This section contains subjects from Alaska to Dolls. We are in the process of adding material in all categories. Please see Magazine Ads & Illustrations: E-H for items from Fashions to Hawaii.
The magazine name and date of publication comprise the item code at the beginning of each description. For example, GH-731-12 means Good Housekeeping, July 1931, item 12 in a group of ads or illustrations from that issue. Weekly magazines, such as Life and Saturday Evening Post, include the month, day and year of publication. For example, SEP-62725-19 means Saturday Evening Post, June 27, 1925, item 19.
Ads are designated full/half page color (FPC/HPC) or full/half page black and white (FPB/HPB). Some black and white ads have a single-color overlay. Most half-page ads are vertical; for smaller ads, exact image dimensions are provided.
To place an order: Please send a check or money order payable in U.S. Funds to My Glass Duchess or Cadia Los for the amount of your purchase, plus postage. Items are priced each, except when marked "both" or "all."
Shipping and handling: To U.S. addresses, please add $2.50 per order to help defray First Class Mail costs. For Priority Mail or international rates, please inquire.
Thanks and stay tuned for updates!
(NG)PAI-1917..........Paige ad, FPB..........$1.75
(NG)ST-1920s..........1920s Studebaker ad, FPB..........$1.75
(NG)WIL-1923..........Willys-Knight Coupe-Sedan ad, FPB..........$1.75
(NG)CH-1923..........Chevrolet ad, FPB..........$1.75
(NG)PA-1926..........Packard ad, FPB..........$1.75
(NG)WSC-1926..........Wills Sainte Claire ad, FPB..........$1.75
(NG)CHR-1926..........Chrysler ad, FPB.........$1.75
(NG)PA-1927..........Packard ad, FPB..........$1.75
(NG)CHR-1927..........Chrysler ad, FPB..........$1.75
(NG)PA-1928(?)..........Packard ad, FPB..........$1.75
(NG)WHI-1928..........Whippet Fours, Sixes ad, FPB..........$1.75
(NG)PA-1928..........Packard ad, FPB..........$1.75
SEP-62725-05..........Jordan Motor Car ad, FPB w/blue overlay, Walter Ohlson, illus., ..........$3.00 SOLD
SEP-62725-06..........Ford ad, Floyd Brink, illus., FPC..........$4.00
SEP-62725-17..........Packard Six ad, FPB..........$4.00 SOLD
SEP-62725-18..........Dodge Bros. ad, Wm. Meade Prince, illus., FPB..........$6.00
LB-110527-07..........Pontiac Six ad, FPB..........$3.00
LD-71329-01..........Packard ad, FPC..........$4.50
LD-71329-02..........Pontiac Big Six ad, FPC..........$4.50
LD-72029-01..........Nash "400" ad, FPB..........$3.00
LD-72029-04..........Ford Motor Co. ad, roadster and sedan, FPC..........$4.00
LD-72029-05..........Studebaker ad, President Eight Roadster, 2 pp, FPC(2)..........$5.00
LD-72029-06..........Chevrolet 6-cyl truck ad, 2 pp, FPB(2) w/red overlay..........$4.50
LD-72729-02..........Dodge Brothers Six ad, FPB..........$3.00
LD-72729-03..........Packard ad, FPC..........$4.50
LD-80329-01..........Hupmobile ad, FPC.......... SOLD
LD-80329-02..........Chevrolet Truck ad, 2 pp, FPB(2) w/red overlay..........$4.50
LD-81029-02..........Packard ad, FPC..........$4.50
LD-81729-01..........Ford Convertible ad, FPC..........$3.00
LD-81729-02..........Studebaker ad, Pebble Beach golf championship, FPC..........$4.50
LD-81729-03..........Oakland All-American Six ad, FPC..........$4.50
LD-82429-01..........Packard ad, FPC..........$4.50
LD-83129-01..........1930 6 cyl Chevrolet ad, 2 pp, FPC(2)..........$4.50
LD-90729-03..........Pontiac Big Six ad, FPC..........$4.50
LD-91429-01..........Pierce-Arrow ad, FPC..........$4.50
LD-91429-02..........Studebaker ad, President Straight-Eight Victoria,
LD-91429-03..........Ford Tudor Sedan ad, FPC..........$4.50
LD-91429-06..........Chevrolet Truck ad, 2 pp, FPB(2) w/red overlay..........$6.00
