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  About Us

Our Intention                 


   It is our intention with this web-site to reach and inspire as many hearts, minds and souls as we can through the writing, articles and services found herein. We are devoted to bringing spiritual perspective and awareness, important information, astrological insight, psychological understanding, humanitarian values and ideals, deep healing and support, Love, Compassion, Wisdom and Truth to you through this web-site and our services. We honor the Truth and Love of all spiritual paths and the connection between body, mind, heart, soul and spirit. We hope that through this web-site you will learn more about: Personal and Planetary Transformation, The Aquarian New Age, the Evolution of Human Consciousness, Soul Astrology, DreamWork, Sandplay Therapy, Flower Essences, Metaphysics, Tarot, Sacred Ceremony and Ritual, Mythology, Holistic Healing, Transpersonal and Jungian Psychology, and the Wisdom of many Eastern, Western, Shamanic, Celtic, Native American, and Goddess Universal Spiritual Teachings. We are located in Santa Fe, New Mexico and offer our services to the local, national and international communities.

   As a humanity, we are at a major turning point, amidst a profound planetary shift and transformative time on planet earth, on the verge of a cultural revolution and a spiritual renaissance. Each of us is aware of this transition in our own lives, in our own way. Many of us are experiencing an awakening deep within. The old ways of being no longer fit or speak to our hearts, souls or spirits, and we long for Higher Meaning and Spiritual Connection in our lives.We feel a deep inner calling to take our place in this planetary transformation, to find our Soul's purpose, to bring our own unique gifts and talents and our LOVE to the healing of this beautiful Mother Earth. We are hungry to lead sacred lives and be seen and accepted for WHO we really are.

   It is our sincere intention with this web-site and the Spiritual Renaissance Center:

   Here we stand together, at the threshold of a New World, a New Aquarian Age. A New World we are consciously co-creating together. We do have a choice and we can make a difference!! Let us choose to create a world aligned with our collective Higher Self and the Divine, a New World that has as a foundation the Spiritual Laws of Compassion, Love, Truth and Justice for all Beings. A New Age of deeper tolerence, respect and compassion for all peoples, ways of being and thinking no matter what their cultural, racial, sexual, religious, spiritual orientations are. We are here to support you through this passage and the sacred passages of your life; to help you feel empowered to bring your unique Light, Love, Truth and Wisdom to this earth.

About the Directors

Leo Knighton Tallarico, PAI
Professional Astrologer, Transformational Counselor and Spiritual Guide

   L eo grew up in Chicago where he managed and promoted Silva Mind Control Classes (focused meditation for psychic development) for the Midwest United States. This is also where he began his study of astrology, metaphysics, and psychology.  In 1985, while in Madison, Wisconsin, he became a full-time professional astrologer, and in 1986 became accredited by the Professional Astrologers Incorporated, after having passed extensive examination.

   Later that year, he relocated to the San Francisco Bay Area where he soon created Spiritual Therapy Astrology, a combination of psychological counseling, spiritual guidance and astrological wisdom. Leo then became staff counselor and trainer for Suicide Prevention in Berkeley. He was also a member of the Spiritual Emergence Network, begun by psychologists Stanislav and Christina Grof, an organization that assisted people through spiritual crisis, honoring each person's unique spiritual journey and experience.

   In 1990, he began publishing, To Be and Not To Be, a journal dedicated to Transpersonal Astrology, psychology and the evolution of human consciousness. He has spoken at many conferences, bookstores, on radio and TV shows, has taught classes at City College of San Francisco and the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology and was a weekly speaker at Amron Metaphysical Church in San Francisco.

   In 1995, Leo, Deborah and their son Tralon relocated to Santa Fe, New Mexico where they began the Spiritual Renaissance Center. Leo is a full-time professional Astrologer, Transformational Counselor and Spiritual Guide, co-editor/publisher of Spiritual Renaissance, and co-director of the Spiritual Renaissance Center with his wife Deborah. His approach is compassionate, deeply insightful, and transformative.


Deborah Knighton Tallarico, MA, LPCC
Transpersonal Psychotherapist, Spiritual Guide, Ceremonial Artist

MA Transpersonal  Counseling  Psychology
LPCC Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
MFCCLicensed Marriage, Family and Child Counselor
Ordained Minister

   D eborah grew up in the Detroit area and received her Bachelor of Social Work Degree in 1979 from Central Michigan University. In 1982, she moved to the San Francisco Bay Area to begin graduate study in Transpersonal Psychology at John F. Kennedy University in Orinda, California. For two of her four years in graduate school she studied Art Therapy and Arts and Consciousness, and in 1986 completed her graduate work, receiving her Masters of Arts Degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology.

