/values for this whimsical Victorian pottery; Katz-Marks, 9x12, HB, 191 pp, 1996/WP.......... #MA-4969..........$19.95
Majolica (Victorian): Table wares, decor pieces, tiles, greenwares - 100s of pieces; Bockot, 8x11, SB, 192 pp, color, 1996/PG.......... #VI-9539..........$39.95
Majolica: European & American Wares; Wares identified by style, pattern, maker, size & date; Snyder & Brokol, 8x11, SB, 160 pp, 1994/PG..........#MA-5614..........$29.95
Marks on American, English, & European Earthenware, Ironstone & Stoneware 1780-1980 (Encyclopedia of); Makers, marks and patterns in Blue & White, Flow Blue, Mulberry, Romantic Transferware, Tea Leaf, White Ironstone; Kowalsky, 9x12, HB, 688 pp, b&w, 1999/NP .......... #EN-7312 .......... $69.95
Marks on German, Bohemian & Austrian Porcelain, 1710 to the Present; Updated & revised edition; 3300+ marks drawn actual size with many previously unpublished; Rontgen, 7x10, HB, 645 pp, index, 1997/NP.......... #MA-3538..........$95.00
Marks on Foreign Pottery & Porcelain (1100) - Reprint of the classic; First printing 1937; History & marks of continental European factories; 5x8, SB, 64 pp, 1994/NP/RP..........#MA-0579..........$9.95
Marks on Pottery, Porcelain & Clay (Lehner's Ency. of U.S>): 1900+ companies, 8000+ marks, logos & symbols; Lois Lehner, 8x11, HB, 636 pp, illus., index, 1988/NP.......... #LE-3652..........$24.95
Marks (1800) on American Pottery & Porcelain; Dates, illustrated, locations; L-W Books, 5x8, SB, 155 pp, 1995/NP.......... #MA-0404..........$12.95
Marks (DeBolt's Dictionary of American Pottery) - Whiteware & Porcelain; 2000+ marks from whiteware, porcelain & ironstone from 1860s-1960s; DeBolt, 8x11, SB, 288 pp, 1993/NP.......... #DE-5396..........$17.95
Marks (Kovel's Dictionary of Pottery & Porcelain) - 1650 to 1850, 2nd Ed.; The classic reference book has a new dust jacket for the 90s; Kovel, 5x8, HB, 278 pp, 1995/NP.......... #KO-1375..........$17.00
Marks (Kovel's New Dictionary of Pottery & Porcelain) - 1850 to Present; Arranged by design type, plus alpha list; Kovel, 5x8, HB, 290 pp, index, glossary, 1996/NP.......... #KO-9145..........$19.00
Marks (Miller's Pottery & Porcelain): Comprehensive guide to artists, makers, factories & forms; Lang, 4x8, HB, 400 pp, 1995/NP.......... #MI-6156..........$14.95
McCoy Pottery (Collector's Ency. of); 100s of pieces w/current values, plus marks & more; Huxford, 8x11, HB, 238 pp, color, 2000/WP.......... #MC-0688..........$19.95
McCoy Pottery (Sanford's Guide to); History, catalog pages, organized alphabetically; Sanford, 9x12, Hb, 276 pp, 4000 color photos, 1997/PG .......... #MC-3136 .......... $40.00
McCoy Pottery, Vol. 1: Collector's Reference & Value Guide; 2500+ pieces - wall pockets, jardiniere, complete lines, art pottery; Hanson & Nissen, 8x11, 320 pp, 1999/PG.......... #MC-7291..........$19.95
McCoy Pottery, Vol. 2: A Collector's reference & Value Guide; Complete cookie jar line, complete Butterfly line; gold trip pieces, wall pockets, top 100 findables, catalog reprint pages; Hanson & Nissen, 8x11, HB, 304 pp, 600 color photos, 2001/VG .......... #MV-1161 .......... $24.95
Meissen (The Book of), 2nd Ed., Updated & Revised; History of Meissen porcelain, especially 19th & 20th century; Rontgen, HB, 333 pp, 1300 illus., 1996/NP.......... #ME-1705..........$95.00
Meissen Figures 1730-1775: The Kaendler Period; 2001/PG .......... #ME-2405 .......... $59.95