LD-92129-01..........Packard ad, 2 pp, FPC(2)..........$6.00 both
LD-92129-03..........Dodge Brothers Six ad, J. Francis Chase illus., 2 pp, FPB(2)..........$4.50
MC-531-14..........Ford ad, FPC; MC-531-15, National Biscuit Co. ad, reverse, FPC..........$8.00 both
MC-531-12..........Hudson & Essex ad, FPC; MC-531-13, Lux ad, reverse, FPC..........$8.00 both
MC-531-23..........Chevrolet ad, as found, FPB w/green overlay ..........$3.00
GH-731-12..........Hudson 8 ad (Bond Bread ad, reverse), FPC..........$5.00
GH-434-08..........1934 Ford V-8 ad, FPB..........$3.50
GH-434-09..........1934 Plymouth Six ad, FPB..........$3.00
CG-835-03..........1935 Dodge ad, FPB..........$3.50
CG-835-04..........1935 Chevrolet ad, FPB..........$3.50
CG-835-13..........Ford V-8 ad, State Fair theme, FPB..........$3.00
CO-122835-07..........International Trucks ad, FPC..........$6.00
L-72637-01..........Packard ad, FPC..........$6.00
L-72637-02..........DeSoto ad, FPC..........$5.00
L-72637-03..........International Trucks ad, cab-over-engine International, FPC.......... AUCTION (ILLUS)
L-72637-04..........Goodrich Silvertown Tires ad, logging trucks, FPB..........$5.00
L-72637-11..........Autocar Trucks ad, FPB..........$5.00
BHG-1138-11..........DeSoto (1939) ad w/radio show note, FPC..........$7.50
BHG-1138-14..........Plymouth (1939) ad w/prices, Major Bowes radio promo, FPB..........$4.50
BHG-339-06..........Chevrolet ad, FPB..........$3.00
BHG-339-05..........Plymouth ad, FPB..........$3.00
SEP-40139-03..........1939 Chrysler ad, FPC..........$6.00
SEP-40139-04..........1939 Chevrolet ad, FPC..........$4.50
SEP-40139-05..........1939 Plymouth ad, FPC..........$5.00
SEP40139-10..........1939 Buick ad, 2 pp, FPB(2)..........$5.00
SEP-40139-13..........1939 Oldsmobile ad, 2 pp, FPC(2); SEP-40139-14, Hotpoint appliances ad, reverse, FPB..........$10.00 both
BHG-539-02..........1939 Plymouth ad, FPB..........$3.00
BHG-539-03..........1939 Hudson ad, FPB..........$4.00
BHG-539-06..........1939 Chevrolet Coupe ad, FPB..........$3.00
SU-539-05 .......... Studebaker ad, Champion Club Sedan, FPB .......... $2.50
SU-539-06 .......... Ford V-8 ad, FPB .......... $2.50
L-112739-08..........'40 Chevrolet ad, FPB..........$3.00
AH-440-03..........Nash ad, FPC..........$6.00
AH-440-02..........Plymouth ad, FPB..........$5.00
L-80540-01 .......... Studebaker ad, workers Claude, Warren and Martin J. Senour; and Ben and Ewald Sorberg; Champion Club Sedan, FPC .......... $4.00
L-101440-08..........Chevrolet ad, FPB..........$3.00
L-101440-09..........Oldsmobile ad, 2 pp, FPC(2); L-101440-10, 1847 Rogers Bros. ad, "First Love" (Merle Oberon), reverse, FPC; L-101440-11, Eight O'Clock Coffee ad, reverse, FPC..........$10.00 all
L-101440-12..........Nash ad, as found, FPC..........$2.00
L-101440-13..........'41 Packard ad, interior, FPC..........$3.00
L-101440-14..........'41 Ford ad, FPC..........$4.00 SOLD
L-101440-15..........'41 Dodge ad, FPB..........$3.00
L-101440-16..........'41 Pontiac ad, 2 pp, FPC(2); L-101440-17, Calvert Whiskey ad, reverse, FPC..........$8.00 both
L-12041-02..........Oldsmobile ad, FPC..........$6.00
L-12041-06..........Chevrolet truck ad, FPB..........$6.50
L-12041-04..........Studebaker ad, FPB..........$3.50
L-21041-25..........Chevrolet ad, FPB...........$5.00
L-21041-26..........Plymouth ad, FPB..........$5.00
L-21041-20, 21, 22..........Pontiac ad, American Meat Institute ad w/ 2 pp Del Monte Pineapple ad, reverse, all FPC..........$10.00 all
L-21041-23..........DeSoto ad, FPC; L-21041-24, FTD Valentine's Day ad, reverse, FPC..........$8.00 both
CO-62841-01..........General Motors ad, children and pedal car, 2 pp, FPC(2)..........SOLD
