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Wisdom From the Earth
This column is dedicated to the return of the ancient knowledge,
beauty and wisdom of the earth and nature-based spiritual teachings.

In This Department: Initiation & Death Relationship as a Spiritual Journey

Wisdom from the Earth
WINTER 2000-2001: Seeking the Wisdom Within
By Deborah Knighton



   CAPRICORN December 21st-January 19th Cold Earth Element ~ Yin ~ Ruled by Saturn ~ Internal and External Structures and Forms ~ Order ~ Steadfastness ~ Earth Wisdom and Renewal ~


   On December 21st the Sun moves into Capricorn at 6:38 AM (MST). With the Sun in Capricorn you may feel a deeper need to connect with the barren earth within, to retreat, and at the same time get in touch with an awareness of the structures and forms in your inner and outer life. With the trees bare and skeletal, the cold air blowing in, and the plants having returned back to the Earth, we are naturally more aware of the simple form of the earth around us. With Her beauty more subtle, their is a natural inclination to turn inward. It is a natural time to examine our own “inner earth” and the forms and structure we have built there.

   This exact moment also marks the time of the Winter Solstice. The Winter Solstice or Yule (derived from the word Yul which means Wheel) marks the longest night of the year and the shortest day. It is a “sacred turning point” as the “Sun stands still” (which is what the word Solstice means) for about four days at its' Southern most point, and then makes its' turn Northward again. In the Northern hemisphere, it is when we are tilted the furthest from the Sun. The Winter Solstice is the moment of the rebirth of the Sun. Symbolically it is the day of greatest darkness just before the birth of light. It is the time when the Great Mother, from the void of darkness, from the cauldron of death, gives birth to the Divine Child Sun, who is the bringer of hope, peace and increasing light. Light is born from the darkness, from the womb of Mother Earth. In the Goddess traditions it is seen as the birth of the Goddess as well. The Solstice is celebrated through rituals of birth and rebirth, renewal and hope. Much like the energy of the New Moon, it is a time to bring forth new ideas and visions for the new year ahead.

   This Winter Season, this time of hibernation and retreat, when the earth lies barren and cold, is a time to connect with a deep and very old wisdom, a wisdom from the depths of the earth and the inner realms of being, in order to return and be re-born again in Spring. This is an important part of our preparation. In the myth of Innana, Enki, God of Wisdom is the only one able to bring her back from the underworld. This myth is symbolic of what is neccessary in the winter months, in order for us to ascend from the womb of the Earth Mother in Spring. We must contact Wisdom and the Wise-Old wo/man inside to return and be reborn. Winter is always the realm of the Crone and the Hermit, a time to retreat into the depths of one's psyche and soul, to traverse the internal world of dreams and images, to realize one's Self, to find the Light within as the days light increases. It is a time of regeneration and renewal, a time to reflect and contemplate as the sun continues to wane.

   To the Native Americans and the Celtsthis marks the beginning of a new cycle, and is celebrated as their New Year. It is a time to go inward to the “womb” to find our own source of renewal and regeneration, a time to rest, as the sun does, awaiting the returning light. It is the time to celebrate the renewal of the earth and our deeper inner Self, a time to celebrate the regenerative powers of darkness and the incoming light of hope. It is a good time to light candles, renew vows and sacred objects, make a prayer arrow imbued with your prayers for the incoming light and the new cycle of life, prayers for the earth, your Self and humanity. To honor this moment create altars of red (and white) candles, greens, holy and evergreens which symbolize rebirth and eternal life. Begin your ceremony in the dark, feeling the depth of darkness within and all around you. Then find some way to create an awakening or birth before lighting the candles which will represent the birth of light. The focus of the ceremony is on the birth of light and hope from the womb of darkness.

   In ancient Egypt this day was the Feast of Isis the Black Cow and The Festival of Raising the Djed of Osiris. In the ancient mysteries of the Black Isis, they focussed on calling forth the creative powers of earth and the sunlight to return from darkness. It was a time of mourning and grief. This day also marked the birth of the solar god. The celebration of the birth of the holy child from the womb of the Great Mother is one of the oldest festivals in human consciousness.

   The winter season, the time between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, is connected with the Northern place on the Medicine Wheel of Life, the place of gratitude and wisdom.