Metlox Potteries (Collector's Ency. of), Identification & Values, 2nd Ed.; History, chronology of entire dinnerware line, backstamps & values; Walt Disney figurines, Nostalgia lines, Art Treasures; Gibbs, 8x11, HB, 344 pp, color, 2001/PG .......... #ME-2249 .......... $29.95
Mexican Pottery of the 20th Century (Ceramica); 2001/NP .......... #ME-2480 .......... $49.95
Mid-Century Modern Dinnerware: A Pictorial Guide; 2003/PG .......... #MI-7369 .......... $39.95
Mid-Century Modern Dinnerware: Ak-Sar-Ben Potter, Denwar Ceramics, Iroquois China, Laurel Potteries; 2002/PG .......... #MI-5676 .......... $39.95
Monmouth-Western Stoneware; 1998/PG .......... #MO-3727 .......... $22.95
Moorcroft 1897-1993, Rev. Ed.; 1993/RP/2002/NP .......... #MO-5337 .......... $85.00
Moorcroft Pottery, 2nd Ed. (Collecting); 2002/PG/RG .......... #MO-3537 .......... $24.95
Morton Potteries: 99 Years, Vol. #2, 1877-1976 - A Product Guide with Prices; Products made by Rapp Bros. and Morton; Hall, 8x11, SB, 272 pp, color, 1995/WP.......... #MO-0285..........$24.95
Mother in the Kitchen: The Beautiful Lady; Ceramic dimestore pieces - S&P, toothbrush holders, boxes & more; Kopish, 62 pp, 1994/PG.......... #MO-1994..........$10.95
Muncie Pottery (The Collector's Encyclopedia of); 1999/PG .......... #MU-1188 .......... $24.95
Niloak, 2nd Ed. (Collector's Encyclopedia of); 2001/PG .......... #NI-1900 .......... $29.95
North Carolina Art Pottery 1900-1960, Identification & Value Guide; 2003/PG .......... #NO-3083 .......... $24.95
Old Ivory China: The Mystery Explored (Collector's Encyclopedia of), ID & Values; 1998/VG .......... #IV-0238 .......... $24.95
Oyster Plates; Almost 500 pieces of original dishware & unusual serving utensils; Karsnitz, 8x11, SB, 154 pp, 1993/PG.......... #OY-5290..........$29.95
Pacific Pottery: Sunshine Tableware from the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s and more!; 2001/PG .......... #PA-2766 .......... $39.95
Peters & Reed: The Zane Pottery Co. (Sanford's Guide to); 2000/PG .......... #PE-3160 .......... $45.00
Pickard China (Collector's Ency. of), with additional sections on all Chicago China Studios; .......... #PI-6465 .......... $24.95
Planters (The Collector's Guide to Lady Figurine); 2000/PG .......... #LA-0739 .......... $29.95
Playtime Pottery & Porcelain (200 Years of); 2003/PG .......... #PL-8144 .......... $39.95
Porcelain Antiques Checklist (Miller's) Pocket Guide, 2nd Ed.; .......... #MI-2948 .......... $15.95
Pottery Antiques Checklist (Miller's); .......... #MI-293X .......... $15.95
Pottery & Porcelain: The Facts at Your Fingertips (Miller's Collecting); .......... #MI-0406 .......... $19.95
Purinton Pottery with Values; Early Peasant Ware to Apple & Pennsylvania Dutch patterns; Johnson, 8x11, SB, 224 pp, color, 1997/PG..........#PU-2906..........$29.95
Quimper (Popular); Vases, plates, jugs, bowls, figurines, tea sets, door plaques, inck well, candlesticks, rare & unusual pieces & more; O'Neill, 6x9, SB, 157 pp, 2000/PG.......... #QU-0992 ......... $19.95
Quimper (Quest for); .......... #QU-4793 .......... $69.95
Quimper Pottery, 2nd Ed.; O'Neill, 6x9, SB, 154 pp, color, 1998/PG .......... #QU-4666 .......... $19.95
Red Wing Art Pottery (Collector's Encyclopedia of), Identification & Values; Art pottery of all vintages that still can be found and are affordable; brushed, glazed., RumRill, fine art pottery, Floraline; Dollen, 8x11, HB, 192 pp, 500 color photos, 2001/PG .......... #RE-1927 .......... $24.95