CO-62841-06..........1941 Plymouth ad, FPB..........$3.00
CO-62841-08..........International Trucks ad, patriotic military theme, FPC..........$9.00
CO-62841-09..........Chevrolet Trucks ad, FPB w/yellow overlay..........$6.50 v
CO-62841-17..........1941 Pontiac ad, FPB..........$3.00
L-92241-15..........DeSoto ad, 2 pp, FPB(2)..........$6.00
L-92241-04..........Hudson (1942) ad, FPB..........$3.00
L-92241-22..........Nash ad, 2 pp, FPC(2); L-92241-23, RCA Victor ad, reverse, FPC; L-92241-24, article: "Television, Color & big Screen Images...," 2 pp, reverse, FPC, FPB..........$12.00 all
L-81742-11..........GMC trucks/coaches ad, FPB w/red overlay; L-81742-12, Schenley Whiskey ad, reverse, FPC.......... SOLD
BHG-944-08..........Chevrolet ad, FPB..........$5.00
BHG-1144-13..........Ford Motor Co. ad, illustration of Thomas A. Edison & Henry Ford meeting, 1896, FPC.......$4.00
BHG-945-XX .......... Nash ad .......... $7.00
BHG-945-05 ..........Body by Fisher (GM) ad, tanks & aircraft, FPC.......... $6.00
BHG-945-13..........Pontiac ad, hand, bow & arrow, FPB w/red overlay..........$4.00
BHG-945-12..........Chevrolet ad, FPB..........$5.00
BHG-746-17.........."We took to our wheels," illus. article, 3 pp, autos 1896-1946, FPB(3)..........$4.00
BHG-746-18..........Body by Fisher (GM) ad, FPC..........$2.50
BHG-1146-05..........Body by Fisher (GM) ad, FPC..........$2.00
GH-547-02..........Ford ad, FPC..........$2.00
L-22149-06..........Pontiac ad, 3 pp, FPC(3)..........$12.50
L-22149-16..........Frazer Manhattan ad, FPC..........$4.50
L-22849-06..........Studebaker ad, 2 pp, as found, FPC(2)..........$4.00
L-22849-03..........Oldsmobile "88" ad, FPC..........$4.00
L-22849-17..........Ford ad, FPC..........$5.00
L-22849-09.........."Jeepster" ad, FPC..........SOLD
L-22849-14..........Dodge ad, FPC..........$6.00
L-31449-18..........Packard ad, Melbourne Brindle, illus.,
FPC ..........$5.00
L-31449-11..........Chevrolet ad, 2 pp, FPC(2)..........$6.50
L-31449-14..........DeSoto ad, FPC..........$4.00
L-53049-05..........Plymouth ad, H. Miller, illus., FPC..........$4.00
L-53049-02..........Anglia/Ford ad, HPB..........$2.00
L-53049-04..........Packard ad, 2 pp, FPC(2)..........$10.00
GH-649-28..........Body by Fisher (GM) ad, FPC..........$4.00
GH-649-01..........Chevrolet ad, FPC..........2.00
GH-1249-15..........Dodge ad, FPC..........$price to folo
GH-1249-04..........Ford (1950) ad, FPC..........$2.50
GH-650-02..........Ford ad, FPC..........$2.50
GH-650-01..........Chevrolet ad, FPC..........$2.00
HB-253-04..........Chrysler Corp. ad, Plymouth, Dodge, DeSoto, Chrysler, 2 pp, FPC(2)..........$7.00
HB-253-03..........Packard "Caribbean" ad, FPC..........$3.00
vvvHB-253-01..........Plymouth ad, FPC..........$3.00
HB-353-02..........Packard "Clipper" ad, FPC..........$2.00
SU-554-02..........Ford ad, FPC..........$2.00
SU-174-03..........Datsun ad, FPC..........$3.00
SU-174-01..........Chevrolet Camaro ad, FPC..........$3.00
MC-531-08..........Old Dutch Cleanser ad, FPC; MC-531-07, Mazola/Linit ads, FPC, reverse..........$6.00 both
MC-531-04..........Colgate Toothpaste ad, FPB; MC-531-03, Premier Vacuum cleaner ad, FPB, reverse..........$3.00 both
GH-731-19..........Bon Ami ad w/art deco packaging, FPC; Rice Krispies ad, Marie Tonsey Fangel illus., FPC, reverse..........$6.50 both
L-72637-14..........Schick Injector Razor ad, FPB; L-72637-15, Wm. Jameson Irish-American Whiskey ad, Merritt Cutler illus., FPB, reverse ...........$4.00 both
BHG-239-12..........Lady Pepperell sheets ad, HPB w/orange overlay..........$1.50
BHG-438-44...........Bon Ami ad w/bride, FPC..........$3.00
vvL-21041-17..........Ipana Toothpaste ad, FPB..........$3.00