   “Oh Great Powers of the North and the Earth Element Spirit of White Buffalo Calf Woman, bringer of peace and balance help me to find deep inner peace, balance and serenity during these winter months..... help me discover the light in the womb of darkness... Spirit of Wolf Medicine, teacher and pathfinder... Be with me today...help me find the Teacher within, the wise one that dwells within my Soul.... Spirit of Owl Medicine, help me See what I need to See, the Truth in the darkness, the foundation of all true Wisdom Hekate, Goddess of the Crossroads, Wise Woman Crone watch over me dreams and visions..... Guide me in the darkest hours, help me touch the magic of the dream-time, the mystery of the dark... Hermit, Wise Old Man, illumine my Soul with your mystical insight and light.... Light my path........Enlighten me!!!!! As the cold winds brush across my face I give thanks for this period of introspection, peace and renewal...... At this time I call forth the wisdom of the grandmothers and grandfathers, the ancestors and the ancient ones as I await in silence, I listening deeply, I await.... Spirits of the earth and the great white mountains, I pray for alignment with the ancient wisdom and Spirit of the earth and her keepers, I pray for strength and endurance.... Spirits of the North help me to honor the wisdom of the teacher within, Thank you dear elders, ancestors and wise ones for your guidance and light, each and every day. May I be humbled before the Great Mystery and may I walk upon Earth Mother in balance, with wisdom, humility and compassion in my heart.”

   During this Winter season altars facing North can assist your alignment with these powerful yet subtle energies. Enjoy this time of regeneration and renewal, this time to return to your Self.

   December 21st is also the beginning of Hanukkah which goes through December 29th. Hanukkah/ The Jewish Festival of Lights is in honor of the Re-dedication of the Temple of Jerusalem to God-Goddess Yahweh (Father/Mother, Daughter and Son) where a new candle on the Menorah is lit and gifts shared each day in honor of this festival. The 21st to the 22nd is also the Old European Festival of Evergreen Trees and International Arbor Day, celebrated by the planting of evergreen trees and the creation and hanging of evergreen wreaths, which are a symbol of eternal life.

   The 21st through the 9th of January is the Hopi/Zuni/Pueblo Tribes' Soyala New Year Festival devoted to renewal and purification. During this period of time people clean their homes, symbolic “fires” are put out, and personal restraint is honored. It ends with dancing, rekindling of the central Kiva fire and distribution of coals to each home.

   The 22nd is the Taoist festival to honor Wang-Mu the Empress Mother of Compassion and Wisdom. She is also a manifestation of the Tao, the great flow of life, the Cosmic power of Creation and Destruction. This day is also the Japanese Shinto ceremony honoring the Sun Goddess Amaterasu. When angered, Amaterasu retreated into a cave for a long time until she was enticed out with dance and music. This celebration symbolically honors the birth of the Sun and light, corresponding with the Solstice. This time is also a celebration of the yin peak of the year and the Shen time of Earth, the North, and Winter.

   The 22nd-24th is the Dark Moon in Sagittarius. A time to retreat within, curl up around the fire place, take some time alone to reflect upon the passing lunar cycle, feeling renewed and regenerated by the continued darkness.

   December 24th is Mother's Night, a Christian vigil for the labor of Blessed Maria and her birthing of baby Jesus on the 25th, Christmas day through the power of the Holy Spirit. This day actually was derived from the Ancient Nature-based Winter Solstice, as the celebration of the birth of the Christ Child, the Son (sun) of God, from the Virgin Mary. On a deeper level it is the honoring of the birth of the “light” and Christ Consciousness in our Universe. It is a good time to honor the Divine Child within your own Soul, to honor your Essential Light that is your birthright.

   In ancient Egypt this day of the 25th was the Birth of Ra, Child of Nut and the Birth of Horus, the Divine Child of Isis. There is no accident that the birthday of the Christ child, who is brought to Egypt, aligns with the birth of Ra, and Horus, the son gods and children of Nut and Isis. Like Christ, Horus is a spiritual warrior who saves the land from darkness and evil and has come to do the work of his Father.

   This year on the 25th at 10:22 AM (MST) is the New Moon at 4 plus degrees of Capricorn with a partial Solar Eclipse from 8:26AM-12:43PM (MST). This is a time symbolic of New Beginnings as it is the First New Moon of the year, referred to by some as the Cold Moon/Winter Moon. The new moon always marks the beginning of a new 28 day cycle. “The Cold Moon of Capricorn sails across the southern sky. Her pure light shines on fields white with snow or fields bare and brown, on waters that move slowly with cold or hide beneath an icy covering. The winter world guards its secrets well, but the Cold Moon knows them all. This stillness is not death but sleep, in which the world renews itself, awaiting spring. The Cold Moon knows where every secret seed is resting. This is her wisdom.”-Zsuzsanna Budapest, from Grandmother Moon: Lunar magic in our lives. Take the time to be with the energy of the mountains, reflect on Higher Wisdom. During this time you may feel a particularly strong desire to retreat inward in search of the wisdom that comes from solitude and introspection. With the Sun and Moon in Capricorn, take the time to set intentions, reflect on your goals for the year and initiate any new structures and forms you want to create in your life. How can you create forms to hold and house the energies you cherish? How can you bring Spirit into form? How can you more deeply honor the beautiful form of the barren Mother Earth and your own sacred body? Is your foundation strong? What do you need to strengthen? What are your plans for the year ahead?