Red Wing Art Pottery Two (Includes Pottery Made for RumRill): Classic American Pottery 30s, 40s, 50s & 60s; Lamps, signs, cookie jars, garden ware & more; Reiss, 9x12, HB, 207 pp, 1999/PG .......... #RE-8725 .......... $35.00
Red Wing Art Pottery, Book 2, ID & Value Guide; Brushed, glazed, RumRill, cookie jars, vases, wall pockets, etc.; Dollen, 8x11, SB, 160 pp, color, 1998/VG .......... #RE-0580 .......... $19.95
Red Wing Collectibles, An ID & 2001 Value Guide; Companion to Red Wing Stoneware DE-2346; DePasquale & Peterson, 5x8, SB, 166 pp, 2001/VG .......... #RE-313X.......... $9.95
Red Wing Dinnerware Price & Identification Guide; All dinnerware pieces made from 1935 through closing in 1967; Reiss, 8x11, SB, 40 pp, color, CR, 1997/PG .......... #RE-8717 .......... $12.95
Red Wing Potters & Their Wares, 2nd Ed.; Most popular book on Red Wing - some history; Tefft/Tefft, 8x11, SB, 200 pp, color/b&w, 1997/separate PG.......... #RE-3016..........$20.95
Red Wing Stoneware, An ID & Updated Value Guide; Kitchen stoneware, crocks, jugs, churns & more in full color; DePasquale, 5x8, SB, 160 pp, 1997/VG .......... #RE-2346 .......... $9.95
Redware "America's Folk Art Pottery"; ID & PG of both utilitarian & decorative pieces w/color photos; McConnell, 6x9, SB, 96 pp, 1988/WP .......... #RE-1597 .......... $12.95
Restaurant China, Vol. 1: An ID & Value Guide for Restaurant, Airline, Ship & Railroad Dinnerware; Conroy, 2003/PG .......... #RE-0599 .......... $39.95
Restaurant China, Vol 2: An ID & Value Guide for Restaurant, Airline, Ship & RailroadDinnerware; Conroy, 2003/PG .......... #RE-148X .......... $39.95
Rhead Pottery (Collecting): Charlotte-Frederick-Hurten; Bumpus, 1999/PG .......... #RH-3081 .......... $24.95
Robinson-Ransbottom Pottery Co. (Sanford's Guide to the); Skillman, 2001/PG .......... #RO-3144 .......... $45.00
Rosenthal - Service, Figural, Ornamental and Art Pieces; History, description of porcelain production, styles by decade; Struss, 8x11, HB, 160 pp, color, 1997/PG .......... #RO-3848 .......... $34.95
Roseville Pottery by the Numbers 2003, 18th Ed. (A Price Guide to) Complete listing of Roseville by the number and then by pattern with internet pricing plus auction/sales pricing; Humphries, 6x9, SB, 40 pp, no pictures, 2003/PG .......... #RO-2003 .......... $9.95
Roseville Pottery Price Guide #11 (Keyed to both 1st & 2nd series of Coll. Ency. of Roseville Pottery): No pictures, just prices; Huxford/Huxford, 8x11, SB, 31 pp, 1997/PG.......... #RO-7992..........$9.95
Roseville Pottery (Collector's Compendium of), Vol. #1: Futura, Falline, Artwood, Earlam, Cosmos, Artcraft; Lots of color photos of models listed; Monsen, 8x11, SB, 128 pp, color, 1995/PG.......... #RO-0228..........$35.00
Roseville Pottery (Collector's Compendium of), Vol. #2: Baneda, Cremona, Ferella, Laurel, Montacello, Wincraft; 100s of color photos of all the models listed; Monsen, 8x11, HB, 128 pp, 1997/PG Vol. 1 & 2..........#RO-0260..........$45.00
Roseville Pottery, 1st Series (Collector's Ency. of); 2000+ pieces in full color, complete marks sectionm & company info; Huxford, HB 183 pp, 1997/WP.......... #RO-0157..........$19.95