L-21041-04..........Ingram's shaving cream ad, 2-1/2x12-1/4" B ..........$1.00
L-92241-21..........Ipana Toothpaste ad, FPB..........$2.00
L-92241-25..........Georges Mills, NH quilt pageant, illus. article, 2 pp, FPC(2)..........$2.00
L-92241-26..........Schick shaver ad, FPB..........$2.00
LHJ-1241-38..........Cannon Towels ad, Christmas gift sets, FPC ..........$3.00
L-81742-02..........Cannon Towels ad, "A salute to the first home guard!," FPC..........$3.00
BHG-1144-14..........Swan Soap ad, "Find a first name for Mama Swan" contest, FPC..........$5.00
LHJ-1244-12..........Textron ad, "Orchids" shower curtain, Wilena illus., FPC..........$4.00
BHG-545-37..........Simmons Beautyrest ad, FPB..........$3.50
BHG-1146-13..........Chatham blankets ad w/baby, HPC..........$2.50
BHG-1146-06..........Simmons electric blanket ad, FPC..........$3.00
BHG-147-11..........Pepperell sheets ad, FPC..........$3.00
GH-547-17..........Textron ad, "Tiger Lily Shower," FPC..........$2.50
vvvHB-547-54..........Springmaid blankets ad, "Magnolia," FPC; HB-547-55, Textron bedspread ad, FPC, reverse...........$4.00 both
L-31449-24..........Bufferin ad, product intro., HPB..........$2.00
GH-649-38..........Firestone "Velon" shower curtain ad, FPC..........$2.50
L-53049-18..........Springmaid Fabrics ad, nurse w/elderly main in wheelchair, FPC..........$2.00
AH-651-14 .......... Kohler bath fixtures ad, blonde girl toweling off, FPC .......... $3.50
HB-951-19..........Cannon Towels ad, "Two of a Kind," King & Queen of Hearts, FPC..........$5.00
HB-951-39..........Callaway Towels ad, FPC..........$3.50
LYH-952-14..........Goodyear vinyl tile ad, FPC..........$3.00
LYH-1052-13..........Chatham "Purrey" blanket ad w/kitten, FPC..........$4.00
BHG-353-09 .......... Kohler bath fixtures ad, blond boy and brown-and-white dog, FPC .......... $5.00
HB-453-14..........Armstrong bathroom design ad, FPC..........$3.00
HB-453-19..........Chatham blankets ad w/birds, FPC..........$4.00
HB-953-35..........Formica ad, turquoise & red bathroom, FPC..........$2.50
HB-1053-75..........Cannon Towels ad, including "Suzette" poodles design, FPC..........$3.00
HB-1053-77..........National Steel Corp. ad, bath time w/child, mom & scotty dog, FPC..........$3.00
SU-554-03..........American-Standard bath ad, FPC..........$2.00
SU-554-08..........Scott Soft-Weve ad, FPC..........$2.00
SU-554-10..........Wamsutta Towels ad, FPC..........$2.00
SU-554-13..........Hermosa clay tile ad (Gladding McBean), pink bathroom, FPC..........$2.50
L-101440-04..........James E. Pepper bourbon whiskey ad, Norman Price illus. "Birth of Our Navy 1797," as found, FPC..........$2.00
L-12041-09..........Budweiser ad w/puppies, FPC; L-12041-10, Lucky Strike ad, FPC, reverse..........$7.00 both
L-21041-11..........Ballantine's Ale ad, FPC..........$4.00
L-21041-01..........Heublein's Club cocktails ad, HPB w/yellow overlay ..........$1.50
L-92241-05..........Schlitz beer ad, FPC..........$2.00
L-70642-11..........Calvert Whiskey ad, 2 pp, bears w/tall drinks, FPC(2); L-70642-12, Campbell's Soup ad, reverse, FPC; L-70642-13, Mobilgas/oil ad w/horse, reverse, FPC..........$14.00 all
L-70642-14..........Schlitz Beer ad, Frederic Mizen illus., FPC; L-70642-15, Goodyear ad, reverse, FPC..........$6.00 both
L-70642-18..........Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer ad, sailing cartoon, FPC ..........$6.50
L-70642-25..........Bacardi ad w/gaucho, HPB w/red overlay..........$2.50
L-81742-21..........Old Crow Whiskey ad, FPB w/brown overlay ..........$2.50
L-81742-17..........Mattingly & Moore Whiskey ad, FPB w/orange overlay..........$3.00