   The 25th through the 1st of January is Kwanzaa. A festival celebrating the African Spiritual Traditions. This holiday emphasizes unity, self-determination, collective responsibility and work, cooperative economics, creativity and faith. We are still in the time of Ramadan- the Muslim month of purification and self-reflection, that lasts from December 8th-January 7th. A time to find inner peace and peace with those in our larger world while helping those in need.

   As you can see this period of time from the Solstice to the New Year is a particularly poignant time for prayer and going deeply within, a powerful time to gather your inner resources, to connect with the Divine, with Great Father and Mother Earth, a time to focus on your prayers and visions for the New Year just around the corner. So celebrate the beauty of the darkness and the birth of the essence of light and enjoy your holiday season. May you feel the birth of your own inner light and the blessings of renewal this season brings.

   New Year 2001:

   January 1st is the Feast of Chronos, Saturn, the Old Greek Father of Time. Kronos, the King of the Titans, who wared with his father Ouranos, (Uranus) severing his genitals, of which when joined with the sea gave birth to Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty. Kronos/ Saturn, also known as the “beast” is known as the Lord of Karma, giving us many life lessons. He ultimately teaches us that through the experiences of pain, restriction and discipline there is the growth of consciousness and the wholeness of Self. Psychologically this has to do with the realization of the inner experience of Self as a psychic completeness within. The 1st through the 4th are the Quadrantid Meteor Shower with the 3rd as the peak.

   January 3rd is a day for meditation on the Tantric Buddhist Deiteis Amitayus and Whilte Tara, who grant good health and long life. The 4th is Earth Perihelion daywhen the Earth is closest to the Sun.

   The 5th is Avian Day, the day set aside to honor all the creatures of the air element as well as Air Dieties that manifest as birds. Such as the Goddesses: Lilth/Owl (Jewish/Kabbalah), Babd/Crow (Old Celtic), Holy Spirit/Dove/Sophia (Christian) and God Horus/Hawk (Old Egyptian).

   January 1-4th is the Tewa/Pueblo Tribes Turtle Dance. This is a time of the celebration of Life and the first Creation, when Father Sky united with Mother Earth and all Life was conceived. The turtle is one of the most ancient and longest living creatures of earth and symbolizes the Earth Mother herself. She teaches us to move slowly, be grounded, carry a shield of protection, and to allow our ideas to grow and develop slowly.

   The eve of January 8th through the evening of the 10th is the Feast of Fate- Guardian of the Cauldron/Grail of Regeneration dedicated to the Goddesses: Hekate, (Grecian Goddess of the Crossroads) Etain/Arianrhod (Old Celtic), Coatlicue (Aztec), Pachamama ( Incan Goddess of Healing). This is a time for seeing what crossroads you are facing in your life, making important decisions and choices that will shape the course of your life. All this pointing to a deep process of change and transformation, death of the old and birth/rebirth of the new!

   January 9th at 1:24 PM (MST) is the Full Moon at 19 plus degrees of Cancer. From 10:43AM - 3:57 PM (MST) is a total Lunar Eclipse (visable in Alaska and Northern Canada). This full moon is often referred to as the Black Death/Crone Moon as the energies of the Hermit/Crone are alive. With the Sun in Capricorn opposite the Moon in Cancer, it is like the perfect balance of the Great Father and the Great Mother, of the Wise Man and Woman/Crone. It is through the joining of the Father and Mother that the Universe was born. This is a time to feel the fullness of the Moon Mother, to invite the energies to deeply nourish your soul, awaken your dream-time and assist your connection to God/Goddess, All-That-Is. With the Moon in Cancer, the feminine energies will be particularly strong, as will your own intuition. Listen to your inner voice and the flow of intuitive knowing coming through. It may be good to do a ceremony under the Moon, asking Her for guidance and wisdom, visualizing bringing together the energies of earth and moon.

   ~Aquarius~ January 19th - February 18th ~ Fixed Air ~ Ruled by Uranus ~ The Water Bearer ~ Universal Mind ~ Inventive ~ Humanitarian ~ Awakening~ Electric ~ Eccentric ~ Individualistic ~ The individual within community ~

   On Friday, January 19th at 5:16 PM (MST) the Sun moves into Aquarius. With the Sun in Aquarius the energies will feel a bit more electric, perhaps “out of control” and eccentric. It is also a time to connect with Universal Mind through meditation and intention. This Aquarian time of year is a time to experience your own individuality, your own unique identity and its' relationship to the greater whole of humanity. Where is your unique place in the larger human family? What is it that you have to give that is unique? The Aquarian time of year helps us see how connected we all are, and yet with our own respectable paths.

   In Ancient Egypt, the 19th is also The Brilliant Festival of the Lights of Neith, mother of Isis and Osiris. During the festival of lights, small vases of oil, salt and wick were carried to the waters and floated out in little papyrus boats along the sacred lake at the temple of Neith and Isis. This ceremony symbolized the Light of Spirit being born through the darkness, as well as the light of the Soul that shines even after death.