Roseville Pottery, 2nd Series (Collector's Ency. of), Updated Values; No repeats from first book; Huxford, 8x11, HB, 191 pp, 100s of full color photographs, 1997/VG.......... #RO-1390..........$19.95
Royal Bayreuth - A Collector's Guide; Tapestry ware, Scenic, Corinthian, Rose Tapestry, Sunbonnet Babies & Figurals; McCaslin, 1995/PG.......... #RO-0966..........$34.95
Royal Copenhagen Porcelain: Animals & Figurines; 500 models, 100 in current production - comprehensive guide; Heritage, 8x11, HB, 200 pp, color, 1997/VG.......... #RO-1012..........$39.95
Royal Copley Identification & Price Guidel 875 pieces in color - figurines, banks, planters & more; Schneider, 8x11, SB, 144 pp, color, 1995/PG.......... #RO-7390..........$29.95
Royal Doulton Beswick Figurines, 5th Ed. (The Charlton Standard Catalogue of); 3000+ figurines w/name, designer, height, color, date, value; Dale, 7x9, SB, 444 pp, b&w, 1996/PG.......... #RO-1619..........$19.95
Royal Doulton Beswick Jugs, 4th Ed., (The Charlton Standard Catalogue of); Listings for Toby, character jugs, liquor containers, lovong cups; Dale, 7x9, SB, 626 pp, b&w, 1997/PG.......... RO-202X..........$24.95
Royal Doulton Beswick Storybook Figurines, 3rd Ed. (The Charlton Standard Catalogue of); 375+ photos w/name, number, designer, dates, varieties & more; Dale, 7x9, SB, 264 pp, index, 1996/WP.......... #RO-1635..........$17.95
Royal Worcester Figurines, 2nd Ed. (Charlton Standard Catalog of); Includes figurines (no animals) produced 1900-2000; designer, size, color, dates & more for each figurine; Cast & Edwards, 7x9, SB, 360 pp, color/b&w, 2000/PG .......... #RO-1899 .......... $24.95
R.S. Prussia, 4th Series (Collector's Ency. of), Featuring R.S., E.S., O.S. & C.S. Porcelain; Focuses on porcelain made by R.S. factories in Suhl & Tillowitz; Gaston, 8x11, HB, 288 pp, 2000/VG .......... #RS-6090 .......... $24.95
Russel Wright Dinnerware, Pottery & More, Identification & Price Guide; .......... #RU-162X .......... $29.95
Russel Wright, 3rd Ed. (Collector's Encyclopedia of); .......... #RU-2567 .......... $29.95
Russel Wright: Creating American Lifestyle; .......... #RU-2784 ....... $35.00
Salt Glaze Stoneware (Collector's Ency. of); Brush-McCoy, Uhl, Red Wing & more - pattern & form index, 700 color photos; 8x11, HB, 246 pp, 1997/PG.......... #ST-7208..........$24.95
Shawnee Pottery ID & Values (The Collector's Guide to), Kitchenware Items; Cornware, pitchers, shakers, teapots, cookie jars, creamers; Vanderbilt, 8x11, HB, 157 pp, 1996/PG.......... #SH-5019..........$19.95
Shawnee Pottery (Collecting); Over 800 subjects - teapots, cookie jars, figurines, vases, S&P; Supnic, 5x8, SB, 72 pp, 1997/PG.......... #SH-4610..........$10.95
Shawnee Pottery - An Identification & Value Guide; 1200+ color photos plus several hundred more listings w/descriptions; Mangus, 8x11, HB, 272 pp, 1996/VG.......... #SH-5744..........$24.95
Shawnee Pottery: The Full Encyclopedia with Value Guide; Pottery & dinnerware made between 1937-1961, marks, labels, catalogs; Curran, 9x11, HB, 305 pp, 1995/PG.......... #SH-8451..........$59.95
Shelley Tea Ware Patterns 2003/PG .......... SH-7105 .......... $69.95
Souvenir China: Keepsakes of a Golden Era (Collector's Guide to); Late 1800s through early 1900s specialty china & dishes; Williams, 8x11, SB, 232 pp, color, 1998/PG .......... #SO-0270 .......... $19.95