vvL-120742-06..........Calvert Whiskey ad, bears in sleigh, Christmas theme, FPC..........$4.00
BHG-1146-08..........Roma wines ad, FPC..........$3.00
HB-547-56..........Kentucky Tavern whiskey ad, horse racing theme, FPC..........$3.00
HB-547-57..........Lejon Brandy ad, Rackow illus., FPC..........$3.00
HB-547-63..........Ron Merito rum ad, HPB w/green overlay..........$2.50
HB-1047-03..........Kentucky Tavern whiskey ad, FPC..........$3.00
L-22149-14..........Schlitz Beer ad, FPC..........$3.00
L-22149-03..........Hunter Whiskey ad, horse jumping, FPC..........$3.00
L-22149-09..........Lord Calvert Whiskey ad, Charles Bennett, screenwriter, photo, FPC..........$2.50
L-22149-08..........Budweiser ad, apres ski theme, FPC..........$3.00
L-22849-15..........Carling's Red Cap Ale ad, FPC..........$3.00
L-22849-10..........Paul Jones Whiskey ad, FPC..........$2.00
L-22849-11..........Ballantine's Ale ad, FPC..........$3.00
L-22849-21..........Arrow Liquers ad, HPB w/red overlay..........$1.50
L-31449-03..........Blatz Beer ad, FPC..........$3.00
L-31449-23..........Three Feathers Whiskey ad, HPB..........$1.00
L-31449-06..........Hamm's Beer ad, photography theme, FPC..........$3.00
L-53049-14..........Hiram Walker Imperial Whiskey ad, FPC..........$3.00
L-53049-15..........Seagram's V.O. Canadian Whiskey ad, FPC..........$3.50
L-53049-16..........Schlitz Beer ad, FPC...........$3.00
L-53049-19..........Cream of Kentucky blended whiskey ad, Norman rockwell illus., HPB w/red overlay..........$6.50
HB-951-22..........Old Forester bourbon ad, FPC..........$3.00
HB-951-32..........Sir John Schenley whisky ad, HPB..........$2.50
Hb-653-26..........Miller Hi-Life beer ad, FPC..........$4.00
HB-753-38..........Cointreau cordials ad, HPB w/orange overlay ..........$2.50
HB-1153-90..........Cointreau cordials ad (same as HB-753-38), HPB w/orange overlay..........$2.50
HO-1154-26.........."Black & White" Scotch ad w/ scotty dogs, HPB ..........$3.00
MC-531-09..........Eagle Brand condensed milk ad, FPC; MC-531-10, Mulsified Cocoanut Oil shampoo ad, reverse, FPC..........$6.00 both
L-72637-05..........Hires RJ Root Beer ad, FPB..........$5.00
L-101440-06..........Chase & Sanborn Coffee ad, University of Kansas student pilots, FPB..........$3.00
L-12041-03..........Pan American Coffee Bureau ad, signed illus. "C" in a circle can someone ID?, postman & lady w/coffee pot, FPC..........$7.00
L-12041-07..........Campbell's tomato juice ad, FPC..........$3.00
L-12041-14..........Bosco ad, HPB..........$2.00
L-21041-02..........Tender Leaf Tea ad, HPB; L-21041-03, "Tea" ad, HPB..........$4.00 both
L-92241-07..........Dixie Cups ad, teenagers at soda fountain, HPB w/blue overlay..........$2.00
LHJ-1241-33..........Ovaltine ad, FPC..........$4.00
L-70642-16..........Carnation Milk ad, FPC..........$4.00
L-70642-26..........Borden's Milk ad w/Elsie the Cow, HPB..........$2.00
L-81742-07..........Borden's Evaporated Milk ad w/ Elsie, FPC..........$5.00
L-120742-11..........Dixie Cups ad, FPB..........$2.00
L-120742-27..........Libby's tomato juice ad, HPC; L-120742-28, Pillsburys ad, reverse, HPC..........$3.00 both
BHG-944-14..........Sunkist oranges ad, FPC..........$3.50
LHJ-1244-25..........Ovaltine ad, FPC..........$3.00
BHG-545-22..........Stokely's Finest tomato juice ad, HPC..........$2.00
BHG-1146-15..........Yuban Coffee ad, HPB..........$2.00
GH-547-10..........Carnation Milk ad w/baby, FPC..........$5.00
L-22149-02..........Maxwell Coffee ad, Stan Ekman illus., FPC..........$3.00
L-22149-15..........Borden's ad w/Elsie the Cow, FPC..........$4.00
L-31449-13..........Borden's ad w/Elsie the Cow, FPC..........$5.00
L-31449-16..........Monarch Coffee ad w/lion and rabbits, B. Palm illus., FPC..........$7.00