   The 21st is World Religons Day, a day to meditate on all the different spiritual, mystical and religious paths and their common unity, (very Aquarian). A day honor the One Universal Deity, God/Goddess/All-That-Is in all its' different forms.

   The evening of the 23rd through the evening of the 26th is the Old European Lunar New Year and the celebration of the Triple Goddess beginning her transformation from Crone to Maiden/Virgin, celebrated with ritual bathing of divine images. This process takes time as the Maiden is re-born in Spring. Take time now to experience the Crone, the Wise-Old Woman within, what more does she have to teach you as you prepare for your re-birth in Spring. Partake in ritual baths honoring your deep inner wisdom.

   January 24th at 6:07 AM (MST) is the New Moon at 4 plus degrees of Aquarius. This is the second Lunar cycle and is referred to as the Quickening New Moon. “The Quickening Moon rides through skies of strom and stillness. The upper air is bitter, but now and again a breath of something milder stirs branches beginning to blush with rising sap. Everywhere the snow is melting. In sheltered spots the ground shows the first haze of green. Moon light shimmers on blossoms white as showflakes, but softer, as the orchards-apple and plum and pear- begin to bloom. Shyly the world is awakening from winter's sleep, and the compassionate Moon of Aquarius promises hat spring wil soon come.”- Z. Budpest from Grandmother Moon: Lunar Magic in Our Lives. With the Sun and Moon conjoined in Aquarius, take to heart issues of serving the larger human family and to finding your own unique and individualistic place in the larger scheme of things. This lunar cycle brings us closer to a selfless and impersonal love for humanity, for our fellow travels on earth. What altruistic values can we bring to our friendships and relationshipos? It is a good time to reflect on the deeper energies of Aquarius since we are moving into the Aquariuan Age. What's do these energies feel like? How do you feel today at the New Moon? Allow your own experience of this moment and the New Moon guide you to a deeper understanding of Aquarian energies. Allow your compassion and respect for your earth brothers and sisters to grow.

   This day is also Rosh Chodesh,a day when Jewish women gather to celebrate the feminine aspect of the One Universal Deity. This Day also marks the beginning of the Asian/ Chinese New Year, which lasts from the 24th through the 27th. On this day according to the Chinese calendar we will be entering the year of the Snake. The year of the Snake is a good time for reflection, searching for answers, making important decisions and planning for the future, if not focussed in this way it can lead to great difficultly. Be prepared for the unpredictable.

   January 28th through the 5th of February is the Iroquios Mid-Winter Cermeony, a time to pray for the continuation of all life-sustaining things. This ceremony is celebrated with tobacco offerings, confessions, singing, chanting, drumming, dancing, and dream-telling.

   January 31st to February 2nd are the Lesser Eleusinian Mysteries, marking the return of Persephone (Queen of the Dead) from the Underworld, to join her Mother Demeter (Grain Goddess of the Earth). Upon her return she becomes Kore, Queen of the Living once more as she brings back fertility to the earth after months of barrenness. She is accompanied by Hekate, Greek Goddess of the Cross-roads as well as all others chosing rebirth. At this time of rebith are processions of torches and dedcations of service to the Goddess. January 31st through February 3rd is the Feast of the Old Egyptian Goddess Isis, Divine Mother and Healer. This festival honors her defeat of Set and healing of Horus.

   January 31st to February 2nd is Februalia/Brigid and February 2nd is Candelmas/Imbolc, St.Brigit's Day, and is a very subtle yet powerful moment of the year, Day of Initiation. Dedicated to the Goddesses Hestia (Old Greek), Vesta ( Old Roman) and Brigid (Old Celtic), all Goddesses of the Sacred Flame. This time marks the mid-point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. What was birthed at the Winter Solstice begins to take form. “This is the time of individuation: within the measures of the spiral, we each light our own light, and become uniquely ourselves. It is the time of initiation, of beginning, when seeds that will later sprout and grow begin to stir from their dark sleep. We meet to share the light of inspiration, that will grow with the growing year.” - The Spiral Dance, by Starhawk. It is a time of celebration in honor of Brigid, Celtic Goddess of the Triple Flame and inspiration, healer, midwife and poet of the sacred wells, and Hestia/Vesta, Goddess of the Sacred Flame. During this sacred time people cleaned, purified and blessed their homes and their hearths. They honored the sacred flame, the fires of purification and healing. It is a good time to clean house, attend to your health and pay old debts. A time to retreat and connect with the sacred internal flame; a time to honor your unique light, a time to do your own purification ritual and blessing, to tend to and honor the sacred flame of your heart and hearth once again; a time to light candles on your altar. Candelmas/Imbolc truly marks the transition and transformation from death to rebirth, as the light of day grows significantly longer. You can be assured that Spring is right around the corner. This is the time when the animal world comes out of hibernation, the birds fly north again. This is a very holy day for initiations of the priestesses and a day to devote yourself to the Goddess. During this same time is the Egyptian feast to the Goddess Isis, Goddess of the moon and healing.