Souvenir Plates (A Collector's Guide to) with Values; Survey of plates dating back to 1880, manufacturer history; Burgess, 6x9, SB, 221 pp, index, color, 1996/PG.......... #SO-0997..........$19.95
Spongeware & Spatterware; 18th, 19th & 20th century colorful country pottery ID & PG; McConnell, 6x9, SB, 128 pp, 1990/PG .......... #SP-2534 .......... $14.95
Staffordshire Ceramics (Romantic); Dinner wares, tea sets & other household ceramics; Snyder, 8x11, SB, 186 pp, color, index, 1997/VG .......... #ST-3368 .......... $29.95
Staffordshire Figures (Christie's Collectibles); 18th century through Victorian era figures; Charles, 4x7, HB, 80 pp, color, 1997/VG .......... #ST-4611 .......... $12.95
Staffordshire Figures 1835-1875 (Victorian), Book 1; Portraits, military, theatrical & literary characters; Harding, 9x12, HB, 416pp, color, 1998/VG .......... #VI-464X .......... $95.00
Staffordshire I - Cups, Plates & Early Victorian China: Romantic Transfer Patterns; Petra Williams, 6x9, HB, 763 pp, 1987/NP.......... #ST-6051..........$40.00
Staffordshire II - Cups, Plates & Early Victorian China: Romantic Transfer Patterns; Williams/Weber, 6x9, HB, 695 pp, 1986/NP.......... #ST-6094..........$40.00
Staffordshire III -Romantic Transfer Patterns; Companion to Books 1 & 2 (with corrections); Williams & Weber, 6x9, HB, 292 pp, index, b&w, 1998/NP .......... #ST-6108 .......... $50.00
Staffordshire (Historical): American Patriots & Views with Price Guide; Transfer printed ceramic dishes made in Staffordshire for the American market from 1820-1860; 1995/PG.......... #ST-7218..........$29.95
Staffordshire Portrait Figures of the Victorian Era; Standard reference commonly referred to as the "Pugh"; Pugh, 9x12, HB, 558 pp, b&w/color, 1987/NP .......... #ST-0108 .......... $99.50
Stangl Pottery; Birds, dinnerware, lamps, Sportsman ware, Tropical ware & more; Harvey Duke, 7x10, SB, 150 pp, 1993/WP........... #ST-6742..........$19.95
Stein Book (The Beer): A 400 Year History; .......... 2700 steins plus history, factory marks, production info; Anheuser-Busch, Miller, Coors, military, character, faience; Kirsner, 9x11, HB, 384 pp, color/b&w, 1999/WP .......... #BE-1009 .......... $39.95
Steins (German Military) 1914-1945; .......... #GE-3085 .......... $17.95
Stoneware & Pottery (Collector's Guide to Country), 2nd Series; .......... #CO-4209 .......... $14.95
Susie Cooper Productions; Victoria & Albert museum catalog reprints - good detail; 7x9, SB, 107 pp, 200 b&w illus, 1987/NP .......... #SU-788X .......... $24.95
Susie Cooper (Collecting), 1st Ed.; First comprehensive guide to the work by Susie Cooper - pottery to lithos; Salmon, 120 pp, 1994/PG .......... #SU-3960 .......... $24.95
Tea Tiles (Porcelain & Pottery); .......... #PO-0049 .......... $12.95
Teapots (Christie's Collectibles);Full color images, maker's marks, wide range of teapots; Tippett, 4x8, HB, 80 pp, color, 1996/VG .......... #TE-2694 .......... $12.95
Vallona Starr Ceramics with Prices; Los Angeles ceramics produced 1939-1953 - whimsical designs; Stamper, 5x8, SB, 128 pp, color, 1995/PG .......... #VA-8710 .......... $19.95
Van Briggle Art Pottery (The Collector's Ency. of) - An ID & Value Guide - Updated Values; 800+ pieces from 1901 to present; Sasicki & Fania, 8x11, HB, 143 pp, index, 1995/WP.......... #VA-5191..........$24.95
Vernon Kilns (Collectible), Identification & Value Guide; History,
marks & more on this California pottery; Maxine Nelson, 8x11, HB, 256 pp,