L-53049-08..........Borden's ad, 2 pp w/Elsie the Cow, FPC(2)..........$8.00
GH-649-16..........A&P iced tea ad, FPC..........$3.00
GH-1249-10..........Bird's Eye orange juice ad, FPC..........$3.00
GH-650-14..........Bird's Eye orange juice ad, FPC..........$2.50
GH-650-23..........Minute Maid orange juice ad, HPC..........$2.50
GH-650-22..........Hi-C Orangeade ad, HPB w/orange overlay..........$2.00
MC-157-05..........Pepsi-Cola ad, chess theme, FPC..........$3.00
SEP-62725-29..........Kodak 1A Pocket camera ad, FPB..........$2.00
GH-731-09..........Kodak Verichrome film ad, FPB..........$5.00
L-21041-05..........Bell & Howell movie cameras ad, HPB..........$2.00
L-22849-20..........Bell & Howell movie outfit ad, HPB..........$1.50
L-53049-21..........Kodak "Baby Brownie" camera ad, HPB w/yellow overlay ..........$2.00
L-53049-22..........Keystone 8 mm cameras ad, HPB..........$1.00
NC-1226-01..........Campbell's Soup ad, vegetables, FPC..........SOLD
MC-531-21..........Campbell's tomato soup ad, FPC; MC-531-22, Crisco ad, C. W. Davis illus., sailing theme, reverse, FPC..........$12.00
GH-731-13..........Campbell's vegetable soup ad, FPC; P&G Soap ad, baseball theme, FPC, reverse..........SOLD
GH-434-05..........Campbell's Soup ad, FPC..........$4.50
WHC-841-08..........Campbell's Soup ad, FPC; WHC-841-09, Camel Cigarettes ad, FPC, reverse..........$7.50 both
L-22149-12..........Campbell's chicken gumbo soup ad, FPC..........$3.00
MC-157-03..........Campbell's soups ad, FPC..........$2.00
LB-110527-13..........Lady Louis Mountbatten, Pond's ad, FPB ..........$3.00
PR-835-04..........Ginger Rogers, Max Factor cosmetics ad, HPB ..........$4.00
L-72637-20..........Charlie McCarthy, illus. article, 2 pp, FPB(2) ..........$4.00
L-91238-06.........."Life Goes to a Party," North Conway, NH, 4 pp, Harvey Dow Gibson, bank president, FPB(4)..........$3.50
L-12041-15..........F. D. Roosevelt article, by Geoffrey Hellman, illus. w/sketches, photos, 8 pp, FPB(8)..........$6.00
L-12041-19.........."Jane Russell...Is 1941's Best New Star Prospect," illus. article, 2 pp, FPB(2)..........$3.00
L-21041-28..........Lana Turner, Deanna Durbin at FDR's birthday ball, 2 pp, FPB(2)..........$4.00
L-92241-01..........Eros Volusia, Brazilian dancer, cover, 3 pp illus. article, FPB(4)..........$5.00 SOLD
L-92241-16.........."American Harvest, Iowa's Poet on Iowa's Barns," by Paul Engle, 5 pp illus. article, FPB(5)..........$6.00
LHJ-1241-27..........Billie Burke, Canada Dry gingerale ad, HPC..........$2.00
LHJ-1241-28..........Billie Burke, Wesson Oil ad, HPB w/green overlay..........$2.00
L-81742-22..........Lauritz Melchior, Columbia Records ad, FPC.........$5.00
LHJ-1244-14..........Veronica Lake, Woodbury Powder ad, FPC..........$5.00
BHG-545-29........Sonja Henie, Lipton Tea ad, HPC ..........$4.00
GH-547-12..........Rita Hayworth ("Down to Earth"), Max Factor lipsticks ad, FPC..........$5.00
L-22149-24........Elizabeth Taylor, portrait at age 17 plus 2 pp illus. article, FPC, FPB(2)..........$15.00
L-22849-01..........Robert Cummings, Chesterfield cigarettes ad, FPC..........$4.00
L-31449-01..........FDR portrait by Douglas Chandor, FPC..........$3.50
L-31449-05..........Linda Darnell, Chesterfield cigarettes ad, FPC.......... SOLD
L-31449-10.........Rhonda Fleming - A Los Angeles Redhead at King Arthur's Court," portrait, FPC..........$4.00
L-53049-20..........Basil Rathbone, Fatima Turkish Cigarettes ad, HPB w/blue overlay..........$2.00
L-53049-24.........."Early Life of FDR." cover, 10 pp illus. article, FPB(11)..........$6.50
SU-174-04..........Robert Wagner & Natalie Wood, Gaffers & Satler Kitchens ad, FPC..........$2.00