   February 1st through the 3rd is the Old Greek festival celebrating the return of the God Dionysos to Elysium to be with Kore, in her Maiden form (Persephone is her name as Queen of the Underworld). This festival is celebrated by the blessings and pruning of the grape vines in preparation for the coming Spring.

   The month of February is dedicated to the Goddess/God Februa-Februus, the purifiers and protectors of the home. The 3rd is Zen Mindfulness Day, a day to be mindful that you, and all that is You, is a part of a larger process of transformation in the Universe.

   February 8th is the Cold/Seed Full Moon at 19 plus degrees of Leo, at 12:12 AM (MST). The full moon in Leo, a fire sign, is a good time go within to the flame (Sun)within our Hearts and allow our emotions to burst forth. You may feel particularly creative and expressive and may want to put some of your creative ideas into form. It is a good time to gather around the fire, to honor the sun, to express yourself freely, to nurture the sacred flame and to share this fiery Love with others in your life and in this world. It is a time to allow your Self to truly shine, to sing a song out loud, to unleash your free-spirit and honor The Divine Child within. Be playful and allow your creative fires to flow outward.

   February 9-17th is the Iroquois Mid-Winter Ceremony. A time to honor all living things and to dance, sing, drum, make offerings and reveal your dreams.

   February 14th is St. Valentine's Day and a time to deeply honor LOVE of all kinds and especially Romantic Love, a time to remember those you have loved in your life, past and present. Valentine's Day it may also be important to do a ceremony to bring forth a Higher Love, an altruistic love, into to this world and to humanity.

   ~ Pisces~ February 18th- March 20th ~ Water Element~ Ruled by Neptune~ Mystical Soul Waters~ Compassion~ Universal Soul~Christ Consciousness~

   Saturday, February 19th the Sun moves into Pisces and at 9:27AM. With the Sun in Pisces expect still waters to run deep. The energies of Pisces are mystical and Soulful, compassionate and selfless as well as naturally psychic. There is a flow of artistic energy, and the subtle realms of music, art, song, dance and poetry will speak to your Soul. There is a misty cloud surrounding life. During the Pisces time of year allow yourself to connect to the depths of your unconscious, to the symbols and images of your dreams, to the deepest mysteries of life and death. Listen to your intuition, experience your Oneness with the Universe.

   February 19th - 27th is the Navajo Sing, when the fields are blessed for the coming planting season. February 27th is Children's Day, and a time to honor all the children in your life and in the world. To send love and gratitude, prayers and blessings to them and to see how their innocence is a great teacher for us.

   Friday February 23rd, at 1:21 AM (MST) is the New Moon at 4 plus degrees of Pisces. With the Sun and Moon in Pisces the energies of compassion for self and others may be particularly strong. Call in the energies of Kwan Yin, Boddhisatva of Compassion. Kwan Yin, who has attained enlightenment, was allowed to leave her incarnations on earth. Instead she decided to stay around the earth until every single person has attained enlightenment and there is no more suffering. She feels that until every person is free from suffering, she is not. This story touches me every time I think of it as She carries a deep message for human kind. The Truth is that until we are all liberated from suffering, whole and at one with the Divine we are not free. During this New Moon, pay particular attention to your dream life and the subtle spiritual, psychic and healing realms of consciousness. Also spend some time reflecting on ways you can bring more compassion into your life, for your Self and others. It's also a great time to nurture the depths of your Soul with the beauty of the Arts, Music, Poetry and Theatre. Enjoy the pleasures of life and let your deepest feelings flow. This day marks the beginning of the third Lunar Cycle. This moon is sometimes referred to as the Storm Moon, “the storm Moon views the world through a shifting sea of clouds, parting to reveal a world ready to burst into bloom. From everywhere comes the music of running water as snowmelt and rainfall gather themselves into rivers to seek their mother, the sea. This is a world in motion; everything is changing, but even as the peace of winter is destroyed, the new song of spring is growing in the air. “ -Z. Budapest from Grandmother Moon: Lunar Magic in our Lives.

   February 24th through March 10th is the Tibetan Buddhist New Year and the time of the Great Prayer Festival. This is the time to deeply honor the Buddha, his teachings of peace, serenity, mindfullness, unattachment to the material world, compassion for all sentient beings and acceptance of all that IS. Today, remember to honor your own Buddha nature. February 24th through March 25th is Dhu al-Hijjah, the Muslim month of pilgrimage to honor the One Universal Deity at the Old Arabic shrine to God/Goddess Allah-Allat, at the Ka'bah Stone in Mecca.

   February 28th is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent lasting through April 7th. It is a Christian time of purification, prayer, peace-making, forgiveness, fasting, and self-reflection in preparation for the resurrection. The resurrection is actually a proufound symbolic of Re-Birth, the re-birth of Spirit in our lives. It is also a time to help those in need.