color, index, 1994/VG.......... #VE-5841..........OUT
Wade Collectors Handbook (The); Comprehensive PG to World of Wade #1 and #1, plus new text & color section; 6x8, SB, 123 pp, color, 1997/PG .......... #WA-3618 .......... $19.95
Wade Price Trends, 1st Ed.; Comprehensive PG to World of Wade #1 and #2, plus new text & color section; 8x11, SB,160 pp, 1996/PG..........#WA-0235.......... $24.95
Wade Whimsical Collectibles, 3rd Ed. (The Charlton Standard Catalogue of); Wade Whimsies & other storybook characters, comic animals & more; 7x9, SB, 232 pp, b&w, index, 1996/WP .......... #WA-1736..........$17.95
Wade (The World of), Book #1 - Collectible Porcelain & Pottery; 1000 items illustrated, company history, variety of wares; Warner & Posgay, 8x11, SB, 190 pp, 1997/PG .......... #WO-0508 .......... $29.95
Wade (The World of), Book #2 - Collectible Porcelain & Pottery; No duplication of Book #1 - animals, whimsies, flowers, banks & more; Warner & Posgay, 252 pp, 1995/PG .......... #WO-0006 .......... $34.95
Wade, Vol. #2, 2nd Ed.: Decorative Ware (The Charlton Standard Catalogue of); Decorative dishes to vases, jugs to candle holders; 7x9, SB, 336 pp, b&w, index, 1996/WP .......... #WA-1813 .......... $19.95
Wall Pockets of the Past; Includes manufacturers, composition, marks, current prices; Perkins, 8x11, SB, 159 pp, color, 1996/VG .......... #WA-6821 .......... $17.95
Wall Pockets (Collector's Ency. of), Identification & Values; American, European, unmarked, glass, wood, metal & more; Newbound, 8x11, HB, 191 pp, color, 1996/VG .......... #WA-6732 .......... $19.95
Wall Pockets, Book #1, Affordable & Others (Collector's Guide to); California potteries, Morton, Japan Noritake, Hull, Hummel, McCoy & more; Gibson, 8x11, SB, 1994/PG .......... #WA-0595 .......... $24.95
Wall Pockets, Book #2, Affordable, Unique & Other (Collector's Guide to); Over 1200 new items, few duplicates from Book #1; Gibson, 8x11, SB, 287 pp, color, 1997/WP .......... #WA-0889 .......... $29.95
Weller Pottery (Collector's Ency.
of), Updated Prices; 175 full color photos, complete descriptions & value guide; Huxford, 8x11, HB, 375
pp, 1998/WP.......... #WE-1145.......... $29.95
White Ironstone: A Collector's Guide; White earthenware of
mid-to-late 19th century North America; Weatherbee, 8x11, SB, 228 pp, b&w,
White Ironstone: A Survey of Its Many Forms - Undecorated, Flow Blue, Mulberry, Copper Lustre; .......... #WH-3260 .......... $34.95
Willow Pattern China (Collector's Guide to); Worth & Loehr, 6x8, SB, 120 pp, 1991/WP.......... #WI-8046.......... OUT OF PRINT
Willow Ware: Ceramics in the Chinese Tradition with Price Guide;
Popular blue transfer pattern makers, dates, marks & values; Bockol, 8x11,
SB, 157 pp, color, 1995/PG.......... #WI-720X..........$29.95
Worcester Porcelain (The Dictionary of), 1751-1851, Vol. #1;
Sandon, 8x11, HB, 384 pp, 100 color plates,
1993/NP.......... #WO-1562..........$89.50
Yellow Ware (Collector's Guide to): Identification & Value Guide;
Kitchen ware plus inkwells, banks & more; McAllister, 8x11, SB, 127 pp,
300+ color photos, 1997/VG.......... #YE-7410..........$17.95
Yellow Ware: The Transitional Ceramic, Revised Edition with Updated Prices; 19th century ceramic popular between redware and white ware; Leibowitz, 8x11, SB, 119 pp, 1995/WP .......... #YE-5088 .......... $19.95
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