LHJ-674-01..........Priscilla Presley (& Lisa), cover, 2 pp illus. article, FPC(3)..........$4.00
NG-ED-1917..........Egyptian Deities cigarettes ad, FPB..........$2.00
SEP-62725-31..........White Owl Cigars ad, FPB..........SOLD
L-91238-03..........Camel cigarettes ad, "Thrills from the Circus" cartoon, FPC..........$7.00
BHG-1138-16..........Chesterfield cigarettes ad, FPB w/blue overlay ..........$4.00
BHG-339-01..........Chesterfield cigarettes ad, FPC..........$3.00
BHG-1039-07..........Chesterfield cigarettes ad, as found, FPC ..........$3.00
BHG-140-02..........Chesterfield cigarettes ad, Donna Dae, January Girl, FPC..........$3.50
HG-640-07..........Lucky Strike cigarettes ad, FPC..........$4.00
L-21041-10..........Chesterfield cigarettes ad, FPC..........$6.00
L-92241-08..........Camel cigarettes ad w/servicemen, FPC; Canadian Club ad, FPC, reverse..........$6.00 both
LHJ-1241-30..........Camel cigarettes ad, Leslie Morris, Bergdorf Goodman designer, FPC..........$3.00
L-70642-17..........Lucky Strike cigarettes ad, Robert Phillip illus., FPC..........$4.00
L-70642-20..........Philip Morris cigarettes ad, HPB w/red overlay..........$2.50
L-120742-18..........Model tobacco ad, Georgia Carroll & other models, FPC..........$5.00
L-120742-25..........Philip Morris cigarettes ad, HPB w/red overlay ..........$2.00
BHG-343-06..........Chesterfield cigarettes ad, "Women at Work," FPC..........$4.00
LHJ-1244-09..........Chesterfield cigarettes ad, Santa Claus, FPC..........$5.00
GH-547-04..........Chesterfield cigarettes ad, FPC..........$3.00
L-22849-08..........Old Gold cigarettes ad, FPC..........$3.00
L-31449-08..........Chesterfield cigarettes ad w/sopranos Gladys Swarthout & Virginia MacWatters, FPC..........$3.00
GH-649-29..........Lucky Strike cigarettes ad w/bride, FPC..........$5.00
GH-1249-05..........Lucky Strike cigarettes ad, FPC..........$3.50
GH-1249-06..........Ronson table lighters ad, FPC..........$3.50
RB-1274-05..........Doral cigarettes ad w/see-through telephone, FPC..........$2.00
L-21041-09..........Elgin watches ad w/Washington & Lincoln, FPC ..........$8.00
L-120742-13..........Elgin watches ad, USMC Christmas gift from folks, FPC; L-120742-14, Cannon Towels ad w/servicemen, FPC, reverse ..........$6.00 both
AH-1048-13..........Seth Thomas clocks ad, HPB..........$3.00
L-22149-19..........Telechron electric alarm clocks ad, HPB..........$1.00
LYH-1052-14..........Seth Thomas "Glance" clocks ad, HPC..........$3.00
LD-81029-01..........Coca-Cola ad, FPC..........$4.00
LD-91429-05..........Coca-Cola ad, FPC..........$5.00
GH-434-06..........Coca-Cola ad w/nurse, FPC..........$5.00
BHG-1040-01..........Coca-Cola ad, children's pirate party table, FPC..........$5.00
L-12041-05..........Coca-Cola ad, as found, woman pilot, "Your thirst takes wings," FPC..........$8.50
L-92241-13..........Coca-Cola ad, "Work refreshed," FPC; L-92241-14, Paul Jones Whiskey ad w/cartoon motorcycle cop pulling over camel, FPB w/orange/brown overlay, reverse..........$8.00 both
LHJ-1241-21..........Coca-Cola ad, offers "Flower Arranging" book by Laura Lee Burroughs, FPC..........$6.00
L-81742-03..........Coca-Cola ad, "Howdy, friend," hitchhiking soldier, FPC; L-81742-04, Campbell's vegetable soup ad w/Campbell's Kids, FPC, reverse..........$10.00 both
LHJ-1244-10..........Coca-Cola ad, "Have a 'Coke' = Merry Christmas," serviceman home w/family, FPC..........$6.00
L-53049-07..........Coca-Cola ad, "Shop refreshed...have a Coke," bride modeling wedding gown, FPC..........$5.00
GH-649-15..........Coca-Cola ad, back cover, "With hospitality in mind," elderly lady selling roses at flower stand, as found, FPC..........$3.50