   March 1st- 31st is Gender-Equality Monthand a time to respect and honor both Male and Female in ourselves and in our world. It is a time to reflect deeply on the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Divine as they manifest as God and Goddess. Meditate on these areas and on the union of them within your own Self. See what you can contribute to the healing of the split between the masculine and feminine in your life and in the world.

   March 3rd is Mindfulness Day in Zen Buddhism. This particular Zen Mindfulness day is a time be mindful that you are connected to every sentient being in this Universe, that we are all One.

   March 5th to March 9th is the Hindu Festival Holi, in celebration of the courting of God Shiva and Goddess Parvati when Kama, the God of Love and Rati, the Goddess of Passion step in to assist the romantic couple. This is a time to honor and celebrate this sacred union and the energies of Love and Passion in your life.

   The evening of March 8th -10th is the Old Egyptian festival honoring Isis, Goddess of healing, Lady of the Moon, Ruler of the Sea and is celebrated through the launching of a boat of offerings.

   On March 9th at 10:23AM (MST) is the Leaf/Seedling Full Moon in Virgo at 19 plus degrees. Take the time to focus on healing, compassion and service in your life. Celebrate the healing aspect of the Earth. With the Sun in Pisces opposite Moon in Virgo you might want to focus your energies on issues around service and deepening your compassion for the suffering in our world. It is a good time to reflect on your role, your calling in the world. Where do you feel moved to serve? Virgo is an earth sign and a sign of healing. You may be particularly sensitive to your own health and healing concerns or may be drawn to learning about a new aspect of healing. This is a good time to invoke the compassion of your inner healer to help you heal inner and outer wounds.

   March 9th - March 17th is the Navajo Sing, a festival to prepare and bless the fields for planting. The Navajo people believe that the Goddess Estanathlehi/Changing Woman with Her powers to create and change.

   In Ancient Egypt March 13th was The Festival of Jubilation, a celebration of the birth of Ihy, son of Hathor and Horus. The name Ihy means “jubilation”. Ihy had a love of pleasure, music, dance and celebration, much like his mother Hathor, Goddess of Pleasure.

   March 17th is St. Patrick's Day, an Old European Festival honoring the Greening of Mother Earth and the Green Man. The Green Man is the masculine, raw, instinctual and creative energy of nature. He is the Divine impulse of creation, the primal chaos from which life takes form. He is not controlable by mankind. Take the time to celebrate the greening of our earth and the little buds just barely peeking their way out. Feel the power of the creative force coursing through your veins, ready to burst forth into new life.

   March 19 - March 24th is the Lesser Panathenaea, the Old Greek festival honoring of the Goddess Athena, Minerva in Roman Myth, as a Source of Artistic Inspiration. This festival is celebrated with art faires and competitions in art, poetry, mucic, dance and sports. Take the time to nurture your creativity, follow your creative inspirations and channel these energies into form.

   March 20th at 6:31AM (MST) the Sun moves into Aires at the Vernal Equinox, marking the beginning of Spring. At this time there are festivals world-wide honoring the Birth and Re-Birth of the Earth. From March 20-21st is the Festival of First Creation, a time celebrating the fertilization of the cosmic egg from which All was born. In the Old Greek tradition it marks the time when the Goddess Eurynome (as a Dove) laid the Cosmic Egg and God Ophion (as Serpent) broke it open. In the Old Egyptian tradition it is the time when the Goddess Ament-Amen (as Goose and Gander) laid and fertilized the Cosmic Egg from which all else was born. In the Aztec tradition it is the time when the God/Goddess Teteoinan/Teteoitah created all existence and all Deities. These same days were the Old Sumerian and Canannite-Hebrew festivals celebrating the return of Dumuzi from the underworld, and his reunion with Innana. It is also the Old Anglo-Teutonic festival of the Goddess Eostre/Ostara again honoring birth and re-birth from nature. She is a Maiden Goddess of the Spring. In the Taoist tradition March 21st is the festival honoring the Shen Deities of the East, Spring and Water. It represents the unity, and coming together of Yin (female) and Yang (masculine) energies and is a time to pray for new growth that comes from the union of these two energies.

   Spring Equinox is a time of balance, when the days and nights are of equal length. Persephone has returned from the underworld, the birds are churping and the first buds appear all around. It is a time of the bursting forth of new life, of creative and child-like energy. At time of birth and creation. Before the Equinox it is helpful to do a cleansing and purification, of your home, your body, your psyche, your life to be fully clean and fresh as a baby just being born, a plant just sprouting, a Maiden emerging in her youth and innocence. You may want to fast, do sweat lodge or other purification ceremonies, and pray for the new growth you want in your life, the growth of ideas, creative visions and dreams. It is a time for the planting of seeds, on all levels of your life. So enjoy the burst of creative and child-like energies. Play, follow your instinctive urges and allow the fires of your creative spirit to burn. En-Joy!!!!! . . . .