   While in graduate school she began studying: Sandplay Therapy, Dreamwork, Ritual, Art and Healing in addition to Transpersonal, Jungian, Archetypal, Existential and Humanistic Psychology. 

   Deborah has been counseling people from all walks of life for the past twenty years, and has been in private practice as a transpersonal psychotherapist since 1986. Her approach is Holistic and honors the connection between the body, mind, heart, soul and spirit. She spent eight years working in a sexual abuse treatment program counseling men, women and children healing from the trauma of physical, emotional and sexual abuse, and has also worked in an Adolescent and Native American Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program, a Battered Women's Shelter and Rape Crisis Center in Michigan and the San Francisco Bay Area before moving to Santa Fe.

   As a licensed psychotherapist and counselor, she helps people deal with all kinds of difficult issues from depression, anxiety, grief, loss, bereavement, eating disorders, substance abuse, low self-esteem, life transition, rites of passage, abuse, and relationship issues as well as existential crisis,and personal/spiritual growth. Her deepest passions are to help bring a sense of sacredness, spirituality and Love to our world and to individual lives, to help bring human understanding between peoples of all races, sexes, and cultures,to help people live in harmony with the natural cycles, heal the Feminine and our Mother Earth, and to live a life alignewith the Great Spirit, Mother/FatherGod/Goddess, All-That-Is.

   She has been on a spiritual path for the last twenty-five years studying, experiencing and practicing various Eastern and Western spiritual traditions, metaphysics including: astrology, tarot, divination, mythology and ancient mysticism, nature-based Native American, Shamanic,Celtic and Goddess spiritual practices. In 1987, she was ordained as a Universal Life Minister, and is currently training with the Isis Lyceum, Fellowship of Isis.

   In addition to her counseling and healing work, she offers Sacred Circles, community ceremonies, and personal rites of passage ceremonial services. In all of her work, she weaves together: astrology, sacred ceremony and ritual, transpersonal and archetypal psychology, mythology, art therapy and healing, dreamwork, sandplay, flower essences, chanting, invocation, prayer, music, and guided meditation. Deborah's approach is deeply compassionate, intuitive, and spiritual.

   She is available for phone counseling for those out of the Santa Fe Area and can be reached at: (505) 474-4671 or 820-7038 or by e-mail at: moonsoul9@aol.com


"Our worst fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we our powerful beyond measure.
It is our light,not our darkness, that frightens us most.
We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,talented and fabulous?'
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God; your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not in some of us. It is in everyone, and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

---Marianne Williamson

"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue . . . and the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer."

---Ranier Maria Rilke

About this Website

  Like most websites, this one is in continual development.
You will often see hints of where the development is heading
in subheadings that don't link to anywhere yet,
topics that just beg for elaboration
but we haven't done so yet, and so on.
For instance, at this writing, we intend to build
a discussion thread page
in order to generate ongoing dialogue with all of you.

   Like most website creators, we don't have enough hours
in the day -- or people, really -- to build and post everything we want this week.
Still, we're looking forward to making this site as informative, engaging, and (believe it or not) as useful as we can. As far as we're concerned, if this venue isn't connected with the real world, there is no point having the darn thing.
(This is why I am anxious to build the discussion area!!)   

   So --- EMAIL US!!! Send opinions, ideas, whatever. Those of you who like the web and/or email as a medium of communication
are encouraged to tug our ear as you're used to elsewhere.
For those of you for whom this is a little new, explore. Have fun with it.
Tell us what you think. In all cases, we will respond.

   We've got some big ideas. Basically, we intend to use this website,
Spiritual Renaissance print publication, the public events,
and all the rest of the SRC to build something of a community.
These are media of dialogue -- tools, in a way.

   Help us form these tools, and use 'em!

      Site Director

    Email me:  trigger@speakeasy.org
Trigger Creative Development

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The Spiritual Renaissance Center
418 Cerrillos Road #01FB
Santa Fe, New Mexico  87501
Phone: 505-820-7038 
Email: soulus@aol.com or moonsoul9@aol.com