GH-731-02..........Princess Pat cosmetics ad, HPB..........$2.50
GH-731-03..........Mennen Talcum Powder ad w/baby, HPB..........$2.50
L-21041-06..........Hinds Hand Cream ad, cartoon, HPB..........$2.00
LHJ-1241-06..........Pond's Dreamflower powder ad, HPC..........$2.00
L-120742-10..........Old South Toiletries ad, FPC..........$3.00
L-120742-15..........Max Factor ad, Christmas gift sets, FPC; L-120742-16, Prince & Princess Gardiner billfolds ad, reverse, FPV..........$6.00 both
L-120742-19..........Coty fragrances ad, FPC; L-120742-20, Paul Jones whiskey ad, cartoon, camel w/gifts, FPC..........$6.00 both
L-70642-06..........Coty ad, "His duty to serve, hers to inspire," FPB w/red & blue overlay..........$3.00
LHJ-1244-35..........Lucien Lelong ad, "Siroco" perfume, HPB..........$1.50
LHJ-1244-36..........Old South Toiletries ad, FPC..........$3.50
LHJ-1244-05.........."Dress Parade" perfume ad, Solon Palmer, "The Perfume of Victory," HPB..........$3.50
GH-547-20..........Dorothy Gray face powder ad, HPB w/pink overlay..........$1.50
GH-547-11..........Avon ad, cleansing creams, HPC..........$3.00
GH-649-25..........Coty lipstick ad, FPC..........$3.50
GH-649-36..........Lustre-Creme shampoo ad, FPC..........$2.50
GH-649-39..........Eversharp Schick Fashion Razor ad, FPC..........$3.50
GH-1249-11..........Yardley "Lotus" perfume ad, FPC..........$4.00
HB-1153-89..........Michel Pasquier "Tobruk" perfume ad, 2x11-1/4"B..........$2.00
RB-775-03..........Maybelline ad, Blooming Colors Eyecrayons, FPC..........$2.00
BHG-239-14..........Oxydol ad, jingle contest, FPC..........$4.00
LHJ-1244-26..........Duz ad, washday, FPC..........$4.00
BHG-147-20..........Oxydol ad, cartoon, HPC..........$3.00
GH-547-18..........Duz ad, testimonial, FPC...........$3.00
GH-649-22..........Ivory Snow ad, FPC; Camay Soap ad w/bride, FPC, reverse..........$5.00 both
GH-1249-17..........Duz ad, new formula, FPC..........$2.00
BHG-944-07..........Arvin dinette sets ad, "When Sergeant Joe is just plain 'Pop'," FPB..........$5.00
GH-547-24..........Daystrom ad, chrome kitchen sets, W. Seidel illus., HPC..........$2.00
HB-547-59..........Wilson-Jump furniture ad, HPB..........$2.00
AH-1048-10..........Arvin dinette sets ad, HPB..........$1.50
LYH-1052-12..........Molla wrought iron furniture ad, FPB..........$3.50
HB-253-21..........Troy furniture ad, HPB..........$2.50
HB-453-23..........Woodard "Orleans" furniture ad, FPC..........$3.00
HB-653-52..........Masland Duraleather Co. furniture ad, FPC..........$3.00
HB-953-32..........Daystrom dinette furniture ad, FPC..........$4.00
HB-1053-24..........Kuehne dinette furniture ad, FPC..........$3.00
HB-1053-39..........Daystrom dinette furniture ad, FPC.......... SOLD
PR-835-01..........Lysol ad, quints, hospital, birthplace, FPB ..........$10.00
BHG-239-06..........Karo syrup ad, quints on tricycles, HPB w/blue overlay ..........$7.50
BHG-340-05..........Karo syrup ad, pitcher offer, HPB w/blue overlay ..........$5.00
L-21041-07..........Kre-Mel Dessert ad, Emilie Dionne portrait, FPC ..........$10.00
MC-157-06.........."Betsy McCall makes her own puppets," illus. article, FPC..........$3.00
LHJ-674-05..........Fisher-price dolls ad, 2 pp, FPC(2)..........$3.00
To place an order: Please specify the item code and description. Send a check or money order payable in U.S. funds to My Glass Duchess or Cadia Los for the amount of your purchase, plus postage. Items are priced each, except when marked "both" or "all."
Shipping and handling: To U.S. addresses, please add $2.50 per order to help defray First Class Mail costs. For Priority Mail or international rates, please inquire.
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