Initiation and Rebirth
by Deborah Knighton Tallarico

The time has arrived, the New Millennium and New Century are upon us as we enter the Winter time of year. This time of incubation, hibernation and initiation are a necessary preparation for the Re-Birth of Spring, this year being especially poignant. The meaning of the Winter Solstice is particularly symbolic of the "season" we are beginning collectively as we enter a period of initiation, in the womb of the Earth Mother, from the depths of the underworld, the "old reality" and "old forms" are dying and going through a process of transformation to clear the way for the Re-Birth of a New World and Aquarian Age on our planet. The Re-Birth of Wisdom and Higher Universal Laws, the Divine Masculine, through the womb of the Great Mother, the Divine Feminine is a very important initiation we are on the brink of as a Humanity. According to the Hopi prophecies and the Mayan Calendar, the earth and Her people are in a very important period of Cleansing, the ending of the fourth world of reality, awaiting the Birth of the Fifth World in around 2012. We ARE in the midst of a powerful Rite of Passage here on Earth. What change is upon us?? What's in store?? We sit in wonder!! Happy to be alive during these transformative times!! Awaiting!! Listening to our own inner call, moving with the rhythms of the earth and our own hearts and souls!!!

   We can see in our world myths, those that profoundly speak to us and our times, the very archetypal themes we most need to learn from during this transitional period on Earth. In the ancient Sumerian myth of Innana, as I spoke about in the last issue, Innana chooses to descend to the underworld (in autumn) to visit her Dark sister Ereskigal. Innana is a Goddess (Divine) and the Queen of the Upper-World of consciousness. In the beginning of the myth she represents the un-initiated feminine, (in both men and women); the feminine that is tied to the ego-ideals of "patriarchal consciousness" including worldly accomplishments and success, heroic endeavors at the expense of the deep feminine instinct and the realms of dreams, feelings and soul. She represents the repressed feminine before being grounded in the depths of the Goddess. In order to make her descent to the underworld, she is required to pass through seven gates where she is to shed layers of her persona, false self-images and conscious ego-identifications with who she is, in the form of clothing, regalia and jewelry until she stands stark naked before her dark sister. She is then killed and left to rot where she experiences the death of her old self while facing her shadow (dark sister) side. As a human race, at this time in evolution we are right at this very juncture, in the underworld, just like Innana, needing to meet and face our shadow side, claim the dark feminine, shed old beliefs and ways of being that are detrimental to co-creating a loving and healthy planet. We stand at the gateway to a necessary Initiation, at the threshold of a Great Cleansing and Initiation period, one, the visionaries of many cultures have phophecised for hundreds and thousands of years. In order for us to be whole in the fullness of our human potential, in order for us to heal individually and collectively as a human race, in order for us to co-create a New World, just like Innana, we must ALL, together, take this journey. . . . . (click to continue--)

Relationship as a Spiritual Journey
by Deborah Knighton Tallarico

   There is no denying the reality that relationship is perhaps one of the most potent of life’s teachers. At its best, it brings us to the heights of love, passion, pleasure, union, ecstasy and joy; at its most challenging, to the depths of uncertainty, disappointment, loneliness and despair. Relationship most often brings us face to face with all of our deepest hopes, fears, wounds, childhood hurts, dreams and challenges. It is a powerful process which has the potential to help us become more whole as individuals, but the journey can often be challenging and full of soul trials and tribulations. Relationship is a purification by fire. The deeper the relationship, the more "issues" will be brought to the surface to be healed and transformed as "grist for the mill".

"The deeper our longing for love, the more light floods our being,
and the dark shadows of fear, doubt, pride, anger, jealousy, and greed emerge for their last stand."

--Barry and Joyce Vissell, The Shared Heart.

   If viewed from a spiritual perspective, relationship can be an incredible process of self-discovery, soul growth, deep inner healing and transformation, a path of initiation. When held in this light, it can be one of the most profound spiritual paths there is to walk upon.

" In former times, if people wanted to explore the deeper mysteries of life, they would often enter the seclusion of a monastery or hermitage. For many of us today, however, intimate relationships have become the new wilderness that brings us face to face with all our gods and demons."

--John Welwood, Journey of the Heart.

   Let us explore some of the important components of a spiritual relationship. First and foremost is each partner holding a spiritual perspective, and a spiritual vision for their union together. This can be quite challenging at times in the heat of a conflict; but like any spiritual practice it takes consciousness, compassion and effort to bring yourself back to the spiritual core of your relationship, just like you bring your wandering mind back during meditation. It is a spiritual practice in daily life, moment to moment. It is not a goal but a process.

   It is of course important to share a common vision for your relationship, to have a spiritual foundation and a base of understanding between you, and to see your relationship as a spiritual and sacred journey. You may want to ask yourselves, what is the Higher purpose (sacred intention) of your being together in this life? What are your Spiritual Ideals for our relationship? For our lives individually and together? What are we learning from each other? What are each of our strengths that we bring to the relationship? It is important to stay connected to these things when everyday life gets the best of you, and to remember to continually return to the Sacred Intention of your Union.

   Another aspect of holding a spiritual perspective, is to acknowledge the Universal Truth of: As Above, So Below....As Within, So Without. Your partner is your greatest mirror and your greatest teacher if you can allow him/her to be. This can be frightening at times, but holding this perspective can be incredibly transformative and enlightening, and can take away any blame you may have for each other. To withdraw projections and to be willing to honestly look at your Self, takes tremendous courage. To see how you create in your relationship the very dynamics you have within your own soul is profound. Whatever you deeply believe about life, your Self and relationship, whatever internal conflicts you have inside your deepest self, will eventually get played out between you and you partner.

   This is why relationship is a trial by fire....it is there to purify and transform the very depths of our souls....if we dare take the journey. This is why it is crucial to remain conscious or at least to hold this truth, and this is exactly why relationship is such a profound spiritual journey. To have to look at your deepest fears, hurts, vulnerabilities, expectations, beliefs and wounded places right in the face is Soulwork!!!

   In order to do this Soulwork....you must be willing to shed layers of your Ego and be ruthlessly honest with your Self. This requires tremendous humility and a willingness to live aligned with what you know deep down to be the Highest Truth, even in the presence of another. To admit your vulnerabilities and weaknesses, to own your own shortcomings in any given situation takes great courage. To open up and let your partner into your heart and soul in this way can be scary. To see how your partner is a mirror for YOU takes guts and a willingness to move beyond the walls, defenses and images of your Ego. This takes tremendous strength and willingness to be humble. Of course, first one must have a deep trust....and a feeling of safety with their partner. Since we are all so wounded in our hearts this is not always so easy to do.

"Your mind will naturally seek the easiest person to be with, one with whom it is easy and comfortable. But your heart, the voice of the soul, will seek the person who can best help you climb toward God. The mind seeks an easy relationship. The heart seeks a spiritual partner."

--Barry and Joyce Vissell, The Shared Heart.

   In a spiritual relationship it is also important to realize that your outer relationship with your partner is a mirror of the inner relationship you have with your Self, and it reflects the union or disharmony of your own masculine and feminine sides. Your partner is a reflection of your own inner sexual counterpart; in Jungian psychological terms, one’s anima or animus. Whatever we see in our partner...those aspects we are attracted to or repulsed by....are aspects of ourselves we perhaps do not yet realize, and through our partnership with our Beloved, we have the opportunity to open to these realms of our Self needing to be acknowledged. Perhaps it is some aspect of our shadow side or a glorious aspect of ourselves we do not yet know.

   This is why it is so important to be doing our own inner work and exploring the depths of our own soul, as well as our masculine and feminine sides while in relationship.To intimately know our own inner feminine or masculine, and to have them balanced and conscious can greatly help our relationships. One can only have a harmonious and loving "outer" relationship if the "inner" relationship is that first.

   We must not forget one of the most important spiritual qualities in a relationship.... one of the deepest things we all long for.....LOVE..... Being committed to making Love (and Truth) the foundation of your relationship is crucial. This means being committed to going back to the softness, tenderness and love within your own heart as often as you can with your partner.... learning to have a very real and profound compassion and understanding for your mate....and deeply respecting and honoring WHO they are even when they are human!!! It means learning to love all the imperfections, human frailties and vulnerabilities in your partner (and thus within yourself).

“For one human being to love another: that is perhaps the most difficult task of all..., the work for which all other work is but preparation.”

-- Rainer Maria Rilke

   Spiritual Relationship like any spiritual path requires us to shed layers of outmoded beliefs and ways of seeing life. It requires us to courageously open our hearts and our souls, to be willing to hold the Highest Good for our relationship and our partner, to see the Divine within them and to be devotional with our love as we would be to God/Goddess. Namaste’.... "I bow to the Divine within you", is an important saying to remember when in relationship.

   Ultimately, relationship is a journey into the unknown....and a sacred journey of the heart. It stretches us to the boundaries of our soul. It challenges us to ground, test and practice all of our spiritual ideals, beliefs and values.

   On Love,

".... when love beckons to you, follow him, though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you yield to him, Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you...And when he speaks to you believe in him, Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden. For even as love crowns you, so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth, so is he for your pruning. Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun, So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth........All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life’s heart. But if in your fear you would seek only love’s peace and love’s pleasure, Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love’s threshing-floor, Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laugher, and weep, but not all of your tears.”

--Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet.

(This article is the first in a series on Spiritual Relationship)

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The Spiritual Renaissance Center
418 Cerrillos Road #01FB
Santa Fe, New Mexico  87501
Phone: 505-820-7038
Email: soulus@aol.com or moonsoul9@aol.com